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Everything posted by Lolicon

  1. Bandai always cuts corners somewhere, even on their more premium lines.
  2. Awesome! I can't wait to get mine too.
  3. So there's a missile launch tube inside the missile launch tube? Happy Turkey Day! 🦃
  4. Each fast pack side only contains 4 missiles?
  5. I said the same thing after fixing up the VF-4. Never again with the ordeal! "That's just how they are" is not a good excuse for mediocrity and cheapness. At the $160 overseas price, this thing is nearly as expensive as a DX VF-1. To say that it's nowhere near the same level of quality as the DX is an understatement. So yeah, overpriced indeed.
  6. Well, having that obvious hinge will make it fit in nicely next to any DX VF-1.
  7. I always preferred the F which was always the more expensive to get on the secondary market, and you needed 2 for Emerald Force. As for the Bandai 21,ill get one because I'm a completioniat but it won't be replacing my Yamato. That's a pretty common refrain because no wonder what Bandai does, they always halfass something which makes their toy slightly inferior to the old Yamato imo, like the DX VF-1 vs 1/60 Yamato.
  8. Still way overpriced at $160+. I'd be more forgiving if the toy was actually, you know, finished.
  9. Need 3 for Emerald Force!
  10. Yeah I regretted not buying them about a minute after declining to buy them, so I turned right around and ordered them. All of them.
  11. Wasn't going to buy these but at half price I said why not.
  12. Not just having to buy 6 more, but you also need to PF up all of them too. You can do this 7 more times, right? (Seriously still in awe of how good it looks even next to the actual PF version)
  13. The ant people of southeast Asia, obviously.
  14. Given that Bandai hasn't even teased a reactive armor, we'll get it sometime between now and never.
  15. That heat shield better be integrated!
  16. If Iit isn't ガンダム then it's just Bandai throwing scraps.
  17. I want my purple YF-21!
  18. I'll get to the Cavaliers after I finish Hikaru's 1A and Max's 29.... I'll hold onto the second 0S for now, on the off chance that there's a reactive armor set. Though that may just come as a complete bundle... Hmmm
  19. I was hoping Bandai had moved past 1980s packaging with the plastic trays on the 1/48 and 29 reissue, but then they went back to the accursed styrofoam trays. Perhaps the styrofoam cartel is far more powerful than anyone anticipated. Thomas Midgely is smiling from the beyond.
  20. Gundam don't have jet intakes or landing gear, so the average Bandai designer is perplexed by such strange things, like a caveman who fell into a crevasse and was found thousands of years later, thawed out, and forced to live in our modern world.
  21. That looks like a customized Hasegawa TV SDF-1. Note the incorrect forward section which the Hasegawa kit reused because they couldn't bother creating a totally new mold for the TV version kit. Though I can't remember if Hasegawa released a cruiser mode kit or not.
  22. So despite all the griping, whose here will actually decline to get one because of Bandai's design choices?
  23. Bandai plasters all that oversized and obnoxious tampo to dazzle and distract from the flaws in their designs. Like putting racing stripes on a Honda Civic.
  24. Something to bash around with at my desk.
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