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Posts posted by sqidd

  1. 8 hours ago, technoblue said:

    Anyway, back to positives. I'm glad that we got a fun tease of Ed with Ein before the end credits. Seems legit to me. I'm looking forward to seeing more episodes with those two. The split between Spike and Jet was also expected---I mean Jet also blew up at Spike in the anime when he found out about his past. I'm looking forward to seeing how the live action show resolves all of that. Getting to see Faye find out about her past and perhaps even getting to see the live action interpretation of the Astral Gate accident should be cool too.

    I've always wanted more backstory on the Astral Gate accident. In the anime it seemed like a lost opportunity. It would be cool if they put it in season 2.

    I was hoping for Ed in season 1. I can't explain why but I absolutely loved Ed in the Anime. On paper I would say she would irritate me to no end. But, in practice I found myself laughing out loud at her shannangins. And her physical comedy had me smiling the entire time.:rofl: That part from the amine had my cracking up HARD! The biggest issue is casting Ed. Wow, that will be a task.


  2. 4 hours ago, blackconvoy_D01 said:

    Watched it and I liked it alot- especially towards the end, eps: 8, 9 and 10 were the strongest. 1, 4, 5 and 6 were good. 3 and 7 were meh to ok. 2 was my least favorite. The soundtrack was really good to.

    I'm on 9. I agree it's getting better. 

    Vicious still sucks though. Super hard. The Kylo Ren description of him above is spot on.

  3. I'm about half way though. I'm not impressed at all. As someone mentioned above, it feels "cheap". Not just in budget, but in "soul". I'll watch it all the way through a bit at a time while eating meals and maybe a half episode at a time when I jump in bed. Definitely not something that I am at all inclined to binge watch. It's more "background noise" than anything else to me. It's a shame. I had high hopes.

    The anime was way, way, way better.

  4. 2 hours ago, Anasazi37 said:

    I'm guessing that it shows up in the new Delta movie. Hard pass for me on this one and the "worldwide" VF-25. I already have examples of both valks in my collection (Alto YF-29 and Ozma VF-25). Will save my money for some other inevitable PO Madness events. I only break my "no repaints of the same valk" rule for SDFM, where I must have them all.

    I'm a hard pass on the 25 too. It's the best looking anniversary edition IMO. But that's not a high bar. It doesn't do anything for me.

    I have a M&M display and I would be tempted to get the 29 for that. But it's pretty full..........and right now there is a M&M of everything. Having a Max 29 and no Miria would throw it off balance and my OCD would murder me.:D

  5. 7 minutes ago, brooklynmacross said:

    Excited for this. Definitely a series that needs more attention. Hope it gets the DX treatment as well

    I'd lose my mind if they released DX Destroids. 

  6. 5 hours ago, 505thAirborne said:

    While wondering if Arcadia would consider a reissue of the VF-1D, I came across this little gem and snapped it up right away. (No option parts but I can live without those for now) 

    The toy for its age is extremely clean & snug, only issue are those dreaded cracked shoulders, luckily I have a spare set from Shapeways and know how to fix it, for what I paid for this VF-1D, a small repair is worth it. B))👍






  7. 1 hour ago, 68whiskey said:

    Nostalgia factor. Especially since Eva hit Netflix , all the weebs are trying to re live the childhood nostalgia. They buy the MB Evas, realize they are a waste of money and then re sell them. Especially that Eva 2 , there’s always one for sale cheap.

    I also say this as an owner of both MB Eva 01 version and the first MB Eva 2 

    I felt the same way about mine. I had both the MB's.......and sold them. If you're going "small" the ThreeZero stuff is way better. If you're going big there is RAH and Dynaction .

  8. 2 hours ago, TangledThorns said:

    Wife and I are watching YOU on Netflix and it's way better than I expected. Really good pacing for a Lifetime series, lol.

    Lifetime, LOL

    I had a friend try and explain it to me and I just wasn't interested. Eventually gave it a shot. I can't explain why I really like the show. "On paper" it doesn't sound good.........................but it is. My wifey likes it too.

  9. 8 hours ago, Mog said:

    Second trailer for The Expanse’s final season:

    Looks like a throw-down with Inaros.  But I’m not sure what that last bit is all about though.

    Looks like a pretty big departure fro the books. Hopefully they don't pull a GOT with the last season.

    Also, I'm a bit worn out on Inaros. I don't remember him being around this long in the books? I may be mis-remembering though. Or he wasn't as annoying in the books. In the books I remember him being a charismatic leader (misguided). In the show he's straight up generic/evil. The generic/evil thing makes him way more intolerable and weakens the character IMO. The protagonist is always better if you have to have a internal moral wrestling match with their motivations/tactics/etc. Inaros in the show is not that.

  10. 50 minutes ago, 505thAirborne said:

    It's a big problem with movies these days, relying so hard on nostalgia or worse, trying to recreate that lightning in a bottle effect vs. just creating something brand new. 

    As I saw in one review that praised this film, it was because of all the Easter eggs & 1984 references that won that reviewer over. Though the worst I saw was one of the producers saying that this movie "Introduces Ghostbusters to a whole new generation". Just show them the original movie then, it's why after 37 years we still remember & quote the film.

    I'll watch this at some point but I'm in no rush and no not because of Jeremy's review. 


    I'm not a fan of fan service either (or time travel as plot armor). Hence my complete dislike for Endgame.:bad:

    I'll probably watch GB too. When it's free and I'm half asleep.

    I can't wait for The Drinkers review.:D

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