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Everything posted by sqidd

  1. My 1st Ivanov had all the problems, my 2nd Ivanov had half the problems and my Nora had none of the problems. It seems as if the Noras are the way to go. And they look a lot outstanding to boot.
  2. I wonder if Grahm can get some sales numbers out of Yamato. I would be curious to know how many units they sell. ????
  3. I 2nd that. I have version 1 ans it's not quite so cool now that verson 2 is out. Version 2 isn't movie colors and it's not TV colors either. It's the "Paint with no home" (PWNH) version
  4. You guys that can airbrush are killing me! I wish I had those kinds of skills. That looks incredible!
  5. That bad huh? Crap. The other ones are not so easy to get. Oh well
  6. I have 5 19's and 3 51's and I am sitting here looking at them right now and I can't deide which one I like better. I would have to flip a coin.
  7. About a week ago I think.
  8. It came black, but when I displayed it that way the legs of the gerwalk got "lost" a little bit. Especialy considering my background is stark white. I painted the stands up that way so there would be contrast between the legs and the stand, In person they look great. The stand dis-appears and the legs really stick out. I will be building a new shelving system out of sheet aluminum and trusses, etc this winter. Whe I do I will be painting the stands some sort of silver to make them dispear into the background there too.
  9. Thats the point I was actualy going for "Way too much". The scale is all wrong. Those would be 120mm rounds if they were for real. I just thought it would look fun. I love the revvies for that. I can mod them up in all sorts of crazy ways and if I make a big mistake I am only looking at screwing up $20 worth of toys.
  10. I will be getting a CF 51 when it is released, but I would get two or three if they looked like this!
  11. I don't know, I got them for $4 off of eBay. I am guessing one of those Hot Toys military guys.
  12. The sidewinders are the same color, the "Missle pods" are lighter on the Nora. You can see them pretty good in that pic I posted earlier.
  13. If and when I get my second Nora I gotta go with Gerwalk, I can't decide what I like more, fighter or Gerwalk, they are so sexy! My 2nd Ivanof
  14. Higgy all kitted out and ready for battle!
  15. Does anyone here have this bundle? Seems like a great deal. I was just about to get it. Macross 7 DVD Bundle link
  16. I have 5 of these on the way. I can't wait till they get here. I think I am going to have a "Pose Off".
  17. LOL
  18. I am not a huge fan of anything but fighter mode, but I feel the same way you do. It looks so nice that I will certainly be picking up at least one. Maybe two.
  19. 1/48 - 17 1/60 - 13 1/72 - 9 And whatever scale the Monster is - 1
  20. I love my Revoltechs! I have three on my desk at all times and I think I play with them at least once a day For $20 I am getting a ton of enjoyment out of them. I have also done some custom work on a few and it's nice to mess with something that is $20, not $200! I would never slice up a 1/48 but I will take the tools out and try something on a Revvie without hesitation. And on that note I just got a treat in the mail that is going on my custom DYRL Higgy VF-1S. Details soon.
  21. I got mine off of an eBay store called Crazy Toys Paradise. I have been getting new release stuff from them lately. They get here quickly and the pricing is just right. I paid $200 shipped to the US. When I get something that has been around a while I go with a seller out of New York who does off eBay and bulk sales to me now. Double huh? I would love to. But that would be another $6000 or so and I have a $10,000 motor to pay for that is going in my Mustang. I honestly don't think I could double my collection though. I don't want that many. I could see myself getting a lot of customs painted by professionals and I would spend some time scratch building a few things though. I would love to have a few custom paint jobs on the YF-19 and I would like to commission someone to build me some of those tasty resin kits. I would love to do them myself but it will take me 10 years to be able to paint like some of the modelers out there. Their work is outstanding! Anyway, gotta get back to work. I think I need to save up for some YF-21's and some 25th anv. Valks.
  22. sqidd

    Leftover Missiles

    Can I be the Vice-Dork then? I think that display is great. I would love to put something like that together.
  23. Damn eBay whores. This guy is going to go list them on eBay now or in a year and make what.....$20 on them. That crap drives me nuts. The same guys are responsible for me having to buy my Leader Class Prime on eBay because I can't buy a Transformer off of a shelf anywhere near where I live. Rant over....and out.
  24. Nice collection Jeremy007! I'm lovin' the Lego Snow Speeder. I have wanted one of those for a year now but they are long out of production and go for silly $$ on feeBay. I guess I will just live vicariously through yours. And thanks for posting, it has been a little slow around here lately
  25. Got mine yesterday. The colors are great. I don't think I am going to be able to resist getting 2 more so I ca have one in all three modes. ext to the VF-1 roy I think the Nora is now one of my favorites, just beautiful! The attachments for the wing pods are so much better on the Nora that they are borderline too good, LOL I had a hard time getting two of them on. The wings are nice and stiff too. My ordering finger is itchig over here. Good thing I am out of shelf space right now
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