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Everything posted by Lolicon

  1. Got one! Thanks!
  2. Lolicon

    Macross figures

    Not really into SD figures, but I really want the one with Sheryl and Ranka riding a reaction bomb. I've had that dream before... Sharon would be cool too, since I haven't seen any merchandise for her before.
  3. It would be a new low for Bandai to release a RVF-171 that couldn't transform.
  4. Hey, all the DYRL valkyries are the same shade of off-white, right? Was thinking of picking up a cheap VF-1A while they're still available and swapping the leg intake on my 1S since the tab snapped off ages ago. Lord knows when we'll see any more valkyrie toys.
  5. LOL oh man you love kicking a man while he's down, don't you?
  6. Goddammit. Right after I went to sleep, too. I hope I'm awake and at my computer when HLJ finally puts theirs up. I really, really want to get an RVF-25 so I can finally put all this Bandai preorder BS behind me.
  7. Recently picked up a VF-17S. That's one beefy valkyrie! Things I like: -Although I like the design of the 171 more, the quality of Yamato's effort beats the pants off of anything from Bandai. -Straight wings that actually stay on. -Love the purple-tinted canopy. The tint on the renewals looks weak compared to this. -Clear parts for the wing lights, instead of just some beige paint. -Excellent pilot figure. Makes the Bandai pilots look like they're made out of partially melted wax. -Actual interior cockpit detail. Things I don't like: -Lack of tampo printing! Omitting major markings like the UN Spacy kites is just lame. What is this, 2004? Actually, that's the only thing I dislike about the VF-17. So if I want an anime-accurate version without resorting to using those terrible stickers, I'd have to locate some properly sized UN Spacy decals (or make my own), apply them, then apply some kind of clear coat to the entire craft (since it'll look really awful to have a clear coat finish on one section and bare plastic on the rest). And if I'm doing that, I might as well detail this sucker up as much as I can. Thanks Yamato for selling me a great VF-17 model kit!
  8. If Arcadia does release Macross transforming toys, I hope they include waterslide decals. Especially if they're not going to print major markings seen in the anime, like the 17's UN Spacy kites. I'll pay a few extra yen for the the decal sheet. A few extra yen are not going to affect my buying decision when we're already talking $200+. I really dislike the included stickers.
  9. Lolicon

    Its Official!

    Mandarake isn't a "regular" shop like HLJ. I don't know all that much about them, other than they're a second-hand shop of sorts. When they list something on their website, it means they have exactly 1 of that item. So if you bought it, it'll of course be updated to "sold out" right after. If they get another of the same item, it'll be listed it under a different item number. It seems a lot of the goods they have in their physical stores are not listed on their website, since they list every item individually. Anyway, I'd love to hear more about the condition of the units you've received, since they're listed as opened/used.
  10. I hate trying to get one, but I wouldn't vote yes solely because of that. I'd vote yes because I know Yamato would've done a better job. Though I've no idea what to make of Arcadia. Is it really that hard to make non-crooked wings?
  11. Everyone, it'll be fine. With the exception of the 25S, every Bandai Frontier valkyrie I've seen has had extra units available after the release date, and I've always been able to score one below retail, even if it's only HLJ's meager 5% discount.
  12. Managed to add it to my cart, but their server blew up before I could complete my order. By the time I got through my cart, I got this: Currently we do not have enough qty for this item to cover your order. Please go back to the cart, and process again. We apologize for any inconvenience.
  13. Lolicon

    Macross figures

    Not too shabby for a game prize figure. Looking forward to the next release!
  14. Lolicon

    Macross figures

    Not sure how someone who likes one underage, fictional character is somehow more or less creepy than someone who likes a different underage, fictional character. Besides, wouldn't the creepiest fans be into micro Klan?
  15. As great a toy as the VF-4 is, I've been growing increasingly dissatisfied with its appearance out of the box. The VF-X color scheme is just so godawful boring. Grey and baby blue? Who thought up that color combination? The nasty seam line across the nosecone was also a major eyesore. Not to mention mine had some gashes in it thanks to the Yamato factory worker being a bit too zealous with his plastic cutter. So I decided to try customizing mine into the FB2012 colors. I was pretty reluctant at first, as I possess only some basic modeling skills, and I was afraid of ruining a $300 valkyrie. But my dissatisfaction got the better of me, and I decided to go for it. Anyway, I just repainted a few parts, took a bunch of decals off a VF-1 kit, added a little weathering, and gave it a flat finish. And of course I sanded the nose and filled in the gashes. Thanks to everyone who posted customizing tips and their kickass customs.
  16. Lolicon

    Macross figures

    That Sheryl is a definite buy.
  17. Lolicon

    Macross figures

    Finally got two Frontier figures I've been wanting for a long time.
  18. After admiring fighter mode for a couple of weeks, I finally transformed it. Wow! That was a breeze! I haven't had such an easy time transforming a valkyrie since, well, ever! I felt it was even easier than the VF-1 transformation. I never really liked the VF-4's battroid mode when I saw it in pics, but now that I have it in my hands, I'm really digging it. And even though it looks top heavy, it's really quite stable on its feet. Definitely more stable than any of my VF-25s or even the VF-19 (before I tightened the ankle joints). This is right up there with the Fire Valkyrie as one of the best valkyrie toys ever. Great job, Yamato!
  19. VF-4 does look pretty plain, out of the box. At the very least adding panel lines really makes it stand out more.
  20. Finally got around to putting the armor parts on. Really makes the 171EX look like a mean machine. Anyone going to make some MDE warheads?
  21. Nothing wrong with liking one VF design more or less than another. I'm very happy we've gotten so many great VF toys over the past decade. I'm especially glad to have finally filled in the generation gap between the VF-1 and VF-11. My favorite things about the VF-4 are that it looks totally different from any other VF toy we've seen, and there are no obvious indications that it transforms (head sticking out, arms seen tucked under the fuselage, etc). When I have the time, I plan on at least repainting the nose and stabilizers to their proper FB2012 colors.
  22. Those FB2012 customs look amazing! You guys make me want to customize mine, but I'm a little hesitant to risk damaging, with my beginner modeling skills, something that cost more than the 1/3000 SDF-1.
  23. Mine finally arrived (was waiting on some other private warehouse items). This thing is ****ing beautiful. I think I have a new favorite valkyrie.
  24. F NY and their price gouging. Just be patient and wait till release. For the last couple of releases, Amiami, HS, HLJ, etc, all had extra units after the release date, and I was able to snag one then without paying inflated prices. Heck, I still see 171EXs and 25Gs pop up now and then for around retail price.
  25. Lolicon

    Macross figures

    It's sitting in my private warehouse till the VF-4 comes out at the end of December. Just to save a few bucks on shipping!
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