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Everything posted by sqidd

  1. Caption This:
  2. Not much open for captions, but funny none the less:
  3. All I know is that guy must pull all the chicks at the club!
  4. I got them for $149 for the VF-1's and $179 for the VF-19's
  5. I just traded my VF-1J Stealth for another Fokker (I have three now, one for each mode). I put a deposit down on two VF-1 25th and two 25th 19's. One of each will be displayed, the other two will be left in their boxes. But I will probably display the boxes. The 25th VF-1 will fill the void that my Stealth used to fill. It will be wearing S and S parts though. I know it sounds gaudy and insane, but am thinkig of havig my painter paint the S and S parts gold to match the trim. That sucker will look special then. Could be special ed though, LOL.
  6. Thanks. I love the back ligting. I went to Lowes today to get some more so I can light my Legos up too! I need to actualy read the instructions for my camera and figure out how to get good clean shots in low light without a flash. The "shutter" speed seems to take forever, but obviously not long enough. Practice, practice, practice. I put some of the light strips inside my bookcase too. They are lighting the toys from above and in front. You can't see the actual lights when you are looking at the toys, they turned out cool. Check out my Prime in the light. This is with all the lights out in the room.
  7. “GET ON YOUR KNEES AND PUT YOUR HANDS BEHIND YOUR HEAD!” “You are under arrest for impersonating a VF-1S………and badly, you have the right to,…..what, what’s that boy? You say somthin? You ain’t tryin to get smart with me are ya?” “My name is Fokker T Justice, Skull Squadron Leader and Notary Public”
  8. Just ordered two of each. Two for display, two to sit o If they go up in value I will make a few$$. If they don't, I made a bad choice.
  9. I put up some new shelves on Sunday and got some lights to make all of my stuff backlit. It looks cool in my office now with the lights off at night and just the shelves glowing. I poped off a few shots that look pretty sweet. I need to spend some time screwing with the camera settings to get a bit better pics, but these are cool and I figured I would post them. the back lighting worked like a charm! I got up ywice last night to go to the little boys room and instead of using the master bath like normal I used the guest bath so I could walk by the office and look at the toys
  10. Looks like a YF-19 with some sort of booster rockets. I like it.
  11. Great! Thanks
  12. I’m getting so controversial For the record never said I wasn't willing to watch subs, just that I prefered not to. I will most certainly be doing it when I watch Zero here later this week when I am done with SDFM.
  13. Anyone have a link to some live action where I can see a fold booster on a yf_19 get lit up and used? No, not the toy. I am looking for something from the show that I can watch or a pic to look at. I want to see what process is involved. I have a guy doing a custom paint on a YF-19 with a booster and I need to know what kind of energy field or whatever it creates and how it may effect the YF-19. I am wondering if you used your fold booster, especially a lot if the area around it on the plane would show discoloration due to the massive amount of power and I assume heat. This custom repaint is going to be out of hand, I want to make sure it’s spot on and over the top. Thanks Jason
  14. I have not seen the Micromachines one. But I just found this picture. Looks pretty good to me.
  15. Oh, no he didn't. Gotta give props to the tanks from Tron
  16. Terminator HK Tank
  17. I found one on feeBay for $319, that doesn't hurt as much. Thanks for the shot on the TV. That puts it in perspective. It's sweeeeeeeet! I may have to get one.
  18. If I were to make the trip I would race I can't stand being at any race and watching. I gotta get out there and tear it up! Fortunately/Unfortunately I am getting a little long in the tooth and I think the days of going balls out on public roads are behind me. It's strange how you are a boy and become a man.....and then apparently become a boy again If I were to come over we would hook up for sure. I hear that week is one big party.
  19. Where are these at for sale. I have only seen one on eBay and that was the J. It was the only one this shop had, I would like to get both at the same time. Every other auction I have seen is still listed as a pre order. Anyone have a link to an online shop I can get them from? thanks supersquid
  20. The Isle Of Man? Oh yeah, that has got to be the most thrilling, dangerous, insane way/place to race a bike on the planet. 36 mile laps, 3 lap races, lap recored is somewhere around 125-130mph average! And this is on a course where there are 10mph corners when you are going through ton. I think they clocked the lap record holder (now dead, imagine that) at over 190mph in the mountain section! That area of the course is a simple two lane mountain road with no runoff, no marking, nothing. It's just a regular run of the mill road! I know a couple of racers I have worked with that have done it "just for fun". They told me it has as much to do with roadracing as flying an airplane. The IOM is where you seperate the men from the boys. Here is a shot of John McGuiness going over the bei Ballaugh Bridge. He's dead too, but he died flying a helicopter......at the Isle Of Man.
  21. I was on my laptop last night and couldn't minipulate them correctly and post them on my site. I am on the big daddy computer now, check these out:
  22. I went to my friend’s machine shop yesterday to make some tooling for my business and took my Dropship with me. When I was there I grabbed these couple pieces of scrap and put this display stand together. Next time I go to the anodizer with a batch of stuff to get done (I do a lot of anodizing of suspension components before re-assembly) I will have the stand pieces done in satin black. Wadda ya think? Not bad for 20 minutes of work and scrap pieces? Keep in mind the surface is not “finished” yet. I didn’t so much as take a Scotch Brite pad to the base to clean it up. I was going to make it with a carbon fiber post and then do a base that was very angular and faceted and then was going to “trim” the base with carbon fiber plates held on by very small socket head cap screws (titanium of course). My buddy made the argument that the goal is not to make a super trick stand and therefore take attention away from what is being displayed. A very good argument, hence the simple stand. What do you guys think of that?
  23. So who has one of these? It looks awsome! But quite a few bucks to buy sight unseen. Anyone care to talk me into spending some money?
  24. Yeah, I'm with ya. I would love to justify three of each, but that is just not going to happen. I have a irresponsibly expensive (and fast) Mustang to sink money in too also. I have been trying to pick and choose the ones I think are sexy and also trying to represent each “family”. I currently have a VF-0S in fighter mode and it’s OUTSTADING! I also have a VF-0A in Batroid, but I am going to let that one go (it’s in the for sale section) to replace it with the VF-0S “Ghost” to be displayed most likely in Gerwalk. I am not blown away with the VF-0 in Batroid mode and I have VF-1’s, VF-11’s, VF-19’s and VF-21’s in Batroid so the Batroids are very well represented. I think with the addition of the VF-0S “Ghost” and a VF-1J with “Armor” I will have it covered fairly well. Or at least that is what I keep telling myself
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