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Posts posted by sqidd

  1. 11 hours ago, sketchley said:

    This echoes some of my sentiments about the sequel Star Wars trilogy.  And we all know how that turned out.  ;)

    Maybe it's for the best if the company is making a business decision to not make any more 'Matrix' films?

    A fair point. But, they screwed Star Wars because they took a big steaming dump on everything that came before it, the new story wasn't interesting (it was almost a copy of the original) and they went WAY out of their way to squeeze as many line items from "The Message" as possible. The new Star Wars stuff felt more like a vehicle to carry an ideology then an attempt at making something entertaining. 

  2. 17 minutes ago, Focslain said:

    That kind of defeats the moral of the story, at least the one the movie was telling. You needed those two for 4 to work, otherwise you have just a pure reboot film.

    Granted if that is what you want then ok, but that wasn't the point of 4.

    There wasn't a point of #4 other than a cash grab.

    My suggestion is making a movie with a point. Not a reboot, soft reboot, etc. A continuation of the Matrix story.

    -End of Matrix 3 Neo and Trinity die.

    -Machine civil war happens. One side is with the humans, one side is old school machine totalitarianism. 

    -Machine/totalitarianism side keeps as many people in the Matrix as it can. It stops using humans as batteries (always a soft idea anyway) because they figured out another power source. It starts using the humans (specifically their brains) in the Matrix as "computing power" because it's more economical/more powerful/more flexible/bla/bla/bla than using their own purely machine based systems.

    -New movie tackles the problem of wanting to get everyone out of the Matrix with most of them wanting to stay in because they would rather be "sheeple" (Facebook, Twitter, IG, etc). The overall story would be about individualism vs group think (kind of like Evangelion in a way).

    -Fresh new cast.

    -Call backs to Neo/The One, etc.

    It sounds more like 2-3 movies to cover all that. But isn't that what Hollyweird is looking for anyway?

    To me the above sounds like a great way to continue the franchise without retconning the original at all. 


  3. 4 hours ago, Focslain said:


    Course how the movie ended and the message in general I'm hoping the studio took the hint and this will be the last Matrix movie that tries to continue the narrative, a prequal could make for a interesting action flick, but Neo's story is done and buried. 

    I'b be all in on a movie about the machine civil war.:good:

    It's too bad that they didn't try and make a good movie out of this one. They were on to something with what the new "Architect" (I can't remember what he was called) was saying about how most people only care about there feelings and taking a not too subtle jab at Facebook, Twitter, etc. If they had built the movie around that, thus making it timely  and poignant they could have done something as groundbreaking as the Matrix was is 1999. Maybe a cameo from Neo or something but for the most part something that had moved on from the OG Matrix series.

    I don't think very many people went to see the new one because Reeves or Moss was in it. They went because it was a Matrix movie. They didn't need those two stars to fill seats. They could have done it with a fresh faced cast and a fresh/updated story..........................and spent the money the saved on "star pay" for the action scenes.

  4. 5 hours ago, F360 said:

    release date was 12-25-21, It is currently the week just after Christmas.  Some business will be either still be closed for the holiday or short staffed. 

    DHL will be short staffed , so if they use any logistic packaging service from them, it might still be close until January.  Luna park stores staff is probably also off for the Holidays too. 

    In short, don't expect anything shipping out until January.  Anything that shipped out near Christmas is more of an exception than the norm. B))

    My business is a perfect example of this. We have not been shipping since two days before Xmas and we won't resume shipping until next week. We're effectively closed (we'll, we're doing a  bunch of behind the scenes things). Most of my industry is doing the same thing.

  5. 2 hours ago, TangledThorns said:

    As good as this looks I still wonder what a Afflek starred solo Batman filmed would have looked like.

    My "problem" with Afflek as Batman is that he's too famous as being himself. It's like making Tom Cruise Batman. Could you ever suspend your disbelief long enough to not see him as Tom Cruise?

    I know the counter argument to that is that Christian Bale is famous too. The difference to me is that CB is a MUCH better actor and really does morph into his roles. He also doesn't have a real life presence. The only time you ever see him is when he's playing a part. He doesn't do many interviews, he doesn't go on press tours, he doesn't post on Twitter, etc.

    I think Pattinson is actually a real actor too (despite his Twilight history). I've watched a few of his recent movies........and the guy can act/transform.

  6. 5 hours ago, close313 said:

    Im not sure if it will be cheaper in mandarake or not in the future,. but Amazon has it and got mine for Y28100ish when they removed the tax from the Y31000. ahh better than nothing i guess,


    That's a solid release day price. Especially considering that for $5 more it will be shipped DHL. I just ordered one from Amazon JP to back stop my LP PO. Thanks for the link.:hail:

    Got four sets of armor parts through a buddy in JP too. Two for me and one each for two friends.:good:

  7. On 12/21/2021 at 3:13 PM, TangledThorns said:

    We watched VIKINGS and The Last Kingdom back to back this year so we're kinda Viking'ed out but this looks really good!



    I'm in.

    Skarsgard is juiced to the gills.😲

    On 12/22/2021 at 7:51 PM, Dobber said:

    I gotta agree. Color me intrigued.

    watch this be a secret prequel  for True Blood and it’s true title is Erik the Northman. 😜


    That would be fun. If I remember correctly Eric's father was killed by werewolves though wasn't be? Or at least another vampire that had werewolves working for him?


  8. On 12/21/2021 at 10:10 PM, slaginpit said:


    so a semi kit needs painting 


    They're out of their minds. Even at $1000 that's out of control. Maaaaaayyyyybbbeeee it would be reasonable with killer paint apps/decals and some good reviews to back it up. I'm thinking more like $750 though. 

    I can be into a PG all built and painted by a top notch pro for less than that. Yeah, it wouldn't have a metal frame. But it would look perfect.

    Speaking of. I wish someone made metal frames for the PG's.

  9. 11 minutes ago, Rein+ said:

    Ok, sorry about that. That link should be open properly when you have japs IP.

    if you're not then from this page click the circle

    that is the pre-order page list.


    I'm going to lose my mind!:lol: When I click on the circled link.....it takes me right back to the international page (second pic).:crazy:




    Takes me back to this:



  10. 4 minutes ago, Rein+ said:


    here you go mate.
    i'm gonna bug my local store to ask if he gonna accept order for these.

    That link gets me the page below. I need the direct link to the product page on the JP site so I can give it to my buddy in JP to order them. For the life of me I can't find those. I've always had to go off of links posted in here. Thanks!:hi:


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