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Posts posted by sqidd

  1. Sqidd, Your off to a great start. :) Add an artbook or two. They're usually pretty cheap, easy to find and add another dimension to your collection. When I show my coworkers my Tenjin artbook or the Kazutaka artbook, my friends see why I'm into the stuff that I'm into. The CMS figures also look good as well. They're plentiful, cheap, and you can usually get the ones that you really want rather easily. Another suggestion is the Paul Champagne dvd boxes. I own two and they look absolutely stunning. I'd like to get the other two just to complete the set. I wish he made boxes for GITS.

    I agree, some art of somekind would help out a lot. Right now it's so very one demensional. Great call!

  2. Sqidd,

    I think you have a nice collection too. The bottom shelf looks great! I personally like when the valks are spread out more with space because then you can see each one individually. If I had more space I would do that too but I have to fit all my figures in one place so that I can hide them somewhat hostile forces! Maybe try some different camera angles to make your collection look better in the photographs. Like if you zoom in on one at an angle so that the others are in the background but out of focus that is always a cool effect. Or you could use a macro lens and get some close ups of some of your favorite details of the valks. I look forward to seeing more photos of your collection once the new additions arrive.

    I'm going to do something here soon. I just need to figure out what. It will come to me eventually if I just let it come. I think I am going to go for a complete “Do Over” on the shelf situation. I think I am going to go for something out of stainless steel or aluminum….or both. Maybe some heated (it turns pink and blue) titanium for uprights and accents. I pretty good with the whole metal forming thing and my best friend has an entire machine shop that I have the run of. I’m thinking a very industrial look that is a little rough around the edges (battle damage) and unfinished in spots would be cool.

  3. Hi there Sqidd,

    I must somehow convince you to watch the 36 episodes of macross in Japanese with English subtitles. This is the BEST way to see it. You can get it here for $39.99 http://www.robotech.com/store/viewproduct.php?id=93

    The original Japanese show newly dubbed into english is available but really just watch the above. It is available for $34.99 here http://www.robotech.com/store/viewproduct.php?id=243

    Of course you could watch Robotech. After watching the entire Robotech macross saga and then watching the original Japanese with english subtitles. I formally renounced Robotech and became a macross purist. I grew up on Robotech and had loved it for decades but after seeing the original with eng subs I now think that Robotech is really cheezy crap (with a huge amount of sentimental value). I implore you to watch it in its original form with eng subs. It is quite amazing how HG and Carl Macik butchered the show.

    Macross timeline coming up.....

    I am hoping that Macross does the same thing to me! I got the Robotech box set a month ago (that’s what started the toy thing) and I have watched two discs ad the only reason I am still watching it is sentimental value. The purists on this board are purists for a reason, Macross has got to be great.

    The subs on the other hand…………..I won’t survive! As much as I agree with you that to get the whole experience I need to watch the dubbed version, I can’t do it. It’s just not in my DNA. I have tried watching all sorts of great movies that were dubbed and I can’t make it past a half hour. Your urgings are very appreciated.

    The timeline and some direction towards a place to purchase would be great (assumptive close :rolleyes: ).

  4. I tried searching for the answer to this, and I swear I have seen part of my answer somewhere so I apologies if this is one of those noob questions.

    I want to watch all of the Macross stuff start to finish. I found where to get the first 36 episodes in English, but I don’t know what comes next in the “series” and if it can be had in English. So how about a hand?

    What is the order of all the Macross stuff and the name of it? Is it available in English? A good place to purchase it?

    I would like to get everything “Macross” in English and to have a weekend of it.



  5. I saw one of these "giant" Vf-1js at a toystore in LA on the third street promenade in July. If I remember correctly it was a Miriya color. It was on display and it was pretty ugly. It looked like a poorly made 1/144 scale model blown up and it looked quite heavy although I did not try to pick it up.

    You would be better off getting a modeler to do you a large custom or hire a sculptor.

    I mean for that money you could 3D scan a 1/48 yamato in your favorite pose, or a nice 1/72 Hasegawa model and have it 3D "printed" in foam core or wood or whatever material you want and then paint it or have an artist paint it and that would look much much much better. Actually that would cost a bit more than 3Gs but it would be cool! With these 3D scan and 3D milling machine "printers" they can do any scale. You could make one 8 feet tall!

    Oh, how sweet would it be to have a valk in batt mode done in bronze!? Put it in the middle of a coy pond with bamboo fence? Macross Zen Garden!!!

    The “prototype” would certainly cost a fortune. But, once that was knocked out it more could be made to offset the prototype costs. I designed a set of triple clamps for Ducati racebikes last year and by the time the production shop had the CNC machines programmed the first example cost me about $4000. But I washed it out in the first 40 sets that I ordered and it added it only added $100 per set. My base cost per unit is $420.

    Of course a VF-1 would be very, very complex. But the shop that does my work has this 3D scanner deal and I’m sure they could scan one in. The size is effectively irrelevant as long as it can fit in the CNC machine (aside from materials cost of course). I don’t know what my shop is limited to as far as media though. Everything I have had them make for me has been metal or Delrin.

    I also work with another shop that does 3D modeling for the big three. I have used them in the past to make a mold for some carbon fiber bodywork. They have a 5 axis milling machine that can do things as big as a car! I have seen this thing knocking out a “model” car for the SEMA show, it was amazing.

    I am totally talking out of my “A” here, but I would guess that $5000 would cover the design work. Then you could probably get units for $500. They could probably be made to be a little bit poseable too. They wouldn’t be a 1/48 Yamoto, but you could probably get the head, arms in a couple spots and legs in a couple spots. Then someone with some skills would need to paint them. I am well aware that its irresponsible speculation, but I’ll bet if you ran 50 of them they could be had for $600-700 a unit. I would pay that for a 6 foot tall VF-1 with strike armor.

  6. Did we ever get a story as to why that project got cancelled? I would have LOVED to be in the boardroom during that discussion. :lol:

    They would probably need to invent some sort of very advanced joint system to keep those heavy arms, etc "up". And the feet would need to be made out of depleted uranium! :o

  7. Dude, you have a nice collection ... consider yourself lucky that you aren't ADDICTED ..... yet!!

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    And 10 more on the way? 10 more what???


    Thanks.....but I am afraid I am an addict :unsure:

    On the way I have:

    2 YF-11's that I purchased from a board member (thanks)

    2 YF-21's that I purchsed from a board member (thanks)

    1 Super Poseable Cannon Fodder (look, I'm catching on to the lingo :) )

    1 Yamoto Konig Monster 1/100

    1 set (6) of the Chara Works 1/144 VF-1's (those little suckers are cool!)

    1 SDF-1 1/5000 scale by Wave

    1 Zentraedi Tactical Battle Pod by Matchbox

    1 Zentraedi Officers Battle Pod by Matchbox

    1 VE-1 Elintseeker Yamoto

    I have my eye on a couple of YF-19A's in the blue "game" color right now.

    I need a YF-21 and a YF-11 with fast packs also.

    I wish there were more quality "Bad Guy" stuff out there. If Yamoto did some of the Zentraedi stuff I can't imagine it would be anything but outstanding. Maybe even some Zentraedi stuff in Revlotech so when the VF-1's come out you could set up all sorts of cool little battles!

    See, I am screwed!!!

  8. The term "protoculture addict" would be a Robotech reference. The term "protoculture" is both a Robotech and Macross reference. Referring to "Protoculture" as the pioneers of a galactic empire would be a purely Macross reference.

    What if I were to say "I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for those damn kids and their Protoculture?"

    Scooby Doo

  9. As I was sitting here cropping my shots and uploading them on to my site all I could think was how lame my collection is. It looks cool while I am sitting here, but compared to some of the pictures in this thread......... :blink:

    Macross stuff (ignore the Cyclone). I only found these about a month ago. I have about ten more on the way. I am going to need to put something cooler than these shelves up though.


  10. Thanks for the heads up Al Bundy!

    I was watching a few on feebay that were going to end today and they were already right under $75. I'm sure they would have gone a lot higher in the last few minutes. I just ordered one off of the link you provided. You are Da Man.

    Your really taking your chances with that company. The last thing I bought from them was a Hikaru VF-1S supposedly New in mint box. Well, after taken it out I noticed the head was floppy. No big deal, I can just tighten the screw on the bottom of the head. Well i could have if it wasn't stripped to hell and back. I've got a feeling they took a Hikaru vf-1a a placed a 1s head on it.

    That sucks. I took this into consideration. I would be pissed if that happened to me. But I checked and they have a phone number and an address posted. If I get screwed I can always fly out there and poke someoe in the eye :)

  11. I'm not surprised they are junk. They would need to cost a fortune to be that big and very detailed and durable.

    I'm still curious how much they are though. If they are expensive ($500+) the they are junk. If they were cheap ($200 or so) then they may be cool enough to buy because of their size. But if they ding easy or arms fall off they aren't worth anythig.

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