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Everything posted by Lolicon

  1. Hey, it's not my fault that these toys are so poorly built that they fall apart just because all the screws were removed.
  2. I always found getting the arms and shoulder pauldrons all tucked away into fighter without scratching anyway to be the annoying part of the YF-29 transformation. Overall, I find the VF-25 to be a step forward from the YF-29 (which came first).
  3. Buy a 200 yen Gundam marker as your second item so you can get the 10% coupon.
  4. Ship 1 item, get a 5% discount coupon. 10% coupon if you ship 2 or more items. Coupon food for anything, even preorders. It was in my email. Promotion good until midnight Japan time.... so a little over an hour from now.
  5. Bought and shipped just in time to get the HLJ promotion. $161 at the current exchange rate.
  6. I can't remember, but does p-bandai USA require paymont upfront? Had some surprise medical bills this month so I can't go too nuts on spending for a few weeks at least.
  7. With the current weak yen, you'll be better off picking it up at a slight markup from Mandarake than buying from Amazon and having to wait until February.
  8. Nope, no extras in the box. Just the gunpod and whatever tags were attached. Mine's already taken a little "battle damage" thanks to my youngest cat, so now it's sitting on the highest shelf in my closet.
  9. Nice. I've wanted that MC Zero but not enough to pay the stupid secondary market prices for it. Glad Bandai is doing a reissue of this rather than another damn Exia.
  10. Available from HLJ. https://www.hlj.com/1-60-scale-kanzen-henkei-vf-4a-lightning-iii-hikaru-ichijyo-use-premium-finish-aca82155
  11. Maverick's skills are god-like to be able to take these guys on in an F-14.
  12. Yes, I used some ill-gotten store credit for my gunpod. The proxy I used couldn't get ahold of the VF-1D last year and jerked me around about it, so I got my money back via CC dispute. They must not have noticed, because they later issued me a store credit for the cost of the 1D, which I used for the gunpod. In total I paid $29 for shipping on the gunpod. It's a nice, soft velvety material. I'm keeping mine in its plastic bag for the time being, as I'm not sure if either of my cats will attempt to destroy it.
  13. 1/60 VF-1A and 1/1 Siamese cat hairs for comparison.
  14. Looks pretty cool with the super parts!
  15. Grats on the score! 30th anniversary too~
  16. It's here!
  17. Yeah that's why I slept through this last PO madness. Getting tired of this sh** from Bandai. Between PO madness, lackluster quality, and yawn-inducing recolors, I've lost a lot of enthusiasm for valk collecting over the past year or so. The most exciting thing on the horizon is the VF-5000 from Arcadia. Be nice if Bandai gave us that DX YF-21 instead of yet another HMR VF-1.
  18. Mine says out for delivery today, but given my mail carrier's penchant for not actually delivering anything, I expect to be picking it up from the post office on Monday.
  19. And immediately after you buy those extra sets, Bandai will announce a revised M&M set with correct colors, arm packs, and baby pod accessory. Because infants are known for their ability to withstand high Gs.
  20. For a lesser item like HMR I'd be willing to roll the dice with LP. What I will absolutely not do is pay their ridiculous markup.
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