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Everything posted by Lolicon

  1. It could have been avoided with using just a tiny bit less force on the shoulder screws. I guess over-tightening screws is the new thing because the screws on my revival 25 were also incredibly tight. Had to break out a much larger screwdriver to loosen them because my little hobby screwdriver simply couldn't provide enough torque.
  2. Great collection of Ds you have! 🫠
  3. Skimping on details is Bandai's bread & butter. That's the entire reason the HMR line exists. Shoulder blocks should be grey too. Whoops! More details... (so much for just doing a quick panel wash )
  4. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    I saw that. Seriously considering picking up another M&M pair at that price...
  5. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    Agreed. "Overpriced" is a subjective term, after all. I personally don't consider Arcadia to be overpriced for what I'm getting.
  6. The only upcoming DXs are reissues. Nothing new but HMR.
  7. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    Yup, prices for all toy lines have gone up across the board. I think because there were so many clearance sales way back in Yamato's heyday and people got used to those sale prices that once Yamato went under (turns out their business model wasn't great for solvency) and Arcadia had to move to a business model that would allow them to actually stay afloat that a bunch of people decided Arcadia was way overpriced and wanted the pricing back from the Yamato days.
  8. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah, Bandai's HMR may be overpriced sometimes, but Arcadia isn't a great example for more reasonable prices.
  9. Nuts to trying to order through a proxy. I'll just pick them up at AE or BiJ or wherever that carries TWE stuff. I have much more money than time & patience to deal with Bandai's artificial scarcity BS these days.
  10. Artificial scarcity is Bandai's bread & butter. As soon as I saw that letter, I went ahead and bought one from AE. I'm not going to hold my breath for a "restock" from Bandai when it comes to Macross.
  11. Great pic!
  12. I haven't seen the OG series in decades so I'm not sure how dark Kakizaki's 1A should really be anymore.
  13. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    And Bandai's "web exclusives" are still subject to PO madness, except now you have fewer options to go about obtaining them.
  14. Bandai might actually finish a squadron? I'll believe it when I have them in hand.
  15. Matte finish really makes the old VF-25 look better.
  16. RE: nose cone gap While it's not present on my 25F, there was a very noticeable gap on my WWM. I noticed the top and bottom halves of the nose were not aligned properly. I pushed the two halves in opposite directions until they were aligned, then applied super glue along the seam to keep them aligned. That fixed the gap.
  17. On the revival 25F one of the arm tabs for the gunpod is incorrectly sized so that's an issue from the WWM release that has not been fixed. Front landing gear is slightly crooked so that when you push back into the bay, the front wheel rubs against one side, which makes is harder to push in and pull back out later. Gunpod is at least straight this time. It was warped on my WWM. Wings and head lasers are still prone to being warped. This is another long-running issue from the renewals. Also have had to touch up some sloppy paint apps, but I think that's just something that's always plagued Bandai's stuff i.e. their fit & finish has always been inferior to Yamato/Arcadia (for the most part).
  18. So, now that I have the Revival version in hand, I have to say it's great for those who missed out on the Renewals. But if you already have the Renewal and are happy with it (and it's not yellowed or broken), I wouldn't sweat missing out on the Revival version. The improved joints are only marginally better than the Renewals and the super parts are more purple-ish (it's the "Gundam grey" color I think if you've ever handled Gundam markers). The matte finish is lovely, but you could achieve the same effect with some matte topcoat sprayed onto the Renewals. But I understand not everyone has the time or wherewithal to do that, so the Revival version is a good choice if you absolutely must have that matte finish.
  19. My copy arrived today. Matte finish makes it look so much better than the renewal. Canopy tint looks to be identical to the previous version. It might be a tiny bit darker, but the difference is so slight that it's negligible. Wings and head lasers are slightly warped because Bandai. Aside from the matte finish and NO STEP markings on the wings, it looks identical to the renewal. I know Bandai made a few modifications to some of the joints, but if it's the same as the WWM version then there won't be much difference. Side by side with my old renewal (phone pics) I broke my Messiah.
  20. I guess Arcadia heard the complaints about loose joints in the original release and overcompensated a bit...
  21. Even in videos the matte finish looks so much nicer than the old glossy versions.
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