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Posts posted by sqidd

  1. 20 hours ago, borgified said:

    I not surprised as no one even looks at the past posts and jumps to the most recent done. 

    if you took the time to read past posts @kajnrig, you would know that Mirage’s 31 ax has a newer noggin. 

    We should have a thread about noggin designs and nothing else is allowed in there.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Sanity is Optional said:

    I only have 10! ...YF/VF-19 figures...in 1/60 scale...


    Ten 19's!!!!:ohmy:

    I've only got 14 non VF-1 DX's.

    4 minutes ago, f-valk said:

    If I promise not to plug up the toilet, can I come over to play with just 1 of those dx vf1?


  3. 3 hours ago, Slave IV said:

    I've mentioned several times that I would rather not have something than buy from ninnin or mykombini if those were the only choices. Fwiw, I still use NY as a last resort and in this case, they sent out my combo GBP set for a total of 32900Y (ferry) last month.

    The way things are going on the West Coast you may see that sometime in 2023!😲

  4. 14 minutes ago, kajnrig said:

    It's especially disappointing that Lashana Lynch as Nomi all but disappears from the movie after such a big hullabaloo is made about her character inheriting the 007 moniker.

    They probably changed the direction of the movie after all of the backlash that they got for replacing 007 with a woman.

    I agree that the Bond 007 was up and down and we're on the same page on what we liked and didn't. I'm certainly not going out of my way to see the new one.

    And I'll leave this here:


  5. 5 hours ago, Shawn said:


    Had to do the math on that-it seemed suspicious, but checks out...crazy!
    Add in shipping and it is $400 in today's dollars to your door.

    1/48 VF-1J Valkyrie (Hikaru Ichijo Custom) (11/2003) – MSRP 14800円
    1/48 GBP-1S Armor Parts for VF-1 Valkyrie (12/2005)  – MSRP 12000円
    26800 Yen combined
    Exchange rate in 2003 1 USD = 115 Yen
    26800/115 = $233 USD (2003 rate)

    $233 USD in 2003 compared to 2021 USD
    $233 in 2003 is worth $347.36 today


  6. 45 minutes ago, derex3592 said:

    This.  @sh9000, I bought in years ago when they were released and went with the matt black and "weathered" version as to my eye it looked the closest in the promo pics to what I remember on TV. Well...almost a win. I can post pics of it if you want.  The black is very matt black, no weathering, the bottom half is light grey with heavy streaks of weathering which is kinda odd looking in person, kinda reminiscent of the Yamato "Weathering Special" VF's back in the day. It's an awesome helicopter display, but my motor died without cause a few years in and one of my doors is sprung and doesn't close all the way now which kinda sucks, but whatever, it's still a good looking bird. I have plans to try to repaint the underside at some point...maybe....


    Your Blue Thunder is EPIC! Who made it and where did you pick it up?

    Ooooo, you have the matt Black AW. I'm eyeballing one right now MISB. What do you think of the matt? Can you post some pics? Do you think you would lie the gloss black better? Is this the correct box for the matt?




    I got BT off AmazonUS. The maker is Organic (never heard of it before). I like it a lot. at 1:32 it's a great size and the detail is actually quite good. It's pretty heavy too. It's got that good diecast feel to it. I read a review that said the tail boom is angled up too far (it is) but I just pretend it's supposed to look like that. I like it. I'd buy it again. Linkypoo.


  7. 53 minutes ago, Paco Grande said:

    I foolishly ordered this through NY. I have not been screwed by them yet so I thought my luck would hold out. But I have not received a peep from NY about this order and they ignored my ticket as usual. Normally I would have more patience, but it's NY so paranoia is kicking in.

    When I check Ebay and Okiniland the prices seem high to me. Some of you were saying the prices aren't too bad for this set on Ebay etc. but I'm not seeing that. Am I just not searching correctly, or are we saying that Okiniland's price of $342 USD plus shipping is pretty good? The best price I've seen on Ebay is $392 USD including shipping from Japan. I paid $370 total from NY. I'm weighing my options because I'm thinking about doing a PayPal dispute with NY. But I ordered on May 21st so I'm only at 5 months.

    I'm used to buying MP Transformers at a 30% discount from Japan so paying so much over the $288 MSRP of this set is killing me.

    It doesn't matter how much you paid......if they never send it to you.;)

    Apply TF economics to Macross stuff doesn't really work. With Macross stuff a lot of the time you just have to embrace the suck.:D

    IMO the DX GBP set is worth every bit of $400 shipped. Heck, it's almost exactly the same price as the Yamato 1/48 was (adjusted for today's dollars). In reality the Bandai is quite inexpensive at retail. Paying a little over doesn't make it a bad deal.

  8. 1 hour ago, leeboo1211 said:

    It's been mentioned before on the 3rd party thread, but this isn't from the real MoShow, just imposters trying to capitalize on brand confusion. The legit MoShow has moved on to original IP like the Takeda Shingen from Progenitor Effect. 

    I tried looking for it recenty (not too hard though) to post up when a topic like this was brought up. Bobbly Skullface had a good video on 3P and knock off stuff, how they worked, how they were cracked down on, how they pop up under different names, etc. It was pretty interesting. A full documentary would be really interesting.

  9. 8 minutes ago, Big s said:

    I think that’s the entire reason he disagrees. He got a good copy and the other guy got a bad sample. Although if there were more reviews one way or another, that would probably be something that would show a trend. With every release of a product, someone is likely to get a bad one. But if a lot of people get a bad one then that’s a bad product. Hopefully it was just the one bad one and everyone else has a good copy. I don’t know if these particular companies have good customer service regarding replacements or repairs

    If someone says something and someone else has a response to it that starts with "I disagree" the responder is disagreeing with what the OP said. In this case he is saying "I don't agree that yours is loose and has paint app issues". He may have not meant it that way, but that is what he typed.

    Yeah, I'm pedantic. ;)

    We have three reviews now. Two bad.

  10. 8 minutes ago, DarkArchon3000 said:

    From Wikipedia: Airwolf was painted "Phantom Gray Metallic" (DuPont Imron 5031X) on top, and a custom pearl-gray (almost white) on the bottom. 

    So decidedly NOT BLUE. Good move Aoshima. 

  11. 8 minutes ago, Valkyrie Hunter D said:

    The one you have pictured is the default version with a slight metallic blue paint scheme. There were two other versions IIRC, one having a metallic black scheme and the other having matte black paint job.  I did a mini review of mine way back when it cost $80.

    The standard color is blue?:unknw: Is it blue on the show? I always thought it was black??

    I certainly never thought it was THIS blue (if blue at all). Is this what is in that box? I'm not exactly thrilled with that. I like your black one better.




  12. 10 minutes ago, TangledThorns said:

    I think this film will be compared to TDK the most which is a shame as I think an Afflek film would have been more... interesting.

    We seem to have the same tastes a lot, but I have to disagree on this one. Fatlek was a terrible Batman (IMO). I didn't believe for one second he was Batman. Just some guy pretending to be. And his sheer laziness getting in shape for the role was disappointing. He had one of the best Hollywood trainers (Mat Damen's brother), ALL THE DRUGS (a staple of Damen's brothers training) and his mid section still had to be done with CGI to give him the appearance of Abs. IMO he phoned in his performance and phoned in his training. Weaksauce.

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