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Posts posted by sqidd

  1. 36 minutes ago, dragonstar1982 said:

    Just got an email  saying  my mcshow strike got shipped out today, so hopefully I'll have it in about a week or so. Was on the fence but for 168 shipped I couldn't resist.

    Can you let us know how you like it? The video that was posted about it wasn't very flattering and I took a pass. If it's decent I'll get one. Thanks

  2. 7 hours ago, PsYcHoDyNaMiX said:

    From my understanding they're not using a diecast frame, the cost would be too high. I discussed the item/company with a friend last month iirc from the discussion if they do use a diecast frame it would be one of the 3rd party inserts that were made available only for four models. Iirc those were released mainly the seed line. The profit for painting and assembling would go down.

    From the same discussion with my friend we compared various photos of the original bandai kit, with a daban and i think one of the third party manufacturer (a dragon momoko?) and the conclusion was they were actually using the bandai kits in their pictures.

    Maybe the scanned the Bandai kits in and re-produced them? That technology is pretty easy.

    Yeah, I can't see how they could buy Bandai kits and make money????

  3. Pretty nice kit. It would be nice if the missiles came out (and I'm kinda happy I don't ala Yamato and self ejecting missiles every time you sneeze). I would love for Bandai to release a missile effects set. The quality seems good. Not out of this world. Nothing wrong with it either. I'd say it gets a 9 out of 10.

    Mostly I'm happy the armor doesn't self eject ala Yamato.....thank goodness.:lol:

    Used a extra S as a stand in until one of the full sets I have on order comes in.

    Not thrilled with this pose. Something isn't quite right. I'll have to sort that out over the next few days.






  4. 6 hours ago, Shawn said:

    Yep! Mine would not close, so it is slightly ajar, did not want to force it. Looks like there are some minor fit issues with some of these.


    7 hours ago, HardlyNever said:

    Yeah, had the same experience, so it's probably an issue with the design.  The little center peg on my crotch armor was too big fit in the hole (that's what she said?), and I had to sand it down a little to actually fit.  Had the same arm armor issue, as well.

    Even the legs took some fiddling to get lined up.  This honestly feels like a late-stage pre-production sample that needed another round or two of refinement.  Oh well, it looks really good, especially with all the tampo.

    This bums me out.:(

  5. On 9/16/2021 at 5:08 PM, Scyla said:

    Just saw the movie. Worry not the eyes are appropriately blue.

    Worth seeing in the theater too.

     I think I like the movie but it is problematic that it just ends like that. It is somewhat of a conclusion even if they don’t make any more.

      Reveal hidden contents

    What I mean by that is that throughout the movie Paul has visions of the future so you can piece together how the story will probably end.

    His visions are never 100% accurate so though.

    I think it would be better if they followed the LotR approach and film everything at once.

    Arrakis could be a bit more foreign and less like a dessert on earth for me.

    I‘m also not a fan of the worm design. For me they need to have the three lips that they can close to a cone when they dive into the sand.

    How were you able to see it? I thought the release was a month off?:unknw:

  6. 7 minutes ago, Toonz said:

    I just received tracking from okini, but i think the item has not left the warehouse yet.

    Well, screw it I say. I wanted an extra anyway. I just ordered from Okini Land. Let's see who ships first. Okini Land or Luna Park. Who wants to bet on Luna Park?

    If Luna Park tracking goes live tomorrow all of you that ordered from Luna Park can thank me.:D I made Bandai release the DX Focker. My powers work in strange ways!:lol:

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