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Posts posted by sqidd

  1. On 10/25/2021 at 3:36 PM, sh9000 said:


    OMGIII I want one!!!!!!!!😲

    Kind of. It's electric, so the range can't be that good. It also looks a little slow. And $92K is pretty steep for something that is less complicated than a motorcycle. If they can actually sell these things they should come down to $25-30K.

  2. 1 hour ago, Mog said:

    I am curious though to see how someone with minimal knowledge of Dune would view the movie though.

    My wife knows nothing of Dune and loved it. She's not much if a sci fi fan, so that says a lot.

    I thought the exposition was a wee bit much. I've read the books and seen the 1984 movie. She thought the exposition was spot on.  With her input I'd say the exposition was spot on then. I'd wager that there are going to be more first time "Duners" than people that know the story seeing the movie.

  3. Why would one want a live action adaptation to be a copy of the anime? Just watch the anime again if that is exactly what you want.

    I go into every adaptation knowing that it won't be the same as what it was adapted from. I go in expecting to enjoy it for reasons other than what I enjoyed what it was adapted from. The Expanse is a good example. The TV series is maybe a 7 out of 10 when it comes to being faithful to the books. I enjoyed the books. I enjoy the TV series. Both have their pluses. Both have their minuses.

    If I were one to get triggered by unfaithfull adaptations.....................................I wouldn't watch them.;)

  4. 7 hours ago, MKT said:


    Quite amazed that the Lancia Stratos' design still looks fresh today, as when it debuted more than 40 years ago :wub:

    That Tyrell is another outrageous design which really stood out to this day. No doubt it directly influenced Kawamori when he did the mecha for the Future GPX Cyber Formula series. Though I've never watched the series, I've been humming and hawing on the toy when it was on PO last year. And look, its the same scale as the Tyrell!




    I love this example and have been thinking of getting one.:good:


    8 hours ago, Sanity is Optional said:

    Am I the only one slightly confused why the storm figure is wearing a bikini bottom, while the illustration has her wearing hot pants?

    I'm more confused why the figure looks like a man.:unknw:



  5. 11 hours ago, derex3592 said:

    @sqidd - OK dude! Now I OFFICIALLY hate you! That's AWESOME! Where did it come from?! 

    I'm guessing you mean the BJ & The Bear big rig? It's from a company called Iconic Replicas. 1/43 scale (about 14" long). It's considered the quintessential example of the rig. I LOVE IT! Always loved it when I was a kid. Saw it and the actor at an Autorama when I was I'm guessing 8-9yrs old. I was in heaven.

    They go for some pretty dumb money and are hard to find. Here is one on feeBay. If it goes for under $300 that would be considered an outstanding price.


  6. 5 hours ago, brouken said:

    Well, milking a very expensive mold is logical from a business standpoint. I forgot who in this thread explained the very tedious process of setting up a factory to produce molds for a complicated toy like Metal Builds. And the factory set up is paid for by the manufacturer for only a set period of time. So yeah, Bandai will milk the mold. 😄

    Apart from the Crossbones, any U.C. era Metal Build would be most welcome. I'd really like to see what Bandai's Metal Build division will do with transforming Gundams. The Metal Robot Damashii Zeta Ka Ver. is the best iteration of that MS so far. I'd like to see it and the Double Zeta in the MB format.

    Molds are a MASSIVE investment.

  7. 54 minutes ago, ErikElvis said:

    I bubble wrapped everything I had on display and just threw them in boxes.  No rhyme or reason. Trying to work fast and putting them all back in boxes would have taken FOREVER. Who knows if I’ll ever see them again haha. Still a large majority were still boxed.  Definitely have a large front room, believe it or not, that the fiancé is giving me for a “museum” room. Gonna go for a more elegant display this time instead of just a bunch of detolfs. 

    I don't think my OCD would let me just bubble wrap them.:p

    Nice! Sounds like you have something to work with there. Looking forward to the results!

    I sure do wish that I had more space. I really want to do a theater/toy room. I'd need a bigger house. Well, technically no, I don't need a bigger house. I need at least the same size house but with enough property to build a out building for the business stuff. Right now it's taking up 1500sq ft of my lower level (ranch with a walk out) and 1000sq ft in garage space (the garage is pretty big). If I had that 1500sq ft to play with that would make one heck of a theater/toy room!:good:

  8. 37 minutes ago, ErikElvis said:

    About 85% moved into the new house. The amount of toys I have is ridiculous. I think it’s time to check myself. I’ll try and post some pics of my “collection” taking up a lot of space in the basement. Ugh.  I never want to move again. 

    If I move again......it will be my last. I can't imagine having to move all my toys. It would take an eternity to get them all transformed/put back in their boxes!!!!!:bad:

    Hopefully you have more room in the new house and can display all that stuff!

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