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Everything posted by sqidd

  1. They may be able to be removed. But the only way to get the damaged ones is to get the Assembly Kit. And they're unpainted resin. I'd much rather have a PF than the Assembly Kit but with some optional blown off guns. The Assembly kit is not as refined as the PF (it's a gen 1 Yamato after all). I'd always wanted one with the blown off guns and only just recently pulled the trigger on it because I have a painter that can do this sort of work for me now. I can't/ don't care to learn how to paint well. i'm also really sensitive to chemicals, paint, etc. Seems like a nightmare to me.
  2. Yeah, he's super menacing. I absolutely love it. If you're going to be the bad guy.....be the bad guy! I love what they did with his makeup this season. He looks almost a little plastic-y. It adds to the creepiness.
  3. Plot twist! It comes with no feet! I wanted to pull the trigger on a couple Nora's. But I just can't justify replacing my Yamato's.
  4. Got the YetiStand adapter printed today. The SDF-1 is now flying like it's supposed to.
  5. Both? I remember when I was racing Superbikes (retired 2008) 1000's were about $10,000 and $600's were about $7,000. They're something like $15,000 and $11,000 respectively now I think. Bicycles get crazy expensive too though. One of my mountain bikes was $15,000 and the other $13,000. The $15,000 one is pretty much the upper limit without getting something very custom. Road and Tri bikes get more expensive though. A good quality middle of the road carbon framed mountain bike is $4,000-4,500. All that said, the technology/ materials in newer bikes is amazing. There is a reason they cost so much.
  6. Just watched ep. 4. Holy smokes Dean, sorry, I mean Soldier Boy (Jensen Ackles) upped the "vitamins" for this role. He looks great. Too bad Hollywood can't be honest about PED use among actors. Anyway, good episode. Homelander "finding himself" sure is fun to watch.
  7. The only reason I went with the Assembly Kit was to get the blown up cannons. I would have gotten another PF otherwise and avoided all the hassle and the lower quality of the Assembly Kit if someone just sold the blown up cannons. Yeah, I wasn't a fan. And I wanted to have it kinda match the PF. So that was an easy choice.
  8. I remember the Satanic Panic vividly. But I had some D&D friends (I tried it, it didn't stick) and I was into all of the metal bands. Looking back now how silly was that? Satan? Really? I suppose its human nature to look for "demons" though. I'd say it's actually more prevalent now. Just in different forms. It amazes me how few kids I see outside now. When I was growing up in the 80's every kid knew the rule "Be home when the streetlights come on". And we were always late. I live right y some of the best mountain bike trails in the country. I rarely see anyone under 30 on them. Are you kidding me!?!?! You wouldn't have been able to peel me and just about every kid I knew off of them!
  9. I think the trailer looks cool. But then immidiately remembered something my Dad used to say when I was a kid. He was in advertising/commercials and spent a lot of time in LA. He was basically Don Draper. "I've never seen a bad trailer" -Dad
  10. Medicom RAH EVA Unit 13 finally arrived after being delayed a bunch of times. Holy huge spears! They're 34" long! I couldn't wait for the custom cab I have being built for my EVA stuff so I jammed everything in this one for now (except Unit 09 which is still in its box). Looks pretty cool! All that said, it's the same junky quality you come to expect from Medicom. Oh well, they look cool.
  11. Medicom RAH EVA Unit 13 finally arrived after being delayed a bunch of times. Holy huge spears! They're 34" long! I couldn't wait for the custom cab I have being built for my EVA stuff so I jammed everything in this one for now (except Unit 09 which is still in its box). Looks pretty cool! All that said, it's the same junky quality you come to expect from Medicom. Oh well, they look cool.
  12. Maybe different plastics? Some yellow faster than others?
  13. Much better. Looks like I didn't have the guns in their right spots either. Maybe I should have looked at a pic. The lock on the back still doesn't want to engage all of the way though. It's better, but not Arcadia PF better. I'll fiddle with it more when the stand adapter is printed. Thanks again. Sometimes you can't see the forest though the trees.
  14. Oh yeah, mine is too high. Thanks
  15. I went with the standard boosters. Yes, there is something wrong with the waist. The model is so loose that the body won't stay extended in the up position very well at all. I moved that one piece out of position to see if it would keep it erect. It does. I'll move the other side now so they match. Just CAD'd up the stand adapter for a YetiStand. Hopefully I have it up and "flying" tomorrow.
  16. sqidd


  17. sqidd


  18. Three years of direct sunlight will do that. Oops.
  19. Yamato 1/3000 SDF-1 Assembly Kit to go with the Arcadia PF. Gotta CAD up a stand adapter for the Assembly Kit to get it in DYRL movie pose on a YetiStand still. TBH the Assembly Kit is junk compared to the Arcadia. It’s not nearly as refined. Turned out pretty though.
  20. Yamato 1/3000 SDF-1 Assembly Kit to go with the Arcadia PF. Gotta CAD up a stand adapter for the Assembly Kit to get it in DYRL movie pose on a YetiStand still. TBH the Assembly Kit is junk compared to the Arcadia. It’s not nearly as refined. Turned out pretty though.
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