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Posts posted by sqidd

  1. Ok master modelers. I will be modding a YF-19 Yammie here shortly. I am going to give it my beloved Fokker paint job. I am no dumb a$$, I can build motors, diagnose problems and my living involves fluid dynamics and an incredible attention to detail. My problem is that I have not had a history of painting so there are two big things I am missing. One, I have not made any mistakes yet (because I haven't done anything yet) which means that I will be making mistakes and therefore learning from them. Secondly I don't know what products to use or not use because I have not been able to test them all.

    Would you guys be as kind as to put together a top ten, or top twenty things I should be armed with? It may be tid bits of wisdom, or it may be make sure you use XXXXX for primer.

    Thanks in advance


  2. these pics have without a doubt helped me make up my mind....when i get the 19 it will be the FP version.

    I have 3 1/60 19's. Two without boosters, one with. I got the one with the booster last. As soon as I played with the booster version for a bit I ordered two booster only kits. :)

    By all means, get the booster version

  3. Yeah i do like your light set up as well! Although it wouldn't suit my cabinet at all, for obvious reasons,

    and it does have a real yellow effect, kinda like a sunset effect, which doesnt appeal to me as much as the LED white light,

    I dig ya there. I would also like my lights to be whiter. In my case the light strips had more pro's for me though.

    You display cabinet looks great the way you have it set up.

  4. Yeah, I hate international shipping. It's worse buying stuff from the US now that the US Post Office stopped cheap shipping for overseas.

    Yeah, them were the days. I used to sell a ton of suspension stuff (what I do for a living) to AU and now that shipping has gone up it has been cut in half :(

  5. I'm not trying to "One Up" ya. But I just lit up my shelves and I found these light wands for $10 and they work great. They are "perfectly" bright and they run off of a standard plug. I ran 10 of these into a plug strip and I use the switch on the strip to turn them on/off. That being said the lights are supposed to last 10,000 hours (over a year) and are so small that they have almost no heat and don't use much power. I have left mine on since I got them.

    The advantage to them is that you don't need to turn them all on when you want to have them on. You can just leave them on all the time.

    The only disadvantage for me is that I had to run all of the wires. But that was not even that bad.

    Here is a link to Lowes where I got mine:

    Lowes Light Wand Link

    They are made by a company called Portfolio and the model # is GL9410-WH if you want to search somewhere else.

    This is what they look like in a dark room....kinda. The camera makes them seem brighter than they are by about 30%. In reality I would call them perfect!



  6. I want to do a custom using a 19. I would like to start with one that is in non perfect condition if possible. The goal being that I don't want to spend "new" money on something I will be moddig quite a bit.

    So, if you have a damaged one great, PM me some pics. Or, if you have one loose PM me a price. Or, if you have some bills to pay and need an extra few bucks and need to unload one fast let me know.


  7. I screwed with the FP's in fighter mode today and got those dialed in. Then I figured out how to mount the fold booster on the LH arm while in Batroid mode using parts that come with the kit and no extras. It will be secure and look "OEM". I ordered aother set of fp's and I will post pics when I am done. That sucker looks sweet mounted on his arm. I gotta think with som sci-fi rewiring a fold booster cold be used as a weapon. You could point it at the bad guys and "fold" them to somewhere they don't want to be, like in a star :o:p

  8. haha, thanks for the mention guys but i haven't bothered to get the FP's for this and don't really have any plans of doing so.

    with shipping it ends up being $50+ for 4 pieces of plastic with a battery-less lightup pen...sorry but i don't think so.

    I think I'm going to get another booster for my Batroid YF-19

  9. Did you see that Dan Akryoid (spelling?) bit on saturday night live, where he is selling these horrible and dangerous Halloween costumes? I forget the punchlines but I do remember that it was funny. Anyway, your post reminded me of that. . .

    I have never seen that episode, I would like to though. It sounds funny.

    The white stripes reminded me of my snowmobile gear. It's all black and has white reflective stripes so I can be seen by other snowmobiles easier at night. The mind quickly jumped to all the kids I see nowadays that their parents make them go trick or Treating with reflective safety gear on. Poor kids, they could have just dressed up as crossing guards :blink:

  10. I had a tad bit of difficulty at first attaching my fast packs to the YF-19, and was getting quite irritated with it. After I got used to how my 19 handles, I realized that mine is a temperamental B**CH at times. Mine has a loose above-the-knee swivel on the left leg, the left shoulder likes to pop up a bit in fighter (the right side can go pretty flush), and the left wing doesn't lock securely into the wingroot for battroid... Now that I think about it all the problems are on the left side... Hmmmm...

    The method I use to go at putting on the fast packs is to first choose a side to focus on first. Then I make sure the legs are set in the correct position. Third, I put on the shoulder fast pack and secure it to the leg. Fourth, I put on the magnetic leg fast pack, and swivel the wing root back into place and firmly push the tab into the slot on the fast pack.

    Now that one side is pretty secure and firmly attached, I do the exact same method on the other side and it attaches pretty firmly and securely. In fact, I find that my 19 holds together better WITH the fast packs than without. Contrary to what other members have reported with theirs. Go figure. :p

    Fold Booster is fighter only, although I haven't tried taking it off the mounts and having the 19 cradle it in battroid. The only time I can recall seeing a valkyrie use a fold booster out of fighter mode was in Macross 7 Dynamite, when someone used one in battroid mode and cradled it under the arm.

    Personally I think the fast packs look best on the fighter in battroid, because it makes it look more massive and less "anorexic" as some have said. In fighter mode it looks kind of chunky with fast packs. At least to me it does.

    Thanks for the long write up. I'm going to take another crack at it today.

  11. You should contact do not disturb, he's been playing with rare earth magnets to get these things to stick correctly. I don't think he has made his way to the FP YF-19, but i'm sure he wouldn't mind providing you his input considering he's become a magnet nut recently.

    Thanks for the advice. I am very attracted to this idea :) If it works it's definitly something I will stick with. :p

  12. Well, it was bound to happen, I got a Yamato toy I am not exactly happy with. I was reasonably happy with my first two 1/60 YF-19’s and my two 1/72 YF-19A’s. But I just got a Yamato YF19 with a Fold Booster and to be frank…it sucks. In fighter mode it’s about impossible to fit the “Fast packs” which is ironic because there isn’t much too them. I can get them on, but by the time I get the other side done they have shifted a bit, then I try and fix them, then they move again and for fun it all just falls off every once in a while! I don’t know if ay of you have your FP’s mounted in fighter mode SOLID, if so what was your trick? If it were not past midnight I would probably crazy glue them on and make damn sure they were solid. Maybe it’s a good idea it’s late.

    For the short term I put the FP’s on one of my other 19’s that is I Batroid mode and they popped right on, too bad it won’t do that in fighter mode. I wanted to display it that way, all “Kitted “ out.

    I mounted the fold booster in fighter mode and it’s pretty damn cool. I am a little bummed out it didn’t come with batteries though. Lucky my digital calipers take the same batterys so I had plenty here to use. I’m sure most people are not so lucky. The only thing that disappoints me about the fold booster is that it can’t be mounted in Gerwalk or Fighter mode. I have not been that far into the TV/Movie/OVA series yet, so I am sure there is a reason the fold booster goes bye, bye after it transforms, but it sure would make a cool backpack for the Batroid or maybe even a way of mounting it off of a arm so it looked like some sort of ridiculous weapon of some sort! That would be cool.

    I’m not sure what I am going to do I the long run with the FP’s and booster. Part of me says that I should just super glue the FP’s on the fighter, mount the booster and let it be…..forever. Another part of me says to mount the booster to the fighter, put another in Gerwalk and mount the FP’s to the Batroid. I’ll sleep on it.

    Rant over.


  13. not me...someone walked off with my Masterpiece Voltron.


    The worst part is they probably had no idea what it was an tossed it somewhere. How may theives would hev opened it up and gone

    "Oh sweet!, a Masterpiece Voltron"?

    That sucks man, it hasn't happened to me yet but I bet it will.

  14. If Yamato didn't make Macross toys I would have 1 Masterpiece Fokker with the Appendix A S&S parts and thats it. I got one off of eBay because I thought it would be neat to have something from tha show I loved as a kid.

    After getting it I found this damn place and saw picturs of Yamato stuff. It's been downhill since then.

    I got my Masterpiece Fokker the second week of July.

    I purchased 21 Yamato Mechs since then :wacko:

    Not to mention all the other Macross items like Chara works 1/144's, Doyusha 1/144's Revoltechs (14), Hot Toys figures (8)

    ..........someone stop me! :p

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