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Everything posted by sqidd

  1. Thanks.....but I am afraid I am an addict On the way I have: 2 YF-11's that I purchased from a board member (thanks) 2 YF-21's that I purchsed from a board member (thanks) 1 Super Poseable Cannon Fodder (look, I'm catching on to the lingo ) 1 Yamoto Konig Monster 1/100 1 set (6) of the Chara Works 1/144 VF-1's (those little suckers are cool!) 1 SDF-1 1/5000 scale by Wave 1 Zentraedi Tactical Battle Pod by Matchbox 1 Zentraedi Officers Battle Pod by Matchbox 1 VE-1 Elintseeker Yamoto I have my eye on a couple of YF-19A's in the blue "game" color right now. I need a YF-21 and a YF-11 with fast packs also. I wish there were more quality "Bad Guy" stuff out there. If Yamoto did some of the Zentraedi stuff I can't imagine it would be anything but outstanding. Maybe even some Zentraedi stuff in Revlotech so when the VF-1's come out you could set up all sorts of cool little battles! See, I am screwed!!!
  2. What if I were to say "I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for those damn kids and their Protoculture?" Scooby Doo
  3. Oh, yeah. One more thing. SPREAD OUT! One well placed shot by the bad guys and we are doomed!!!!
  4. Do you have a special rider on your homeowners for all of this? Thats got to be what? $25K+
  5. As I was sitting here cropping my shots and uploading them on to my site all I could think was how lame my collection is. It looks cool while I am sitting here, but compared to some of the pictures in this thread......... Macross stuff (ignore the Cyclone). I only found these about a month ago. I have about ten more on the way. I am going to need to put something cooler than these shelves up though.
  6. Yeah, one that got beat up for it's candy
  7. Bwaaaahaaaaaahaaaaaa! 3 G's! That sucker had better gaurd my house for that kid of money
  8. Thanks for the heads up Al Bundy! I was watching a few on feebay that were going to end today and they were already right under $75. I'm sure they would have gone a lot higher in the last few minutes. I just ordered one off of the link you provided. You are Da Man. That sucks. I took this into consideration. I would be pissed if that happened to me. But I checked and they have a phone number and an address posted. If I get screwed I can always fly out there and poke someoe in the eye
  9. I'm not surprised they are junk. They would need to cost a fortune to be that big and very detailed and durable. I'm still curious how much they are though. If they are expensive ($500+) the they are junk. If they were cheap ($200 or so) then they may be cool enough to buy because of their size. But if they ding easy or arms fall off they aren't worth anythig.
  10. I probably don't want to know, but does someone know anything about the Toynami Superscale VF-1S? Link To Toynami Site and Superscale page Price? Are they for real? Are they junk? I am thinking I need one in my soon to be finished "Theater Room" thanks Jason
  11. Scratch the availability question. I just read the review. thanks Jason
  12. Yes, exactly. Thanks. Was this released a while ago (Yamoto)? I have not seen any being sold as new. I am guessing I will need to track one down??
  13. I have seen a few pictures of a VF-1 (I thik it's a VF-!) with a big AWAX lookig dish o top of it. I am assumig it is a reconnaissance craft. Very cool indded. I would like one for my collection. Who makes one? Yamoto? Are there differet versions? thanks Jason
  14. Nice! Are you disassembling that before painting? I’m not asking because I am thinking of doing it. I have nowhere near the skill, experience or patience. Just curious.
  15. Wow! Miriya, very, very cool. Can you come over to my house and set my stuff up?
  16. I see a bunch of traffic here about Valks, but not much about Alphas. Are they not "cool"?
  17. Awww, they grow up so fast
  18. Every one but one is Yamoto so far. I started by getting the whole Masterpiece collection, then before I even pulled one out of the box my first Yamoto (the YF-19, soooooooooo coooooool) showed up. I then unboxed my Roy Fokker Masterpiece and the appendix A armor and was not as impressed as the Yamoto stuff. So all of the Masterpice stuff went right back up on eBay and I purchased a ton of Yamoto stuff. I don't even have it all open yet. I had my carpenter over yesterday putting shelves in my office so I have somewhere to put them I may have them set up tonight sometime, I will shoot a pic even though I have about 4-5 Valks in delivery right now. Man, this little sickness got me good. A lot worse than when I found the Star Wars Legos!
  19. Thanks guys, just ordered one. I will be setting it up as Gerwalk and leaving it.
  20. I just re-read my post and it doesn't make much sense. I kow it's 1/100, but I don't know what 1 is How many inches long, etc is it? Is it as big as a 1/48 Valk in fighter mode?
  21. sqidd

    VF-21 Dilemma

    Sounds to me like you both have the same answer
  22. I am into getting one of these, but I have no idea of the scale. Is it big? (no jokes)
  23. sqidd

    VF-21 Dilemma

    I am lookig at gettig either a VF-21 Yamoto 1/72 or the same thing with the "fastpack" What do you think. Which one? Both? Or should I wait for the 1/60? Help me! I have a new sickness!
  24. Man oh man, I started picking this stuff up a few weeks ago and I thought I was getting out of hand! I have been getting 3-4 Vlaks a week. I think I need to step it up a bit I am super jelious looking at some of your collections. Man, I would just like to have some of those cabinets!
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