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Posts posted by sqidd

  1. Sqidd, you gotta do something with the poor Roy VF-0S (non ghost) on the bottom shelf! He needs a kick butt pose!

    Yeah, except for the fact that I got one of the loose ones. I tried to do some sort of pose this morning and I can't even get the arms to do anything short of hang, lol. Nothing a tube of Super Glue can't fix! He's a brick now :D

  2. Nice pics, SQIDD! Thanks for sharing. I'm one of those folks whose not too thrilled about how the SV-51 looks in BATT mode, but the those images of it in GERWALK just screams AWESOME! I'm actually having 2nd thoughts about having to pick one up now :lol: .

    When I first saw the pics I wasn't in love, but I got one anyway. I'm glad I did. Once I got my first one I ordered a 2nd right away. After the Foker VF-1 the 51 is my favorite now. There is something sinister that the other Mecha doesn't pull off. I can't wait for the Nora. Then we will have sinister and sexy!

  3. Ok...NOW I have a dilema.

    She's slated for NOVEMBER!?!?....

    But so is the 1/48 Roy Folker reissue....

    I just CAN'T buy both (I'm also getting 3 display stands for my Valkyrie and the Revoltech 1A Hikaru)....


    Who should I buy??

    Nora ... or Roy?

    I already own TWO Ivanovs... and I also have the VF-0S and 2 VF1s (WoodlandA and StealthJ)

    So it's kind of a tough call...

    Maybe I'll skip Nora after all?

    Two Ivanovs is plenty....

    What do you guys think??


    Get the Nora. Nothing on your shelf will stand out like she will.

  4. More importantly to me simply than who's cheapest----who has a decent price and gets them in and ships quickly? No point saving 10 bucks if you get yours 3 weeks later. For those who bought Ivanov's----who got them first?

    I got both of my SV-51's and my VF-0S w/ Ghosts from these guys:

    eBay name crosszgundam and their store is Crazy Toys Paradise store

    I got my SV-51's for under $200 delivered to the US and I think I was the first person here to get one inside the US. I never even pre-ordered it. They day it was released I just searched them out on eBay and did a Buy It Now.

    I got both of my VF-0S's for $213 delivered also.

    I got all of them within 5 days.

  5. So any other member has bought this as I need some feedbacks before I proceed with this pricey purchase. :rolleyes: Thx.

    I put my second one together yesterday and it was fantastic. Everything was so tight it was silly. And just for fun I transformed my old VF-0S from fighter into Batdroid and it's a floppy peice of crap. The new ones are a thousand times better!

  6. DUDE! you havent watched Patlabor!??! check it out after you're done with macross... its really good. Just stay away from the 3rd movie as its totally off on a tangent and sux. movies 1&2 rock, the TV show is also really good.

    Click, click, click. Ordered em' all (except 3) B))


  7. But then you'd never have a reason to transform them. And in the end, isn't that the best part about Yamatos? :lol:

    Most people will think I am odd but I don't care a whole lot for the transformation process. I like setting them up and most importantly looking at them.

    I work with my hands all day for a living though. Minipulating small objects isn't exactly at the top of my list of things to do B))

  8. but I don't like the stances you've used for your two Ingrams. They look so blase compared to all the other wild and crazy mecha :)

    I have no idea what the "models" are based on, but they seem like some sort of Police force type thing. That would mean lots of training, and therefore rigid and boring, LOL. Maybe I didn't go crazy with their poses because they just look so damn cool! I love those guys!

    Maybe I will spend some time getting them dialed in a little more this weekend. I do have some Yamato stuff to unpack though. That will suck up a few hours.......oh darn :)

  9. OMG! you're crazy man! I mean, I'm not sure to buy one of those and you already have three! :lol: Stop before you're like that guy who have 6 or 7 stealth 1J's. :lol:

    Gotta have three of your favorites, then you don't have to decide how to display them. :p

  10. I didn’t know what Macross was until a few months ago when I joined here. I was only familiar with Robitek. I’m glad I found this forum!

    I remember RT from when I was a kid, but even after watching the real “Macross” over the past few weeks I can say I must not have seen too many of the first generation episodes. I remember the mecha (I had a Jetfire too), but I don’t remember 90% of the episodes. I remember watching the stupid Hovertanks and not understanding how that part of the series fit in. My favorite stuff was the “New Generation” stuff, or as it should be called, Genesis Climber Mospedia (I just got the DVD of this yesterday). I was an absolute nut for those episodes, so of course the toy that sticks with me the most would be the Cyclone. I remember there was a crappy second rate department store that was in the crappy second rate mall that had the Gakken Cyclones on the shelf. I had been to every toy store I could get my Mom to take me too and I never, ever saw any RT stuff, let alone a Asian market toy. For some reason I remember that the Cyclone was $36, which was a bit of change for a 7-8th grader. It’s a good thing I had a paper route! I think I had three or four Cyclones. It’s too bad I didn’t keep any.

    Strangely enough though I can thank the Cyclone for getting me into Macross. For some reason this past summer I remembered that I had one as a kid and I jumped on eBay and searched one out and bought it. And that is all she wrote! I stumbled across the Toynami Mastercrap stuff and in a flurry of insanity I bid/bought all of them one weekend while I was at the track. While doing great harm to my Paypal account I stumbled across the Yamato YF-19 and picked one of those up too. When I got back into town the Toynami MP Foker was already at my house so I unboxed it and transformed it. At the time I thought it was great. Then the YF-19 showed up a few days later along with the rest of the MP stuff. I unboxed the 19 before un-boxing any more MP stuff and I am glad I did, the 19 blew me away. And there I went, I listed all of the MP stuff I had just purchased right back on eBay and went on a Yamato spending spree. Somehow I found this board shortly after.

    Long story short, the Gakken Cyclone is the toy I remember. And I can thank it for getting me into Macross stuff now.

    I know, it's not a Valk, but it's a good story B))

  11. Sqidd.... i hate you.

    Nah just kidding, that looks amazing! I always look forward to your "strike a pose" posts

    I'll take that as a compliment :p

    I think it was last week a few of us were goofing with the 19 and what you could do with the fold booster in batroid. It may even be in this thread. I didn't want to take my fold booster off of my fighter so I ordered another booster the next day. I planned on having to modify the shield in some way to get the booster to attach and imagine my surprise when it just cliped right on, and fairly well too. It won't fall off, that's for sure. I think it looks great on there, I'm not taking it off, thats's for sure. Now all I have to do is figure out what to do with the fold booster that looks cool in gerwalk ;)

    Here is another shot to tide things over till Sunday. I just got another VF-0S with Booster, SV-51 and a Hikaru with TV fastpacks I need to get out of the boxes. And I added a new level to my shelves and more lighting the other day.

    Can you tell I like the 19 a little?


  12. Great looking wheels Valkyrie!

    After a LONG hiatus due to other projects I´ll try to make some progress on my 6-wheel crew vehicle again!

    The major components are almost there - unfortunately Focker´s head is still missing, I´ll try to sculpt the guy with Tamiya resin but I´m not sure how he will come out in the end... maybe a generic driver will have to do the job :( !





    Very large respect, nice work

  13. Sounds like you got the idea.

    Use Tamiya Fine White primer in a rattlecan. Awesome stuff.

    If you want a stark white base colour, after a very light sand, you could probably just seal this with a Tamiya Clear rattlecan then get started on the decalling. After that, seal again, then a light weather, if you plan to do any weathering.

    I would like to take a crack at the weathering for sure.

    Are you saying that if I want a "stark white" (is this a way of saying gloss?) base color that I could spray on a clear after I am done sanding? And if I wanted that "flat" look I would effectively be using the primer as paint?

    Do I need to have some sort of clear/sealer on there to be able to do any weathering or panel lining? I'm guessing that if I were to try and do the "apply and wipe" method of panel lining with a primer or flat for a base it will not turn out so hot. Your thoughts?


  14. So I just got me very first model, a Hasegawa YF-19 1:72.

    I opened it up last night and took a look-see at what I had to work with.

    I was planning on getting started today as far as getting set up, buying supplies, formulating an attack plan, etc. My first question comes down to the base coat.

    I will be doing a Foker paint scheme on this puppy which means my base coat will be white. My problem is that I don't know what would be my best bet as far as what paint to use as my base coat. I think I want something that has a satin like finish and will be "preschool" easy to panel line. Keeping in mind I have never panel lined before. In the "top ten" thread Big F posted this:

    If your gonna panelline it then use a different type of paint than the one you use to do the rest of the paint.

    If you paint acrylic then use an oil based paint for the lines.

    If you paint with car paints use an acrylic for the lines.

    If you paint in enammels use acrylics to do the lines.

    Alternative you can use fine markers or pastles ground in the solvent that wont ruin the paint you just did. ie white spirt for acrylic based paint and window cleaner for enammel based stuff.

    If in doubt just try it on an old peice of a plastic food container to see if you got it right.

    ....which is very helpful as long as I know what paint I will be using, LOL. Can someone recommend what they think the best paint (type more than brand) for me to use would be, and keep in mind I am rattle can all the way on this puppy.

    In addition to the request for a good paint to use can someone give me a seal of approval on my order of operation?

    This is what order I was thinking of priming, sanding, painting the main sections of the model:

    Prime fuselage on spurs

    Cut fuselage from spurs

    Test fit

    Cut, sand, etc to make fit.




    Would this be considered a good order of operation in regards to getting this puppy dialed in?



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