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Posts posted by sqidd

  1. 19 minutes ago, seti88 said:

    Used to load up stealth and top gun whenever i/or my friends got new TV's or hi-fi speakers..😂

    I've never seen Stealth. Top Gun is a classic. Also one of the best "Honest Trailers" ever done.:D

    Another great fighter movie was Firefox. I like to see it every 10yrs or so and remember that my Grandfather took me to it when I was a kid. He was a B17 pilot in WW2. 42 missions. The guy was a rock that got the job done. No matter what. I wish I was more mature when he passed and was insightful enough to sit down with him and ask for a lot more advice.

  2. 32 minutes ago, jenius said:

    The whole domestic violence rapey subplot could probably use some tweaking...

    I'm not triggered by much. But that did get me while watching Plus. I like that Macross stuff doesn't shy away from "real" things. I don't like watching things that involve women getting abused, raped, etc. though. Now if the goal is to make me want to strangle the life out of the character doing it......mission accomplished. 

    Also, don't hurt dogs.

  3. 1 hour ago, levzloi said:

    I think it would be very interesting to see him play the other iterations of Duncan, such as the Mentat from Dune Messiah and Children of Dune.  Maybe he has the chops for it, maybe not, it would be interesting to see.

    IDK. Did you see him trying to act like Conan? Not exactly the toughest role, but boy oh buy, he did NOT pull that off.:p

  4. 1 hour ago, Big s said:

    As a Macross fan, I had always wanted to see it done in live action, but I really think more grounded anime would work best. Imagine how terrible bayformers and crappy modern pop songs would be  thrown in with out of place giant fart jokes

    The fi5rst time I saw Plus I thought to myself..........self, This would make a great Americanized action movie. Something with a Top Gun type feel. It would have to obviously change some (which would drive some purists nuts) but I can see it landing well with American audiences. Even with the singing......but maybe pull it back just a tad. Put three big actors in there for the main protagonists and it would sell.

    Don't let Michael Bay anywhere near it.:rofl: 

  5. 2 hours ago, tekering said:

    Regrettably so. :unsure:

    Even more regrettably so. :(

    Like, say, 2001: A Space Odyssey. :good:

    Like, say, Jupiter Ascending. <_<

    My expectations were probably too high going into this (despite my lukewarm reaction to Blade Runner 2049) because of my familiarity with the source material, the marketing hype, and all the praise heaped on the film.  I agree the cast is uniformly strong -- unquestionably the film's greatest strength -- but Jason Momoa felt a little out of place, bringing too much 21st century sensibility to the 102nd century setting the other characters seemed to inhabit.  Of course, we knew that from the trailers (and presumably, his Duncan Idaho was deliberately written that way).

    In fact, virtually everything fresh and different about this version -- casting, production design, even the new bits of dialogue -- was present in the pre-release advertising, leaving very little novelty to the experience of actually watching the movie.  For a film over two and-a-half hours long, I was expecting more content than what the trailers presented... and there really wasn't.

    It's a footlong sandwich with delicious bread, but surprisingly little meat. :huh:

    I think the real problem with Momoa was that he was being, himself. The guy has a ton of charisma, and most of the things he acts in plays to that, The problem is he doesn't really act. He plays slightly different versions of himself. It makes it hard for him to fit into a movie like this.  He's kind of like The Rock in this way. Fun to watch when he's doing "Rock Stuff". But he isn't going to fit into something "cerebral".

    I don't want to take anything away from either of them. I've met The Rock (through a friend who worked on the Fast And Furious cars) and the guy absolutely oozes charisma and it super fun to be around. From what I hear Momoa is the same way.

  6. 56 minutes ago, treatment said:

    The Arms missile/armor are a bit heavy. I'm not sure the DX's arms can hold it a posed raised with it as such in my pic for a long time without evenutally sagging and stuff. 

    This place cracks me up. One of the first complaints I saw leveled at the GBP was that it felt light and cheap.:p

    56 minutes ago, treatment said:

    as well as pricing and availability issues

    What availability issues? I think this is the most available DX release yet, They can still be had all over the place for a very modest "late fee".

  7. 3 hours ago, Angesdad said:

    Yeah I got my copy too and I kinda have mixed feelings about it. Besides the kite symbol, I wish the base color for the armors was a bit more gray like the illustration booklet. A tad too purple for my taste. I've just put it together last night but why do I get the urge to undo all that armor to reveal the J instead? - I believe I need two combo sets.:crazy: 

    You don't have a stand alone 1J? If not there is a argument for buying another combo set, and then selling the armor off so offset the cost. You could be into a 1J for about $280 pretty easy. That would be a killer 1J price.

  8. 59 minutes ago, tekering said:


    As a sci-fi geek, I know full well about the Butlerian Jihad, but isn't the average viewer likely to wonder why there's no artificial intelligence in Dune?  Or what a Mentat is?  What about the Navigators, or the Spacing Guild?  The art of Kanly?  Suk Imperial Conditioning, and why Dr. Yueh would've been above suspicion?  Hell, they barely even mention the function of the spice, the central concept that drives the plot. :huh:


    Have you seen most popular movies? The average viewer doesn't wonder much. As long as the opening scene has explosions, they like the movie.;)

  9. 2 hours ago, pengbuzz said:

    Yeah, but the thing is: if your motorcycle stalls, you can just pull over to the side of the road. If this thing stalls, it's not like you can just pull over to the nearest cloud! O.o

    Motorcycles haven't stalled since 20yrs ago.:D

    That helicopter thing is super cool. I'd love to have one. From a technical standpoint it's not exactly earth shattering though. A frame, some electronics, a battery(s) and some electric motors. It's pretty much a scaled up RC drone. If I were to spend real money on something like that (and I'm dumb enough to do it) it had better go at least 75mph and have a 1hr battery "range". Anything short of that and I wouldn't be interested. And that's the low bar. I'd really like something like that to go at least 100mph.:good:.....which is still pretty slow.

  10. 1 hour ago, Mog said:

    I remember my wife forcing me to watch Hunger Games, and constantly having to explain “This was important in the book.”

    If there’s too much of that going on in an adaptation, I get annoyed.

    With this film, it doesn’t feel like that’s an issue.  

    I think only the Bene Gesseret stuff would be a little hard to follow for a newbie.  Their whole genetic breeding plans and LOOOOOOONG-term planning aren’t too elaborated here.

    I think the only thing I explained to my wife was the Bene Gesseret were basically witches. She wasn't quite picking it up in the beginning. I can understand that. It has a sci fi feel more than a fantasy feel to it. If you're thinking along the lines of sci fi you may not make the magic connection right away.

    My wife tried explaining Hunger Games to me too. I was tuned out by the time they got on the train though so it was a lost cause. I wasn't paying attention anymore.

  11. 11 hours ago, Dirtyboy said:

    Carn believe they're still Using Styrofoam tray, kinda rubbish. It's the reason why my mirage yellowed whilst boxed up because I didn't have the plastic separating the foam tray and the fighter. 

    Ewwwww, gross. I'll pull mine out right away.

    4 hours ago, no3Ljm said:

    You can probably buy some plastic to use and put it between the figure and the styrofoam tray.


    A layer between the Valk and the foam isn't going to prevent yellowing 100%. It's an issue with off-gassing (gas), so the entire inside of the Styrofoam coffin is being effected. Or is it affected? I'm too lazy to look it up.:D

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