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Everything posted by Lolicon

  1. Finally saw it. Great movie. Loved all the fighter scenes, especially the last dogfight because it featured my favorite real world fighter. Is it strange I was also admiring all those beautiful white landing gears? 🤩
  2. Okay that's the funniest thing I've read here in a long time.
  3. Yeah they never came with instructions for sticker/decal placement. I just used the PF edition for decal placement.
  4. The XL Enterprise-B, Reliant, Enterprise-E, and SNW Enterprise were all pretty good. I was hoping they'd release a true SNW Enterprise with the modifications they made for that show, but guess that's never going to happen now.
  5. Mine's still in its bubble wrap. I chose to install new blinds on my windows over opening and playing with this valk.
  6. Maybe some Simpsons fans working for Bandai.
  7. EMS shipping was just over 7000 for the gunpod. All told I ended up paying $29 for the gunpod and shipping.
  8. LOL that's the kind of nitpicking I expect from us nerds. Not that I'm objecting to such nitpicking, mind you.
  9. Love the CG texturing work!
  10. Lolicon

    Macross spy valks

    Yes she's a lovely bird! They pop up on Mandarake from time to time for around 18000-20000 yen. The price has been at that level for years.
  11. Lolicon

    Arcadia VF-5000G

    M7 valks aren't my favorite liveries but I'm super excited about getting a valk that hasn't been done before, aside from some garage kits.
  12. Gonna need to install a strap on it to keep it from getting stolen
  13. Everything Everywhere All at Once is the real multiverse of madness movie to see.
  14. Unfortunately, it's "real Trek" and canon, whether you and I like it or not.
  15. Unless season 3 is amazing (doubtful) Picard will dethrone Voyager as the worst Trek series ever.
  16. Yeah. Someone will need to make a DX adapter if you want to use Bandai valks on the Arcadia stand... or just use the included stand. The Bandai DX stands are not that great but they're functional and... there.
  17. Yeah mine arrived late yesterday (almost 7pm!). AE never sent any kind of shipping notice so I just figured they were still processing. Apparently I had an SHF Iron Patriot figure that's been sitting in storage for years that I had forgotten about that I threw into the shipment too.
  18. Anime Export taking their sweet time shipping out.
  19. The second part of Trek cliffhangers are always weaker because the writers only wrote part 2 after their summer break, instead of planning the entire two parter out.
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