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Posts posted by sqidd

  1. 30 minutes ago, 68whiskey said:

    Hey Sqidd , here is the size comparison I promised you lol.


    I also hate the MB stands for the most part. I do like the mini stands that the Strike and Gold Frame Amatsu come with. If you make smaller stands out me down for a few 


    Sooooo jelly!!! Man, I really screwed up on the MS. I completely missed the PO. And then I waffled when it was released. Now it's way too late.:(

    And also, LOL at the widdle baby Gundam!:rofl:


    If/when I do a couple stands I'll figure out what they will cost to produce. I wouldn't be interested in doing a bunch of little sales onezie twozie. But, I would probably do something like that "kickstarter" thing that they just did with the Mospeda Graubs (or whatever they're called) where if I hit a certain threshold I'd do a run of them. I have to imagine with enough social media juice it could happen. Just off the top of my head it would have to be 500 stands. I'd have to put a little crappy website up. Or more specifically pay my web developer to do it. I don't have time for that stuff. I don't think 500 is out of the question. I'd make them work with Macross stuff too. That said, the Gundam crowd would probably be most of the sales.

  2. My MB Crossbones showed up today so I unpacked it (my other MB's are in boxes). Sweet figure, but now I remember why I'm not a huge MB fan. They're beautiful and the quality is awesome. But dag nabbit, they're just a wee bit too small. You have to be right on top of them with your face up against the cabinet.:D And I HATE the stands!!!! I really don't like colored stands. I really really hate having a shelf of different random color stands. And then they have writing on them!!! Arrrrrggggggggg!!!! It's like they designed them specifically to drive me insane.:rofl:

    I'm going to make some stand adapters so I can put them on YetiStands.

    If I can find the time I'm going to CAD up some Yeti knock offs and make them out of skeletonized polished stainless steel. Think "girders". Very industrial looking. That may be cool. Hopefully I have the time to prototype a few.

  3. 1 hour ago, Shawn said:

    Then they can do a Kakizaki Movie as the special web order

    They did that already.:p

    10 minutes ago, 505thAirborne said:

    A VT-1 & VE-1 should be be all new molds ......................

    Northrom VT-1 Super Ostrich Valkyrie

    Stonewell/Bellcom VF-1D Valkyrie

    Fixed it for you.:D

  4. 2 hours ago, Californium said:

    - DX Chogokin SDF-1 Macross, TV style (How the hell has this not happened yet?)


    We'll, I commissioned someone to do a bunch of modifications to the old school Matchbox unit (and I mean a LOT) and then custom paint it. As soon as it's done Bandai will release a TV SDF1.

    You're welcome.:D

  5. 1 hour ago, lavinrac said:

    That makes sense, but I don't know enough about light spectrums and UV to know if the indoor overhead fluorescents can cause yellowing. The room I use has blinds that are always shut. Maybe the yellowing is just inevitable from the plastic used. I'm SURE i can find a thread on THAT.


    Check out this thread I started. And it turned into a super "down the rabbit hole" UV light discussion.

    Long story short put good film (there are not many choices, there is a link to a test on UV film in the thread) on your windows. Ditch the fluorescent lights and replace them with LED's. If you want to go nuts you can get ultra low UV LED's. They're already inherently low already though. And if you really want to make sure that you don't have UV light issues get a UV light meter. They're less expensive than one toy. Bottom line, keep them away from UV light and don't subject them to major temp fluctuations and the chances of your toys yellowing goes way down.


  6. 3 hours ago, Froy said:

    I think he mean this one.646089852_Screenshot_20210930-0827362.png.76ac73151a3f319f79f76abda829a7b3.png

    In some videos you can see they push to hard on it

    Ya know, I did see a little gap there. I didn't think much of it because everything was tight and I put the stand adapter on right away which goes right over that. Thanks for the heads up though. If I ever pull it apart I'll massage the....crotch.:p

    BTW, if you want to use the stand adapter with a YetiStand the stand adapter needs to be trimmed a little bit.

    1 hour ago, Slave IV said:

    Can you just not peg that in all the way? I don’t remember the last time I was worried about how the bottom of the crotch looked on any of my GBP armored Valks. Naked Valks on the other hand…🤣

    Discriminating against GBP Valks is just not cool man, #GBPhascrotchestoo:D

  7. 43 minutes ago, seti88 said:

    The DX December release is taken up by the VF-31AX.

    Whether its going to be a DX as a first macross release next year, i think that would be answered by the upcoming TN2021 event in early November. Will have to see what else bandai would tease in the macross series.

    Maybe HMR? or not.

    On the DX front, with the new delta movie coming out, quite likely there would be delta valks again.

    Wallet is still holding out for the YF-21 tho. 

    Delta Valks don't count!:D

    A 21 release would be cool. I'm not holding my breath though.:(

    HMR? LOL!!!:rofl:

    38 minutes ago, MKT said:

    Well, next 2 DX releases are the VF-31J Speakerpods in Oct, and the VF-31AX in Dec.

    Going by previous years, the next DX release likely to be only in April 2022. Whether it will be another VF-1 at that time is up to speculation, but since the new Delta movie is coming out next month, I think it'll likely be another Delta valk release.

    I don't want to wait that long! MOAR VF-1's!!!:lol:

    23 minutes ago, Dirtyboy said:

    TV Kakizaki in April Next year. Followed by Max In Miria in September. I guess. 

    Is that a wish.....or a guess?;)

  8. Well, now that the GBP are shipped/shipping................................and there are no VF-1's we are currently on PO............................................when do we get more?!?!?!:unknw:

    What do you guys thing the timeline looks like on the next release/PO? December?

  9. 1 hour ago, lavinrac said:

    VF-1J with GBP received. its Glorious... 

    So vaguely remember reading this in the thread somewhere, but I just need to (minorly) vent.. What is with that tiny peg that is too tight in the bottom of the groin armor? its like they put it there just so there was something that would break super easily and you could give your Valkyrie that first little 'breakage' and feel bad like when you buy a brand new car and someone dings the door.  There are like 10-20 different kinds of engineered connectors on this thing, and then they give us that one off a 1982 Imai kit?!?!?

    Note: I did not break it - YET.. but i did shave it down a bit with the x-acto



    I've put two sets of armor on and I can't for the life of me remember seeing what you and the other commenter are talking about. Do you have pics? Thanks!:hi:

  10. 1 hour ago, Norland said:

    I believe the reason people are asking is because the Luna Park rep stated that orders from the US and Canada should be delivered by Thursday. Whether that means it will all be shipped out by Thursday or actually delivered to customers in the US and Canada. 

    My LP order was shipped Monday. I got it today.

    They're probably jammed up getting them packed up and out the door. It takes a lot longer to pack boxes than you would think. I was helping my guys get stuff packed up/shipped from 6am-2pm today. It's amazing how much we didn't get done. And it sucks. That's the last time I help them!:lol:

    Keep in mind LP only has "X" number of employees. When you get let's say 200 unit of something in that needs to be mass shipped there aren't enough people to do it because the rest of the time you don't pay people to sit around. Taking 7-10 days to get all of their combo packs shipped out wouldn't surprise me.

  11. I recently picked up a few 1:24 Batmobiles on a whim. I only have four other diecase cars and they are in 1:18. Three of them I don't care for that much.........and it appears they have appreciated a LOT since I got them 15-20yrs ago. I think I'm going to sell them.

    That leaves me with the one 1:18 which I love. The Autoart Road Warrior Interceptor (with the tanks in the back). But, because that is worth a few bucks I have been looking for a 1:24 Road Warrior Interceptor that is nice. I found some Mad Max Interceptors that look like they could be nice. But I prefer the Road Warrior look better. Does anyone have a suggestion on a good looking 1:24 Road Warrior Interceptor? Thanks!

    Looks like I may be going down the diecast rabbit hole a little.....:D

    For comparison:

    Road Warrior trim-


    Mad Max Trim-


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