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Everything posted by sqidd

  1. Thanks for the links guys. I am goig to order a Higgy now so I can get started when it gets here.
  2. I'm going to have my 2nd one before you get your first. Neeeener neeeener neeeeeeneeeerrrr
  3. I think I want to do a 1/48 custom Jetfire. Does anyone have some good pictures of Jetfire they could post for me? I don't have anything to work from. thanks!
  4. Wouldn't that make him a fire fighter?
  5. Ah! Gotacha
  6. I must have missed the part where we started talking about VF-0A's. I thought someone mentioned reactive armor for the SV-51. My mistake.
  7. What prompted the making of joke machines in the first place? Is this a standard Japanese toy manufacturer type of thing? Make the full size realistic ones then make some goofy small ones too?
  8. I would buy one without hesitation!
  9. Yeah, thats the cool thing about non transforming toys. They can be made more cartoon like. I like the Revoltechs for that reason. Hell, the gun pods arte about half the size of the figure!
  10. Thanks for noticing, I think my blaster is very impressive also.
  11. sqidd

    Buying a YF-19

    Stealth FP's are few and far between right now. I have had my eye open for weeks.
  12. There all cool!
  13. Thats easy, just go put it in another room
  14. I am looking forward to the CF paint job. I think it looks kinds cool. Lots of good contrast.
  15. Did I hear reactive armor? I never saw that in Zero????
  16. sqidd

    Macross II VF-XX

    I vote for 1/24 scale.
  17. So, anyone have any information when we are going to be seeing these? I seem to remember a December release date and it's December now
  18. Yes, it does seem as if it was a short passing fancy. I myself still love my 51's, and I may even like them more today than yesterday. At first I didn't think much of them at all. In pictures they were kinda funny looking. But now that I have one....two...three.....fourth on the way I can't get enough of them. I think they are beautiful. I also liked them more after I saw Zero, that helped a little too. As far as not liking Zero being taboo you are entitled to your opinion and on some levels I agree with you. It wasn't like I didn't like the story, I would have just rather have had more of a military perspective than the supernatural one. More of those tasty battle scenes would have been outstanding.
  19. Nah, it just looks like some sort of robotic Monk to me in batroid. It's not the toy that I don't like that much, it's the whole design. It just doesn't turn me on. The good news about that is I won't want to buy more than one. The bad ews is that I don't enjpoy it as much as you do. Trust me, I wan't to like it a lot, I just don't.
  20. I agree, I am getting to the end too, thank god! I still have my eye out for soe old vintage stuff that can be put on display in the box, but aside from that all I want that is coming out is one 21 and a 25th VF-1S. Aside from those I don't have a burnin fire to get anything else. I'm kinda sad
  21. Finally something comes out that I am not in love with! It will save me from getting 2 or 3 of them. I will get one so I can display it in fighter mode but unless when I get it it blows me away in gerwalk or batroid I will only be getting one.
  22. I'm in the process of having a 1/60 YF-19 done in Foker colors. When I get it back from the painter I will post lots of pics.
  23. Google baby!
  24. Wow that sucks. Guess I will cross them off of my list.
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