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Everything posted by Lolicon

  1. Into the last stages now. Finished off the gunpod finally and corrected the joint piece on the chest flap. Had it red originally, but it's more of a purplish color in the anime. So close, yet so far...
  2. Dude, Force of Arms totally rocked! I loved it when the SDF-1 blew up Dolza's fortress with their Reflex missiles! Sadly, the Variations coffee shop didn't make it.
  3. Short update as I haven't had much chance to sit down and work on the model. Finally got around to painting the gunpod and parts of the wing boosters. Turned out more purple than I would've liked, but overall I'm fine with the anime candy color. For sensors, silver + clear red looks good, but silver + clear green looks terrible, at least when I tried it. It doesn't help that Tamiya acrylic silver has tons of flakes in it. I ended up stripping it and just painting the sensor bright green. Wing boosters are nearly done. Just need to wash and panel line them and they'll be good to go. Nothing special was done for them. The nozzles on the top were painted red because the kit comes with a sticker but no decal for that section. Why does Bandai only provide stickers for some parts?? Both gunpod and boosters are on hold so I can try that new Promodeller wash I ordered. Guess I can finish the reaction missiles while I wait...
  4. Will you be offering the decals separately at some point?
  5. Stuff in my display cases atm (exludes the myriad of things outside and in storage).
  6. The modded EB Saber is probably the best regular armor Saber around, if you're willing to do the mod and sacrifice another figure. Saber figures that actually look like Saber that I've picked up over the years: GSC's Saber Lily figma Saber Alter's Type Moon Saber gashapon (surprising) Kotobukiya's Saber I also have the big Clayz 1/6 Saber and GSC's first Saber... it's more accurate to say they're Saber cosplayers. And for some reason I have the GSC Maid Saber.
  7. With Saber Lily you have to use brute force to get Excalibur into her hand. I hate having to do that, and I was afraid the paint would get scraped off, but everything held together and no PVC was harmed. I have the EB Saber as well, and the armor looks pretty, but the poseability is limited, and the joints get loose real quick as they're not really designed to handle the weight of solid PVC very well. Oh and both heads are fugly. I thought about doing the head mod using the head off Kotobukiya's Saber, but really, if a PVC figure requires that kind of mod, it's anything but the "best." Oh, the Gift Saber also rocks, except for the face too... for some reason, Saber's face is screwed up looking in most of her PVC incarnations. Is it really that hard to sculpt her face properly? http://www.hlj.com/product/GIF82004
  8. I don't really like the design so far, but maybe I'll change my mind once I see it in sweet CG action.
  9. I find it amusing when people say they hated Macross Frontier for being "juvenile" and then say they loved the original SDFM/DYRL, like they were the equal of Citizen Kane or something. Perhaps they're not on exactly the same level maturity level, but we're talking about transforming jets, giant aliens, anthropomorphic starships, and lots of singing. For the record, I love both series. Heck, my handle was taken from the three Zentradi spies.
  10. What are you talking about? HG's given us such awesome shows like Robotech Plus, Robotech Zero, Robotech Frontier, and the totally awesome but non-canon Robotech II. I lol'd IRL when I typed that last part.
  11. Hey Roy's Blues, where did you get the Rei and Asuka motorcycle figures from? Those totally rock. That's probably the best Asuka figure I've ever seen.
  12. Robotech is an awesome American show, not that Japanime crap!
  13. The same way people are sure that Amelia Earhart was abducted by aliens. Or the famous Bigfoot footage is real (despite the person who filmed the footage recanting on his deathbed and admitting it was a hoax).
  14. Lolicon

    My VF-0S

    Your model looks so awesome I went and ordered some of that wash myself. What can go wrong?
  15. That's from the ending to Gunbuster, one of the few shows I've seen that actually deals with time dilation while traveling at light speed.
  16. I started picking up PVC anime figures on a lark after starting to collect Yamatos and now they far outnumber them. I'm probably going to stop very soon due to lack of space, cutting into my Valkyrie funds, and worst of all the huge price increases. My first figure ever was Alter's 1/8 KOS-MOS which was only 3900 yen and is still one of the best figures I've ever bought several years later in terms of sculpt and painting. Now I see PVC figures retailing for over 12000 yen?? The upcoming Ranka is nearly 7000 yen??? WTH... My latest purchases: GSC's Saber Lily, probably the best Saber figure ever, for you Fate fans. And Allean from Queen's Blade, because I dig elf chicks.
  17. I nearly shed a tear at the end of the original Robocop. "Nice shootin' son. What's your name?" "Murphy." *smiles and walks off*
  18. HLJ is super slow. Even for in-stock items I've waited as long as two weeks between the time I put in an order to the item actually shipping out. I really only use HLJ as a last resort when I can't find something elsewhere. Apaprently HLJ is so slow they can even retroactively cancel shipped orders. The week before I ordered a bunch of clearcoat aerosols from them to take advantage of their free shipping offer. I received a shipping confirmation with an EMS tracking number letting me know my stuff was on the way. Five days later I received an email stating they could no longer ship such materials and then canceled my order. WTF?
  19. It's always about selling more merchandise. There are a trillion different Gundams for a reason. My favorite is the Chipotle Gundam. It's a delicious design with a kick!
  20. Why would Kawamori copy a design from a bastard series made without his input and/or blessing? And being insulted that Macross Frontier is "stealing" the Macross II designs is hilarious, seeing as the Macross II designs are just poor ripoffs of the original SDF Macross designs.
  21. Looks like something from the upcoming spinoff series "Mobile Suit Messiah."
  22. DOH! So for some reason I decided to push my luck with the GSI clearcoat tonight and instead of my usual super thin coats, I applied a thicker coat on the hands... the result was a slight melting of the acrylic paint underneath. I pick very poor times for experimenting... Luckily it only affected the paint slightly (much less than I would've expected for lacquer on acrylic) and after doing a wash, it just ended up making the hands look worn out, which actually works for me, so I won't have to repaint... not that I wanted to paint the fingers again! The first pic shows (pretty closely) how the grey appears in person, rather than the duck egg blue color it looks like in the other lighted pics.
  23. You know, I have no idea what Mr Retarder was designed for. I use it in Tamiya acrylic and it works fine. I assumed it was for use with Mr Color paints, but I didn't know those were lacquer! (I have no means of obtaining Mr Color atm.)
  24. The Doctor was the only good character on Voyager.
  25. Nothing special on the hands. Gloss coated the hands first so I'd have a smooth surface to work on (I don't think it really mattered though). Then I just used a Tamiya acrylic mix with a little bit of Mr Retarder Mild added to slow the drying process. I read that the recommended amount is about 10% of the mix, but don't quote me on that. Anyway, that stuff is great. It slows the drying process and causes brush strokes to vanish completely, so it was easy to take my time with a fine brush and just carefully paint away.
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