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Everything posted by Lolicon

  1. Does anyone know if the tips will also eat into protective clearcoats? I own about 10 of these stands that I've picked up over time that I'll try to continue using, but I wouldn't buy any more, and I won't recommend them to anyone. In addition to the paint-eating issue, straight out of the box a few of mine were missing a rubber nub in the base, making the entire stand rickety like a table at a faux French cafe. I'm very careful about making sure the tips only contact unpainted surfaces, but for some reason the tips leave a greasy residue on my VF-1D. It doesn't happen with any other valkyrie. No idea why.
  2. Got my 19S a few days ago and I love it. It's essentially the same toy as the Fire Valkyrie; mostly a matter of if you prefer red or blue. I prefer the Fire because of the longer, straight wings and the canards. Although the 19S's wings are only a little shorter, the wider design just makes them look kinda stumpy to me.
  3. I think you have to email them directly and request a cancellation.
  4. I'm so happy I finally got a 171 preorder. I never got one before anywhere else, not even an inflated price NY preorder.
  5. RVF-25 and VF-171 still open. I'm astounded. Now I can cancel the overpriced RVF over at NY.
  6. VF-25F went super fast. I added to cart but was gone in the few moments it took to checkout.
  7. VF-25F was opened momnetarily, but closed before I could finished checkout. RVF-25 and VF-171 I managed to snag.
  8. HLJ preorder reopened! http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN980635/Sci
  9. I have two from the original release, and I managed to get a preorder in. Would like a 4th just so I can have one naked, super, armor, and tornado packed. VF-25 is one of my favorite designs and Alto and Ozma have the best colors, being Frontier analogs of Hikaru and Roy's colors.
  10. Missed AE too. Couldn't stay up all night two days in a row. Damn this weak human body! Still looking for a 4th 25F... /firstworldproblems
  11. The preorder madness really ramped up around the renewal 25S. I was able to get a second 25F the first time around weeks after its release.
  12. I was not aware Hobby Search ever carried the VF-4G.
  13. Man I'm stoked. Can't sleep now... ...of course I have to be up in an hour anyway. But it was worth it.
  14. Oh my god that sucks. Damn that window was so short. About 20 seconds from update scanner alert to finishing checkout and it was closed when I returned to the item page.
  15. Got one at Hobby Search! Yay! EDIT: Holy crap gone already!
  16. Lolicon

    Its Official!

    I've attempted to buy two things from esthertool/cherrytab and received neither. First time I never received the item and he claimed it was "lost in transit." He gave me a full refund since I always opt for tracking and insurance. Ok, fine, though no tracking number was ever entered into ebay. A few days ago I purchased a 30th anniversary VF-1S Focker from cherrytab on ebay. What happened was I made an offer, and he followed his MO of knocking a whole dollar off the price and claiming free shipping. The next day, before I accepted his counter offer, he jacks up the price of all his Fockers by $40. But since the counter offer he sent me was still open, I accepted it and bought it for the lower price. So I get a notice from ebay saying my order was marked as shipped. This time I send cherrytab a message asking for a tracking number. He responds the following day with this: "thanks for purchase. we are very sorry to say that when i ship the item to you, i found that the item was all wet. I would you like to fully refund to you and cancel the transaction first.For compensation, i am willing to give you an extra USD 2 to you paypal account . Is the arrangement OK? i will inform you when i found another new one." At this point, I just say okay to the refund; just take my money back and run while I still can. While none of that is conclusive proof of any wrongdoing on his part, the whole thing seems pretty sheisty to me. At best, I wouldn't buy from this clown again simply because of his inability to actually deliver anything. At worst, he's trying to void the sale so he can resell the item at the new, higher price. Either way, I'd recommend staying away from this particular seller.
  17. Lolicon

    Macross figures

    That is correct. It is a bummer, as nurse Sheryl is one I would have liked to have seen get a larger ~1/8 figure. The game prize figure we ended up with isn't that great; nurse Ranka is the better looking of the two figures, I think.
  18. Lolicon

    Macross figures

    Nurse Sheryl & Ranka are both ~1/10 scale.
  19. Definitely a good Friday.
  20. Already have two 25Fs, but I'd like to get two more, so I can have it displayed naked and with one of each add-on pack (assuming an eventual tornado pack release). I wish the final release had the darker tinted canopy and the white landing gear like the prototype pics...
  21. Woooo another round of preorder madness is about to begin!
  22. Lolicon

    Its Official!

    Cracked shoulders were a fairly common occurrence in the early issue V2 VF-1s. Something to do with the type of pin used I think. My rainbow canopy VF-1s all have cracked shoulders (which I fixed with super glue).
  23. So, has anyone panic-bought a Kakizaki yet?
  24. Picked up a few items since the announcement of Yamato's closure, though that was really just a coincidence. These deals were too good to pass up. VF-1S Hikaru with option parts VF-1S Hikaru with Super & Strike Parts VF-17S VF-17 Super Parts VF-19S Angolz canceled my Hikaru VF-1A even though it was still listed as in stock for about a week afterwards. I really don't want a Kakizaki lol
  25. All your banter about the VF-1S must've gotten to me, because I just went and bought Hikaru's VF-1S from HKC. Went "out of stock" immediately after I placed my order.
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