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  1. That looks so good even 20+ years later. And yet Bandai still won't give us a DX VF-1A Hikaru despite being a simple color swap. Bandai also needs to take notes on what just the right amount of tampo printing looks like. And Arcadia needs to make all their releases "premium finish" because a sticker sheet is pretty lame for toys costing north of 30-40k yen.
  2. Another release that I (as well as many others it seems) completely forgot about. Had to rummage through my old emails because I honestly couldn't remember if I ordered one (I did).
  3. Oh man I would love an SDF-1 adapter. The default stand is okay but would prefer an Archi stand.
  4. Completely forgot about this release or that I had even ordered one. Haven't even opened the 19. Been sitting on my desk for months.
  5. "Make it not suck" was implied in my previous post, but I guess it's something that needs to be said out loud. @Chronocidal and @m0n5t3r's posts are just roundabout ways of saying the same thing: Delta sucks. Delta movie 2's climax is a confusing mess of CGI slop tossed on the screen in an attempt to befuddle the audience into thinking something interesting is happening. It's a prime example of how not to write a good space battle. It's something they did (mostly) right in the Frontier TV series, but then forgot when they got to the Frontier movies, and it's been downhill since.
  6. If you want to sell mecha toys and models from a supposed mecha series, it helps to give them more than a few seconds of screen time. All the mecha in Delta TV series and movies feel like an afterthought tossed in at the last minute.
  7. I'm surprised this one is getting a reissue. Didn't think the VF-2SS was a particularly good seller. Would prefer a DX version that actually transforms well and isn't held together by friction and hope.
  8. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    R for Reissue.
  9. Although my 0A hasn't had any issues, I can't help but feel it's only a matter of time till the leg breaks. I'd like a fixed version, but I'm wary of buying this and then Arcadia announcing a PF edition right after.
  10. Reuse, recycle, revival!
  11. The shoulder blocks are painted diecast metal so they won't yellow like the rest of the valk.
  12. Stripes still painted wrong too. Glad I passed on this. Paying more for a worse reissue of something I already own... bleh. Now if Bandai gave us some real improvements, like vastly improved and strengthened joints, painted landing gear, a proper painted pilot that doesn't look like a wax figure left out in the sun too long, more tampo so it looks more like a real world aircraft, I'd be all over buying a revival 25S. Or better yet just rebuild the 25 line from the ground up. A few bucks on some flat topcoat will fix the glossiness issue on the renewal so why would I drop $300 on this?
  13. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    Yep. It's not helped that most WWM toys are just reissues, and many of us who are into Macross and are willing to drop large stacks of money on them bought them years ago. Or that Bandai charges a significant markup for WWM releases vs just buying from Japan.
  14. Just put in a good sized order for more stands. Got many more valks to set up!
  15. You have until March 17th to order from the Sentinel shop.
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