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Posts posted by sqidd

  1. 1 hour ago, eXis10z said:

    Amiami finally sent me the payment link after another email for any other members who are still waiting. Now just wait for them to ship. With this I am finally done with this line. Hikaru's 1S, Roy's 1S and this 1J armoured is a good way to say goodbye to this line.  😄

    You'll be back.:p

  2. 1 hour ago, treatment said:


    Unfortunately, the "32k" yen pricing for the Armored-VF1J DX only seems to be avaialble for the local japanese market. 

    I saw a couple that was avaialbe on their japanese-site, but not-available when I switched to their english-site.

    Same japanese-market-only shenanigans seems to be similarly happening on Ami and Amzn-jp. 






    IMO they should be taking care of their own people first. Membership has its privilege's. 

  3. 5 hours ago, borgified said:

    I think the the solo DX 1J will drop in price (how much unknown) as the combo pack is now out. 

    Makes sense. Maybe. That is unless the ones with the combo pack all get used for GBP which would make the net supply the same.

    If someone wanted some 1J's now would be the time. Buy combo packs and sell the armor.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Duymon said:

    Because I've had orders for bigger items ship from DHL for cheaper.

    It comes down to Anime-Export being a smaller store and not having the same cushy volume discount contracts like HLJ / Amazon / etc have

    So, cheap isn't good enough because it's not super cheap? Gotcha.:good:

  5. 53 minutes ago, jenius said:

    I think you're not in luck, part of the discussion of the settlement is how happy everyone is to get back to all the projects they have planned together.

    I always take everything I see reported in the press at face value too.:rolleyes:

  6. 1 hour ago, wm cheng said:

      I don't have to totally get this Armor set, I have the older Yamato 1/48 one that I put a lot of work into weathering and applying @Anasazi37's amazing decals on - so this is a "nice to have" not a "must have".  

    It's a must have IMO. I like the DX stuff more than the Yamato stuff, but not by a huge margin. If I had a 1/48 Yamato collection I would not be clamoring to replace it with DX's. I would have to be in the position to know for sure, but I don't think I would ditch a Yamato collection for a DX one. Especially if I had all of the Yamato 1/48's I wanted. That said, the difference between the Yamato GBP and the Bandai GP is pretty big. Again, IMO the Bandai is MUCH better. I can't think of one way that the Yamato is better.

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