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Posts posted by sqidd

  1. 4 hours ago, Angesdad said:

    Wow a pretty penny but a bargain nonetheless considering current market for one of those! I am ok w/o the awakening but always wanted the winterfest 00. I do have a 09 and although it is quite similar to the 00 in the design and color theme, it just doesn't do it for me...I should have picked one up when it was about 600 bucks..6 years ago!:crazy: 

    Yeah, I was thinking that 09 was going to have to be my 00.....and I wasn't thrilled about it.:(


  2. On 11/7/2021 at 10:55 PM, Angesdad said:

    Jelly! The two Medicom RAH Eva’s I’ve missed and will never get to own🤣

    I thought the same. But, there came up for auction of feeBay along with a Unit 02 all as one package for $1800. Yeah, a chunk. But new Unit 01 Awakenings go for about $3000 (they only made 360 of them) and new Unit 00's go for about $1500 (only made 600 of them). I hit buy it now as fast as I could!:p I sold the Unit 02 the day these showed up and ended up with $1600ish into the 01 Awakening and 00. Still a chunk. but certainly a bargain!

    The PO for Unit 13 matures in December and I have a 09 in the box. That's the whole line kiddos! Time to start building a custom EVA display cabinet.:good:

  3. Boy, I'm probably going to catch grief for this....:p

    I finished the anime last night. I really don't understand all the love for the show. It was entertaining, but not for a second did I think I was watching something special. I was actually pretty disinterested by the time it wrapped up. The only reason I kept watching was the time I alreday had invested.

    I'm going to speculate that a lot of people saw it when they were quite a bit younger and didn't have the same expectations, life experience, perspective, etc that they do now. But they have the emotional response that they did when they were younger. For me Star Wars is a perfect example. When I was a kid I thought it was the most amazing thing in the world. At 50yrs old I don't think I would be that impressed (if I were watching it for the first time).

    I'm not concerned about the Netflix adaptation at all. They're certainly not re-painting the Mona Lisa.

    I give it a 6.5/10.



  4. 2 hours ago, f-valk said:

    Getting Yamato 1/48s was less cutthroat on secondary market even when it was several years after release. ............ Shame that Yamato company went under.


    One could argue that they're connected.

  5. 37 minutes ago, no3Ljm said:

    If 'special guests' means people from HG and Bandai announcing stuff together, why not?

    I really do want to be positive about the current situation of the dealings. But still at this point, I'm not putting my hopes up. I'm taking it as it goes.


    I don't see it changing much for those of us in North America. Even if Bandai starts selling directly to us it will still be PO madness.

  6. I didn't know this thread was a thing. I just had the RX-78 Unleashed commissioned. I don't have the time to build them nor the paint skills to paint them. My guy is working on a PG Perfect Strike right now for me. That one is going to be weathered and a bit battle damaged.













  7. 1 minute ago, Angesdad said:

    I think he better ship it to your door 'cause not everyone can cough up 2k, LEK or LED, not in this economy. The inflation has hit us up here in Canuckland like a b@#$%.

    I was thinking the same thing. There probably isn't a big demand for a $2K CAD Jetfire locally. Heck, there probably isn't a big demand if you include the whole world. There are only a few dummies like me.:fool:

  8. 5 hours ago, crackpot said:

    It's in CAD so around 1.6K USD. $750 for the work plus cost of purchasing the Valk and strike pack plus shipping and duties to Canada. If for argument's sake everything cost at retail and Canadian duties/taxes were assessed which seems to be unavoidable for the most part in that country: $240 for the VF-1S shipped + $110 for the SSP shipped + Canadian duties/taxes which I don't know how much would that be but I'll put it down to $40 total + shipping cost to LEK + shipping cost going back. Not sure if the final product going back to Canada is assessed again for duties/tax. It's 1.1K USD without any of the duties/tax and shipping cost to and from LEK. It might be 300-400 USD additional. You don't have to wait 2 years as well.

    I didn't notice it was in Canadian. That's different math for sure.

  9. 16 hours ago, Mechapilot77 said:


    wow you even save mainline stuff boxes?!  i see lots of 'vintage" 3P TFs. haha.  are the toys on display somehwre or are there actuallly toys int here still.  igear coneheads and con air raprtors FTW.  haha

    He has ROOMS of toys on display.

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