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Posts posted by sqidd

  1. 11 minutes ago, Mog said:

    Still not feeling some of the design choices made.

    But would be curious to see how posed out the lions and Voltron can get.

    Other than the leg covers and adding the pilots, the poseability (I’m guessing) is what will determine if this is worth the US$700 charge.

    It's really hard to argue that it can be twice as good as the SOC.

    The one thing I like about the SOC better is that the chest to waist ratio seems to be bigger giving it a more aggressive Vee taper.

    It's unlikely I won't get the 5Pro though.:D

  2. 23 minutes ago, Grey728 said:

    @sqiddIt's as tall as Voltes V DX, Mazinger DX, etc and weight 5 lbs so the presence and weight are there. At the very least it will fit right in with your collection.

    Yeah, I'm optimistic. The volume of the clicks when you articulate it are a great sign. The weight is a great sign. And it appears like it's very good quality.

  3. 6 hours ago, Digitalfiend said:

    Ugh, I'm having such a hard time deciding between Roy and the VF-1J+GBP set.  My VF-1D should ship this weekend, so I'm trying to make a decision by tomorrow so I can have both shipped together but having analysis paralysis!  I'm trying to show a bit of restraint by not just ordering both. 😁 

    I've already got a 1A and 1S + missile set and now technically a 1D.  I like the idea of getting the 1J that I missed out on initially and the GBP set can obviously be swapped around to other the valks if I want to display the 1J transformed.  The price is also a bit more fair when you consider you're getting the valk+armour (seems like less markup).  Alternatively, the Roy is also appealing because it's the TV version (I grew up with Robotech), has the nicer display stand, Roy pilot/TV cockpit, and I'd probably grab the TV strike parts with it as well ... but I also already have the 1S which is extremely similar.

    I'm also kicking myself that I didn't grab the movie strike parts when I had the chance.  I would love to get them for the 1S but can't justify spending over half the cost of a valk on them ($300cad+).  Maybe they'll be re-released at some point.  Typing it out, I'm sort of leaning towards the 1J+GBP set.  

    Since we're sort of in holding mode for the next preorder madness, let me ask another question:

    If you didn't already have a 1J or Roy, out of the two choices, which would you choose and why (e.g. personal preference, collectability/future availability, etc)?


    If I could only have two Valks, they would be it.

  4. 6 hours ago, Digitalfiend said:

    What do you think the availability of the VF-1S Roy will be like over time? 

    Availability will drop. That said, it has probably been the most available DX VF-1 release so far. As far as price goes on release day (not to be confused with PO pricing/PO day) they were going for about $285 shipped to the US via DHL (new pricing). That was 11/28/2020. Since then the price has increased to about $350 shipped via DHL to the US (Mandrake "used" pricing) and $25-30 more for new through places like eBay/Yahoo Auctions.

  5. 23 hours ago, 505thAirborne said:

    While doing some dusting & cleaning I felt the urge to take some pics of all my two-seater Valks. If you're going to keep the old V.1 Yamato's, the VE-1 & VT-1 are still worth saving IMO. 

    I would have taken these picture outside for better lighting but it's like 4 degrees outside. 





    The VF-0D is sweet!

  6. 11 hours ago, Sanity is Optional said:


    3 hours ago, Dobber said:


    Yup, ordered direct from Eaglemoss. It already takes long enough for them to get things in stock without having to wait even longer for BBTS to get things. I’m still waiting on the Armored Galactica and the XL Sulaco. Dates for them have been pushed back a little already. It’s pretty common with Eaglemoss unfortunately. 


    Thank you gents.:hi:

    I ended up canceling the small one I had on PO through BBTS.

  7. 1 hour ago, Thom said:

    And the Roci flies off into the void... Safe flying, Roci!

    Good last season, as solid as all the rest, with all the characters staying true to form throughout. My one wish is that they did not keep teasing about events on that planet with the 'dogs.' Since we may never see anything else coming from it, it ended up being a waste of time better spent elsewhere.  Still, enjoyed it!

    I was wondering to myself yesterday if they put the extra stuff in to boost book sales. If so, pretty good marketing idea.

  8. 9 hours ago, Macrossfan92 said:

    Ah figured as much, well guess I will have to bite the bullet. Thanks though guys for the insight. I decided  to start getting into this line a little late it seems 😅

    If you didn't get a Roy on PO (which is nowhere guaranteed) you would have paid about $300 shipped on release day for one. They don't go for much more now. I've even seen them for less. 

    Roy's have not been hard to get for reasonable money.

  9. 1 hour ago, Dynaman said:

    Yes, roughly 30 years.  So it would be a bit of a problem continuing with the same cast.  

    There is one more book where they are the current age. They could use makeup for the 30yr jump. Considering that in the Expanse universe people live to 120ish yrs old a 30yr time jump from 65ish yrs old isn't going to represent a huge physical change.

    21 minutes ago, hutch said:

    OMG OMG OMG!!!!


  10. 1 hour ago, jenius said:

    While COVID certainly hasn't helped anything, toy companies have been screwing up things like this since the beginning of time. With as much going on, very small tolerance changes cause very large issues. Hopefully Bandai is getting the feedback and making fixes to the mold. 

    No kidding. As a whole the toy industry puts out a pretty crappy product. Bandai being no exception despite their size. If the car industry had the same average quality there would be broken down cars all over the place.

  11. 16 minutes ago, Mog said:

    Isn’t there a bit of a time-jump for the Laconia book arc?

    Based on interviews I’ve read and heard, they figured it was best to end the TV series at the Free Navy arc.

    There’s been some good moments here and there this season.  Drummer’s still freakin’ awesome.  No one can cuss like Avasarala.  And the space fights have been ramped up some.  So, I’m excited to see how they end this.

    One thing they added for this season is some extra scenes that you can only watch on your mobile device or desktop/laptop (the X-Ray stuff).  Unfortunately, you can’t access these scenes from your smart TV though. <_<

    One other thing that’s been kinda fun to watch has been the aftershows with Ty Franck and Wes Chatham (Amos).  Fun interviews with the cast and crew, and it’s a trip to see the cast out of character.


    They do one more book after the Free Navy arc and then they jump 30yrs.

    I get why they stopped at the end of the Free Navy arc. It's just weird that they teased out the story going forward so much.

    Drummer is awesome. Her, Avasarala and Amos carry the show for me. Honorable mention for Fred Johnson. The show really fell short with Bobby, Naomi and Holden for me. Not that I was ever a Holden "fan" even in the books. Oh yeah, they NAILED Alex on the show too.

  12. Wait what? I had no idea that The Expanse's last episode was going to be #6. What a weird way to end the series. I thought they had left themselves enough time to finish out the story (it would have been tight but they could have done it in 6-7 more episodes). Instead the tease a couple three books worth of content and don't cash you out??? It's just.......weird.

    I myself am not sideways about it because I know how it all plays out. If I was just watching the show I would feel very unsatisfied though.

    That said, it's nowhere near the disaster that was the ending of GOT.

  13. 2 hours ago, Scyla said:


    I was just interested why there seems to be sich a discrepancy between the VF-31 and the VF-31AX since it is a proven design and the VF-31 Siegfrieds 

    The design of something is only half the job. Production is a whole different deal.

    There is a big problem worldwide right now with quality because of COVID. I suspect it's a lot of factors from the quality of raw materials (something I'm having problems with) to lots of new employees to a general ability for the individual to use COVID as an excuse for screwing off. IDK what the situation is in Asia but in the US finding and retaining good employees right now is really hard.

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