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Posts posted by sqidd

  1. 6 hours ago, carlsylar said:

    I am missing

    Trans-Am OO Raiser

    Special coating freedom

    Raiser Jet

    OO Raiser 

    These rest are all in my collection.


    6 hours ago, leeboo1211 said:

    I'm pretty close if you don't count all the recolors/repackaging... I gave up on that long time ago. Also not counting the Mazinger MBs, no interest in those. I do have all the FMP and Evangelion releases tho. I think thus far the only one I don't have is the Strike Ootori which is yet to be released and the Astrea High Maneuver pack which is way overpriced for what it is, particularly since I already have 2 Avalung OP sets. Everything else I have at least one version/combo of, sometimes two or more (looking at you Strike). 

    Do you guys have them all displayed? What's that look like?

  2. The analogy I like to use for GOT is this:

    GOT is like a fantastic whirlwind love affair that went on for 6 years. The 7th year was a little off and in retrospect you should have seen what was going on. 8yrs in you find out that this smokin hot woman that you are madly in love with has been cheating on you for two years. With the dumb kid that works at Starbucks. No matter how good the first 6-7yrs were you can't see or feel that anymore. It was ruined.

    On the subject of Star Wars.......I was never as invested as I was in GOT so I didn't feel the betrayal when the movies took a big steamy dump..........Remember when the prequels were thought of as the bad ones?:rofl:


  3. 6 hours ago, Toonz said:

    well, what a lousy day to receive something so awesome that turned out to be a let down. I have sent a ticket to okiniland and if a replacement is not possible, I will have to operate on it. very tempted to order another one and if the same thing happens again, that will be case no.2


    If it was me I'd cut the tab off the wrong sided part and put the armor together (I think the bottom tab is the same on both). The leg armors are SOLID. I don't think you will even notice. That way you can at least dress it up and put it on display while thing are getting handled. :good:

  4. 20 hours ago, mikeszekely said:


    Blitzway has a very promising Voltron coming, but I'm fairly content with my SoC Voltron that matches nicely with my other SoC Voltron and not looking to drop $600-$700 on another.  But, y'know, more power to the people that do.


    1 hour ago, kanedaestes said:

    I agree. I’m good with my SoC

    I've got a SOC with the aftermarket thighs and I love it. Fantastic Voltron. I hope I don't regret PO'ing the Blitzway. I PO'd it through BBTS though. The reviews will be out before I have to pony up. I can cancel and lose my $70 deposit. Better than having a $700 toy I don't like anymore than the SOC though.

  5. 1 hour ago, Big s said:

    Back when I was young and it wasn’t considered a racist icon, I watched that show and every time my dad would remind me that the doors didn’t open

    I had a 1982 Mustang LX 5.0 that I bought in 1990 I think that had 130,000mi on it already. So of course I put a big shot of nitrous on it and slick and took it to the drag strip. I twisted the body so bad the doors wouldn't shut right anymore. I bent everything back into place and removed the door mechanisms and windows. It eventually got a roll bar and did a lot of good old school Detroit street racing. Ahhhhhh, to be young and dumb again.:p

  6. 1 hour ago, Special Sauce said:

    Right but not too bad of a markup from some of those retailers.  I only paid around $30 USD more than what the pre-orders were going for so I can't complain.

    We're still not sure he's talking about the GBP. Kinda makes it hard to give a smart reply to the OP.:D

  7. 3 hours ago, tekering said:

    Actually, there's no need to specify, 'cause every DX VF-1 release to date has sold out.  Regardless of what Valkyrie (or accessory set) you're after, the secondary market is your only option.

    Good point. They are all sold out at retail.

    But some retailers do have new units still in stock (at above retail pricing). Then there is the secondary market where everything is available for quite a bit more money.

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