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Everything posted by Lolicon

  1. The days of Macekreing anime ended in the 80s since fans usually hate it and it costs a lot more than just a straight translation. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Macekre
  2. I think your build is looking good, despite any problems you've had with the decals. I'm sure once the whole thing's been assembled, you won't even notice the little slipups. Besides the SMS007 snafu. I hear ya on the problematic decals. Since there's still a few weeks before the VF-27 comes out, I decided to finish sticking together my VF-25F battroid which I started nearly a year ago. This was when I wasn't really doing a whole lot of finishing work and had intended to only hastily assemble it as a proxy for the mordbidly obese DX, so it was already partially assembled; it'd look really jarring if I started painting the rest of it. Anyway, the decals for the Armored were a breeze. There are almost no areas where you have to force a decal to sit in a groove or other awkward shape and the few that did involve irregular areas were fairly mild. The only exception were the chest covers; I ended up scraping most of the decals off and just painting that section. And now back to the plain VF-25F... and a lot more decal difficulties! Much of the difficulty comes from the fact that these decals just aren't properly sized/shaped. But for some reason some of these decals just didn't want to cooperate. Like the "arrows" that sit on the neckline... they simply did not want to be moved into position, no matter how much water or setter I used; I ended up tearing on of them and having to paint part of it back in. Or the black U-shaped decal in the very center of the chest? It's not even close to being the right size. You have to paint in the edges unless you want large, white edges. Heck I'll just attach some pics and let you play "spot the decal screwup." When you're dealing with a decal that has to be forced down into a pit or groove, it helps to trim off the excess film so there's less area for liquid to be trapped under and is more easily pushed out. It's very useful for small decals that fit entirely in a recess, like the circular "bolt" decals or the sensors on the sides of the cockpit.
  3. Though I never once criticized the placement of the DX VF-27's legs simply because it looks so much better than the craptastic VF-25, I couldn't quite put my finger on it till you brought this up. So I fired up a bunch of Frontier episodes to check it out, and you're right, the VF-27's legs do appear to connect higher up than the VF-25. The DX VF-27 actually looks fairly close to the anime and may be my first DX purchase! The DX VF-25s look like a bunch of morbidly obese old men with their pants pulled up to their armpits. The air intakes look kinda elongated on both the DX and the model. Maybe it's just the viewing angle or the way it was transformed? EDIT: I meant second DX purchase, after the Quarter.
  4. If by "fixed" he meant they were neutered, then yes, Macek was being 100% truthful.
  5. You know what else is "sturdy"? A brick. A brick is also more useful and better engineered, but I wouldn't pay $200 for one either. Then again, the DX looks exactly like the 1/72 model, so I don't know why anyone is complaining.
  6. I get dirty looks when I wear my "Focker Special" shirt.
  7. What's a "normal" Macross fan? Are they similar to "normal" Robotech fans? ...does he not know that Robotech is just hacked up "jap crap?"
  8. Nyan Nyan Ranka is out. Can't wait to get mine. http://www.foobarbaz.jp/figure/review2009/...ranka_nyannyan/
  9. We jumped ship and became Macross fans exclusively. Even rats know when to abandon a sinking ship.
  10. Nothing wrong with a singing loli with green hair. Penguin's is the first coherent and somewhat compelling reason I've ever read as to why people would even like Robotech. I too prefer story arcs that deal with the consequences of peoples' actions. Compare a fairly serialized show like Deep Space Nine to the episodic nature of The Next Generation or Voyager, which have very little episode to episode continuity. They're always in the Bajoran sector and anything that happens reverberates in later episodes; they can't just warp away to the next alien of the week. But in the case of Robotech, I agree that the characters became diluted and uninteresting in later productions. Like the cast of Voyager, they became cardboard cutouts of human beings. Kawamori decided against having Hikaru, Misa, and Minmay in any future productions because he felt their stories had been told, their arcs completed, and showing them again would just be extraneous and would add nothing new or interesting. In short: the Robotech universe became dull and generic after "The Macross Saga." Any wonder why it's the most popular part of Robotech? Oh, and I read all the McKinney novels years ago, and I thought they were the best part of Robotech. ("Best" being a relative term, of course.)
  11. If I found a genie in a lamp and was granted three wishes, I'd wish for the following: 1. The elimination of Robotech, Harmony Gold, and Toynami from our timeline. 2. A three-way with May'n and Megumi. 3. A unicorn.
  12. Don't forget that "many" new people are becoming Macross and anime fans thanks to their introduction through Robotech! All hail Robotech!
  13. Thanks for the support and kind words guys. It's a great hobby, if you can find the time to sit down and really put your all into to. I'm gonna have to take a short hiatus after this due to real life circumstances. It's a toss up between Michael's unit, Armored Alto, or Brera's VF-27 as my next project... leaning towards the 27 because it'll be a nice change from the 25 series. Hmmm right now the only place I have to display stuff are my bookshelves and my already overcrowded display cases. I can't put fragile items anywhere else because of my two young kitties who would like nothing more than to pretend to be furry Vajra to my VFs. That's right, even kitties love Macross Frontier!
  14. It's done. Took a few crude pics with my primitive pic taking setup. So here's the big payoff after months of working on it here and there whenever I had a little spare time. Amateurish? Sure. Mistakes made? You bet. Learning experience? Of course. All in all, I'm happy with the way it turned out. Certainly much better than I expected than when I first received the kit way back in June (wow has it been that long?). I wish I had gotten those terrific photo-etched parts earlier in the project, but alas I was nearly done by the time I got them. But hey, it still looks better than the DX.
  15. WTF is a "professional anime nerd?"
  16. Dude you painted the entire thing by hand? That's pretty damn sick! In a totally awesome way! Looks more like it was airbrushed!
  17. Damn, HP got here before me. So you're comparing Seto, who I've seen make nothing but articulate, well-thought out posts (that actually have a basis in reality) to the "apeface" garbage posted by Pizza or to Memo and his fascist state? That protoculture must be some primo stuff. Can I have some? People here have been fairly tolerant of your condescending, insulting attitude towards anyone who doesn't agree with you, and they've even taken the time to answer any questions you've had, which is far better treatment than you'll find at robotech.com for trying to post factual information. Yet you still feel the need to fling insults and wild accusations at anyone who doesn't think Robotech is God's gift to mankind and obsessively defend it against any and all perceived threats. Did you forget this is a Macross site again? What an ingrate.
  18. Easy. It's the same answer to all of Robotech's (dis)continuity: protoculture! Komiria obviously smoked way too much protoculture during her teenage years, no doubt because of the distraught caused by her parents abandoning her to the Grant family (because everyone of African descent is related to Claudia in the Robotech universe). So she went from the hot azure-haired ace pilot we once loved to the blond bimbo of Southern Cross.
  19. Gubaba is the "wise man" I quoted in my earlier post.
  20. Even the Robotech narrators says in the very first freaking episode of Robotech that the alien craft measured "nearly three quarters of a mile in length" which is... about 1200 meters.
  21. Robotech is a hack job and deserves to be ridiculed, especially its post-original 85 offerings, along with the psychotic fans who think it's perfect and beyond criticism. If you can't accept that, tough. You're not going to get what you want with the constant complaining about it. If you want a site where Robotech is never criticized as anything less than perfect, I suggest going to a real Robotech site. This is a Macross site devoted to Macross, where even Macross is often criticized (not everyone loves Frontier and don't get me started on Macross 7). And there's nothing "elitist" about it. If you can accept the above and quit whining about it, then you shouldn't have any problems with anyone here. No one really cares that you're a Robotech fan. It's this "Robotech is perfect and you're wrong, wrong, wrong for ridiculing it!" dismissive attitude that's grating. And calling us the "trolls" on our community site is the most hilarious thing I've read in awhile.
  22. Indeed. This is my favorite thread in all of MW. As a wise man said once: Saying nasty things about Robotech is a hell of a lot of fun.
  23. There's little that's "creative" about Robotech. The vaunted "original 85" is just a hack job of three different shows to meet syndication requirements and "westernize" them. Pretty much everything after the "original 85" is been pretty dismal, what little there is. It's been my experience that Robotech fanboys cannot distinguish between farce and fact. "Robotech gives you HPV." If you read something like that and actually take it seriously, then there are much deeper problems to address than the nonsensical musings of a few internet forum posters. I'm not sure where the "entire" fanbase comes in. Why don't you talk to Happy Penguins et al. Rude towards the franchise? Why not? Robotech is a hack job like Turkish Star Wars, and it deserves to be treated like one. Yes because they're accomplices to the eternal shell game that is called Robotech. I'm amazed at how fanboys like to use "in your opinion" to trivialize and dismiss the points made by others. The only real opinion in his remark was pertaining to the quality of the dubbing. Robotech is a hack job and Macek is one deluded mofo. Thanks for once again proving the existence of fanboys who believe Robotech is perfect and beyond the critique of mere mortals. The only fans really being ridiculed are the nutjobs like Memo and others who live in their "Robotech is perfect" world. Wow I actually made a serious post in this thread. It's all over now...
  24. Took out? You mean more victims of the Memo banhammer? For what? Just asking for legal information?
  25. I would love to see others' WIP pics too.
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