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Posts posted by sqidd

  1. Were they ghost fighters? I rewatched episode 1 around the 18 minute mark and the only thing that stood out for me were the blue/black ghost fighters launching.

    Do you mean one of these? I'm going to pop it in and check.

    Thanks to Mr March for his site, thats where I got the pic


  2. The purple valk between the camo 0D and the Miriya-scheme 0D looks like a VF-19F, minus the ankle cuffs. Has the 19F/S wings and no canards.

    Change it to a light grey/dark gray mix color scheme and that 19F doesn't look half bad.

    Now I have to go look at episode 1. :p

    Damn, I thought I had something there :) I am still wonderig what that bad sucker was though. They were blue/black ad wet from the RH side of the screen toward the middle ad then wet balistic right in frot of the Macross. Thats it though, I didn't see anymore of them though.

    I did spot two VF=1 "stealth" types in episode 6 though. They were parked in the hangar deck.

  3. About 18 minutes into SDFM episode 1 there are some mecha that I didn't recognize. They were only shown for a second when the figters were "launched" for the first time. I searched around a bit for a picture/ description of them but gave up and went back to watching my new DVD's (which are fabulious by the way, and I don't use that word much :D ). I just came across this picture in the "model" section. Is this unidentafied fighter the VF-0D? Is there any way to get one short of building a model?


  4. So December is the month huh? Can that be considered accurate? I have ever dealt with the “limited run” stuff. I am assuming that I need to be on the ball right away when they get released. I just got the SV-51 off of feeBay instead of waiting for one of the US sellers to fill their pre orders. I want to get a couple of each of the 25ths. Would I be smarter to get a pre order in o these or will there be enough just to feeBay them the day they get released?


  5. Hey Squidd, You don't happen to live Hawaii do you? I swear I just saw someone in a f150 truck with a vanity plate that said squidd T.

    Nope, I live somewhere a lot nicer tha HI..............beautiful, safe, dreamlike.....Detroit :p

    I guess there are two of me. Scary thought ;)

  6. I am new to this whole Macross Yamato “toy” thing, but I have purchased almost all of them in the last 6 weeks, so I do have an example of just about everything they make.

    Firstly I think that calling these “toys” is just silly. They are “transformable display items” or “Art”. There is nothing about any Yamato product that I have that screams “TOY”. They are to be displayed, not played with. And they are to be transformed with tender loving care. Once again, they are not “toys”. I agree that some specific situations could have been better addressed by Yamato, but that plays into my next point…….you get what you pay for.

    I hear more than anything else on this board “If I am paying $150+ for one of these they should be perfect” etc, etc, etc, etc. I hate to break it to you but in the year 2007 $150 is not a lot of money. It costs me $75 just to fill the gas tank in my truck, and it’s an F150, not a Mack. I realize that some of you are young, in school, don’t have a ton of disposable income, etc. But that doesn’t make $150 worth more than $150. I think the quality, size, design, etc of the Yamato Macross stuff is incredible for $150 and I am glad they don’t cost more. We are talking about a product with very, very low production numbers that for most of us is not even officially imported to our country. If these were “Transformers” or whatever is the hot kids toy out there right now and had a TV show on every day at 3:00pm supporting it these would cost $19.99 (they probably wouldn’t be as nice though).. Mass production means mass production. These, I am afraid are not mass produced.

    How about value? Most of you I am sure take a little pride in having a hobby that is not part of the mainstream. It seems that most people on this board have some complex personalities and for the most part seem a bit more creative and intelligent than your average bear. You have chosen to operate outside the mainstream, and in doing so have chosen to spend more money on what you love than lets say your average NASCAR or WWF fan. As far as hobbies go, especially non mainstream hobbies this Macross stuff is dirt cheap. What do you think it costs to collect art? Collect guns? Have a fast car? Race ANYTHING?

    I think it’s amazing that I can purchase something from a far off land, that relates to a subject that almost no one knows about, has incredible quality, looks super cool and all for about $150 a shot! I have never ever once looked at a Yamato item as cheap, or crappy.

    Enjoy your Yamato “toys”, chalk the idiosyncrasies up to low production numbers and a niche market. If they bother you so much that you get upset about them you are missing the point of what they are and what they have to offer and at that point you ARE paying too much for them.

    My $.02

  7. Not sure if I got ripped off or not. I ordered the sv-51 from play-asia.com website. I looked at the box (in the pictures on the site) and it does say Yamato, but I just noticed under the name, "Happinet". Is that just a order company? Or is that a fake make of the Yamoto toys? If it is, I need to cancel the order. I don't read japanese so I cant tell what kind of site Happinet is.

    Btw, for those who have it, how does it stay in the different forms? Ite parts aren't loose are they?


    Happinet site

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