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Everything posted by sqidd

  1. This is going to kill you...........but I am doing a deal for a Cobra R right now that has 220 miles on it and a smoked #7 piston. It may be mine by the weekend. I'm thinkin it will look good parked next to this one
  2. I call this one: Road Rage!
  3. Yup, it's for real. Fully functional and scary fast!
  4. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!
  5. Thanks for the positive feedback. I have been collecting what I think is the perfect cross section of Mecha. A lot of this is based on what I think is cool, or what stuck with me when I was a kid, etc. It took me a while to figure out how I wated to display my collection. I think the lights are great, and for $10/ cheap and easy! The camera doesn't do it justice. The light in the pics is very harsh compared to reality. That pic was taken without any other lights in my office on. I leave the "mood lighting" on 24hrs a day. The bulbs are supposed to be good for 10,000 hours. I find myself going to the bathroom in the middle of the night in my spare bathroom now so I can walk by my office. Macross stuff is certainly the centerpiece of what I have as far as toys go. I will pop some pics of the Legos, movie memorabilia, cars, motorcycles, etc, etc whe I get done with all of my shelves and lighting. I still have an Elintseeker in the box, one more Fokker 1/48 on the way (for a total of 3) and a VF-OS With a Ghost on Pre-Order. Oh yeah, I have another YF-19 1/60 with booster on the way but it's going right back out for custom paint and grafix. And of course I couldn't resist and pre-ordered a VF-1 and a YF-19 25th. I have a pretty sweet display/armor/custom paint idea for those though. I will fire off pics when they come in. I think everyone will dig it. I know this isn't a Robo.....site. But wait till you see my 1:1 150hp, 400lb, 175mph Cyclone. I will probably have it done by spring. Where to find a helmet on the other hand......
  6. It's just there because I made the stand too tall for my other shelves, doh! I need to get back to the machine shop and cut it down. Two feet to the right of those shelves is another set with a Worrior Alien, Predator, Terminator......
  7. I got a chance to get a decent shot off with the lighting.
  8. Hey, whats Hikaru doing to Misa back there
  9. If no one answers soon can we name them? I am a big fan of the word "Tech" (note incredibly thick sarcasm). How about HandTech? or FistTech? or Robo......oh wait, that's been used
  10. Yeah, but it was soooooooo easy
  11. I want one now too. Who would have thought there would be such a thing? Now where to get a white Bunny
  12. I got one on feeBay last night MISB. Thanks for the heads up on how to search him out. Now all I need to do is figure out where to put it
  13. Cool, thanks for the heads up. I will put a WTB in the WTB section
  14. Ha, Ha…..made ya look. Short story is where do I get the molded fists for the 1/48’s? My first 48 was the VF-1J Stealth with strike parts. I just traded it away so I am not sure, but either the VF-1J or the S&S parts came with molded fists as well as the articulated ones. I think the VF-1J came with the fists. I also purchased a loose VF-1J Hikaru with the GBP armor ad I got a sweet set of molded fists with it. Log story shorter, I have a VF-1S and all I have is the articulated fists. There is o spot I the packaging for molded fists so I am guessing they are not missing. I am guessing certain releases came with the fists, ca someone confirm this for me? And o that note where would I get a set of white fists for my VF-1S? I need a “fist” fist and a “Gun” fist. Thanks for your help sqidd
  15. The search continues. Thanks!
  16. Disc changer i the truck: Tool Sinatra Offspring Deftones Tom Jones Satelite in office and shop: Jazz Disc changer in Mustang: Clutch Marylin Manson Slipknot Soudgarden Clutch again
  17. Serenity was marked for death in a LA jail? This one is obscure
  18. I'm a moron!
  19. Those have been available for a long time also???? I just got one from these guys: eBay link
  20. I'm sure this is somewhere, but does anyone have som buletproof instructios on how to panel line? I need to do a few of my Valks. That looks great!
  21. I'm new here too. I have been collecting for 2 months now. IMHO Yamato stuff is the only way to go. Get a 1/48 VF-1S. AS far as I am cocered that is the one that "is" macross. I have three One for each mode. You gotta get oe with the GBP armor, they are sweeeeet. The VF-0S from Macross Zero rock too. And last but not least, the YF-19 (my favorite) it super sexy. I like mine so much I commisioed a guy to paint a YF-19 in s "Skull Leader" colors for the ultimate combo as far as I am cocerned. Buying tips: If you don't care about boxes get your stuff used. There are some good values o this board. Go to this site for reviews on most of the toys: Scortched Earth Toys
  22. I'm confused. I see these all over the place and I have one on the way. Is there a re-issue?
  23. I have one of these on the way....ad ow I already want to mod it! Nice work!
  24. I think you are right. I saw a pic of the Mazinger and thought it was the other one. I need to search o that. Thanks!
  25. #1 has got to be this. I can justify a lot of things, but this sucker I just can't talk myself into.....and I buy some dumb poo! I have spent at least $3000 on toys in the last 8 weeks and $2000 on my Mustang. But $6K for someting that is just cool, not likely. But here it is: #2 would be the 2 foot tall Mazinkaiser I had as a kid. It was all plastic, his fists shot off and he had wheels on his feet. I have not been able to find one anywhere, let alone mint. #3 is another big ass silly "toy". A 6 foot tall Alien. I almost got this very one last week in a moment of weakness, but got some Recaro seats for the car instead. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...A:IT&ih=020 #4 would be the GI Joe F-14 Tomcat I had as a kid (22 years ago) #5 and last but not least, something that is not a toy but serves the exact same purpose that our toys do. I don't want to ride it, I don't care. It's just the first Ducati I ever saw and rare too boot. I want one under a glass bar in the lower level of my house where the theater is. Here is a link of the very rare, very trick, very limited and totaly useless (my Ducati 999R ad 1098 will run circles around it) but sexy as a rare Italian "Bird" should be the Ducati 888SP5 I'm going to buy some Revlotech figures now so I feel better
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