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Everything posted by sqidd

  1. Alrighty there Mr vermillion01, I read one of your past posts and you mentioned owning/running some sort of design company and that you enjoyed your "models" because of the design aspects, etc. I feel the same way and I think we enjoy them for the same reasons. So here is the question. What looks better? The VF-0S ghost in gerwalk or fighter mode? I think they are both beyond outstanding! But I will only be buying one and I can't decide how I want to display it. I am leaning toward gerwalk a little bit.....and I am not a huge gerwalk fan, which means I realy, realy like it. Ohhhh I'm so cofused!
  2. I gotta wait till I'm done with SDFM.....but it's killing me, I saw a clip and the animation is "orgasmic!"
  3. Wow, I'm glad I asked. Who would have thunk? So would it be safe to assume that most Macross fans see themselves as part of, or in the SDFM Universe and that DYRL is something along the lines of the Clint Eastwood film "Flags of Our Fathers"?
  4. In the "Mecha Manual" (thanks again Mr March) I only see the VF-0A listed with the ghost booster, the "Angle" I believe is the designation. Did a VF-0S ever show up in Zero with the Ghost? Like in the Yamato below? Or is this a Yamato creation? I would like to have a VF-0 with the ghost booster for my now overpacked shelves, and I think the "S" looks a little more sexy, but I want to have something that was actualy in the show (that I have on DVD but have not gotten to yet), not a "fake" designation. So to be accurate and true can I get the VF0S with the booster, or should I get the "A"? thanks
  5. OK, who can explain this quote to me? It's in reference to how Fokker died in SDFM and is in DRYL?? "I forgot to mention, DYRL is supposed to be a movie about SW1 (Space War 1) within the Macross world. This would mean that the Roy you see in DYRL is not the real Roy Focker, but is, in fact, an actor playing the part of Roy Focker. Confused yet? " And yes, I am confused yet
  6. Wow the MP SS is awasome! I had no idea of the scale/quality. It looks great in that shot! Too bad I made myself a 1 transformers rule. And I already got a custom Prime
  7. No wonder Zero looks so bad a$$, that makes sense. DYRL and 7 and I'm good to go thanks
  8. keeeeerrrrrraaaaaaapppppppppp!!!! Thats a toy? Whats the scale 1/2?
  9. Got it already I LOVE IT!!!!!!! I'm making a custom billet stand for it right now
  10. I'm not sure if this should be in the toy section, the headder says "no". So I figured I would put this here. Fairly off topic I suppose. I want something from Aliens and the Predator and I am thinking about pulling the trigger on a "Chopper" Predator and a "Worrior" Alien. Anyone got a quick review for me? thanks!
  11. Is there a consensus that this is the version to get?
  12. Well I am half way through the SDFM series right now. I watch 2-3 a day. Strangly enough my wife got into them! Which is cool. I have to wait for her to be home to watch and episode now though I am sooooooo impressed with the series over R%$&*$#@!. I'm glad that I only watched the first 6 episodes of the re-issue last month before I got the SDFM series. It's cool that I watched those episodes so the Macross series could be put in perspective. As in, how much better it is. I had not seen a R%&^*%$#@$ episode since I was 15, so I don't remember much of the story line, which is cool because SDFM is all surpises for me. I just saw a clip from Zero ad I had no idea that the anumation was so much more advaced, I can't wait to watch it! I thought of something the other night though that I didn't ask in this thread. I asked for the timeline and the order of Macross, but what I didn't ask for is in what order they were released. I am assuming that SDFM was first ad at some point Zero was a pre-quil. Is that correct? What order were they released in? I curretly have: Zero SDFM Plus vol 1 Plus vol 2 Macross II I am thiking I need to get my hands on DYRL at this point. It's not like I need another DVD yesterday or anything, I am ot watchig them that fast. But I do want to start lookig for more soon so I have them in waiting. thanks again for your help!
  13. What are you gonna do? Sneak in?
  14. Wow, that Ghost is a lot bigger than I thought......I may need one of those too, damn
  15. Got mine out of the box tonight. I also have the floppy / droopy wing problem. No big deal, I set up up in "Launch Mode" on the stand anyway. Wigs don't droop aymore and I think it looks incredible going balistic! You get a real sense for the shape of it. When I saw the pictures I was a bit sceptical, something didn't look right with the balance between the nose/front section and the back. I am more than pleased with how it looks in real life though. The balance is perfect and maybe I would go as far as to say elegant. It certainly is pretty. The only think I found I wanted to "change" was to put the little missle's on the wingtips and both rocket pods toward the inside. I think it works with the shape of the plane a lot better. For my eye it "flows" better. Give it a shot and check it out, it changes the look quite a bit. Too bad about the droopy wings though. It would not be easy to do a quality fix without doing something dramatic. What I think it needs is a hole all the way from the wingtip to the body and a metal rod or even flat, thin metal "plate" that would be iserted all the way through the wing and into the body a bit. When you traformed it you could just pull the metal renforcements out and there could simply be another slot to put them in somewhere if "using" all of it's parts was a big deal. if not they could be added as tripm peices to the stand. This would be more a re-design than a fix though. If I were hell bent on displaying mine flat I think I would cut two little strips of carbon fiber and screw them to the underside of the wings right under the hinge. Of course this would slow the transformation process down a bit, but thats what multiple units are for All in all, I am very happy with it though. It looks like a million bucks, comes completely "kitted out" and has a very effective stand. For $196 shipped it's a pretty damn good value. If I didn't just spend another $2000 on my hot rod this week I would probably order another to leave in Gerwalk mode.
  16. Yeah, and that was a entertainig movie. It wasn't the Godzilla I watched when I was a kid...but it didn't matter. They didn't try and copy the old Godzilla though
  17. I give two thums of for Jessica Biel!!!
  18. Nice casting! The problem is that I think you just spent the first 100m
  19. I know I am off topic here, but what is this Wizard World Texas thing? It doesn't say much. Would it be a cool thig to do for a toy fan?
  20. My wings don't droop at all............................it's still in the box though I need to put up some shelves
  21. Do you mean one of these? I'm going to pop it in and check. Thanks to Mr March for his site, thats where I got the pic
  22. Damn, I thought I had something there I am still wonderig what that bad sucker was though. They were blue/black ad wet from the RH side of the screen toward the middle ad then wet balistic right in frot of the Macross. Thats it though, I didn't see anymore of them though. I did spot two VF=1 "stealth" types in episode 6 though. They were parked in the hangar deck.
  23. About 18 minutes into SDFM episode 1 there are some mecha that I didn't recognize. They were only shown for a second when the figters were "launched" for the first time. I searched around a bit for a picture/ description of them but gave up and went back to watching my new DVD's (which are fabulious by the way, and I don't use that word much ). I just came across this picture in the "model" section. Is this unidentafied fighter the VF-0D? Is there any way to get one short of building a model?
  24. So December is the month huh? Can that be considered accurate? I have ever dealt with the “limited run” stuff. I am assuming that I need to be on the ball right away when they get released. I just got the SV-51 off of feeBay instead of waiting for one of the US sellers to fill their pre orders. I want to get a couple of each of the 25ths. Would I be smarter to get a pre order in o these or will there be enough just to feeBay them the day they get released? thanks
  25. I wrote a post about looking at what we are getting for $150 in a positive light. What “side” does that represent?
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