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Posts posted by sqidd

  1. 4 hours ago, Metaphor322 said:

    Won the VF-1/Strike Parts combo at the base selling price just at Y45000. Nobody else placed a bid on the item. :) 

    IDK how the CAN dollar is trading against the Yen but the US dollar to yen makes that a darn good price.

  2. 4 hours ago, TangledThorns said:

    Yeah, definitely a good find on Paramount+ but they really screwed up by giving Yellowstone to Peacock. But remember that Star Trek started on NBC too tho, lol.

    The wifey pays for Peacock so I guess we're good when we start watching Yellowstone. I hear it's great.

    1 hour ago, Big s said:

    also been watching Kids in the Hall. Definitely still funny and has that weird creepy humor at times that made the old episodes great. They do play off the getting older thing well and now that they don’t have to worry about censorship the jokes are more pervy. Be warned, lots of dong. Although if you’re into that then I guess it’s a bonus 

    I started watching it. Seems like The Kids In The Hall to me (a good thing). I love how they even took a poke at Amazon by saying it was making a deal with the Devil. They were always edgy. Love it.

    The opening theme song zapped me back in time.........HARD. The 90's we're great.

  3. 17 hours ago, Slave IV said:

    Lol, I had to look it up but do admit it is something I’d probably know about normally. I just don’t pay attention to social media sensations and barely use social media platforms other than forums like this at all. 

    This social media sensation ran through the hot rod and mountain bike world like a firestorm. Both worlds I'm deep into.

    I'm like you. I don't do social media. Because I'm sane-ish.:D

  4. 9 hours ago, leibek said:

    i like the resident evil movies ....................milla was strong and brave .but im not going to watch the resident evil series .. i dont like NETFLIX by the way..

    zombies and zombies good movies....................................lol.😎

    I'm with you. I never had an issue with the RE movies. Just good stupid fun. Shut you brain off and enjoy. I was entertained.

    And yes, as played out as zombies are. I'm still all in!:rofl:

  5. 8 hours ago, Slave IV said:

    Yeah, but if you really want to get granular with the calculations, you need to take into account that even if the exchange rates are worse later on, giving away the free loan has a cost involved too and probably end up worse off depending on what you could do with that cash in hand over time. 

    True. I could put my nerd hat on.:hi:

    But I think I'm just going to Send It.:D

    (you may be one of the few people on here that understand the reference):pardon:




  6. 5 minutes ago, jenius said:

    I love Walken but I would have expected the emperor to be younger. He's got a 16ish year old daughter right? 

    When you're the emperor You can still have kids at 64yrs old.;)

    With a 16yr old wife/concubine. :unknw: 


  7. 5 hours ago, no3Ljm said:

    After signing-in and try a preorder process, yes, you can actually pay the item upfront and pay the shipping later.


    5 hours ago, MKT said:

    That is correct. However, the release date is Oct. If Arcadia’s current trend of delays continue for the rest of year, you might be out of PayPal’s protection period if you pay now..


    That's what international/travel credit cards with 1.5% cash aback and unlimited chargeback potential are for.:D

    So if I'm wagering that exchange rates are as good as they're going to get and I want to save the most I can on shipping paying fo the item now and shipping later is the hot setup then?

    Thanks for your help.:hail:

  8. 2 hours ago, MKT said:


    I went with Hobby-Genki for this. It's my first PO with them; they appear to have the best price for this, and they have the flexibility of payment & shipping.

    When making the PO, for most stuffs (including this Tomahawk) you can choose to pay upfront or pay later when item is released. If you specify the pay later option, you can dabble with a bit of currency speculation as you are allowed to pay anytime between your order date till item release. So this might be useful to you. 

    For shipping, you can also specify pay up front, i.e. ship immediately upon release, or put in into private warehouse. Their private warehouse system works a bit differently from others, in that it is not time but space-based (1 m3). From what I see, paying for shipping upfront on PO's is a bad idea, because for this Tomahawk, they seem to estimate a very large/heavy box (my personal estimation is Yamato's Tomahawk box size) so the upfront shipping rates look somewhat gouge-ey (not unlike the old NY or currently LP).

    I have tested in-stock items for shipping rates, and thankfully they are at par with the normal postal rates. So for this Tomahawk, I'm expecting actual shipping rates upon release to be lower than what they are charging upfront now. 


    So they will let you pay up front but pay shipping later?


  9. I've read a lot of industry articles on this recently. Netflix isn't going anywhere. They still own the streaming market by a huge margin. They will be re-organizing and tightening belts though. They have a very strange way of operating the business that worked until there was more streaming services (basically throw tons of money at everything). They're going to be doing things differently now.

    As far as Resident Evil goes. I don't see how it could be well done. Has it every been well done really?

  10. Now I'm considering getting a few of these. I've been poking around on the usual sources and I really can't come up with a bottom line cost because they will either charge you later (possibly losing the exchange rate advantage) or they don't quote shipping while checking out.

    What do you guys think the best source for these are right now?

  11. Good lord this show is all over the place. IMO it has more bad minutes than good by a pretty big margin. IDK why I'm watching it anymore. Well, I do. It's because I'm watching all of the good shows with the wife and when I want to watch something when she's not around I'm stuck with drek like this.

    If it wasn't "Halo" I would have turned it off by now.

  12. 3 hours ago, orbitalharvest said:

    They're not very good at calculating exchange rates.:rolleyes:

    It should be $209. Not $263. They're charging 33,800Y. I'd say that's a healthy scalper margin.

  13. 2 hours ago, no3Ljm said:

    That's kind of dodgy. I know they mentioned here before that they did have some 'contacts' over at Bandai. Why get it from other store? :unknw:

    They're doing the old NY trick.

    So far they seem to be staying in their lane though. When they start overselling what they can get a hold of and not filling orders that will be when the slippery slope starts.

  14. 2 hours ago, no3Ljm said:

    Thanks fore posting!

    PO'd one for the standard Unicorn.

    Fingers crossed they do one for the RX-78 Unleashed, PG Perfect Strike and Zaku II also. May have to cross all of my fingers.:D

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