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Posts posted by sqidd

  1. 23 minutes ago, Grey728 said:

    Fair points and I can agree with these criticisms. You've expressed your opinions and I'm just expressing mine. There seems to be a lot of negativity around Blitzway's release. 

    It's going to get a lot of flack from the people that want it, but can't afford it. Conscious or subconscious. It's human nature and I see it EVRYWHERE. You should see it in the mountain bike world. The high dollar bikes are referred to as "dentists bikes" by most. And if you're a real rider you don't need something that nice.  Even though all of them would give their left nut to have one.

    24 minutes ago, Grey728 said:

    @sqiddIt's Fantasy Jewel. Looks nice standing there but is utter crap from a quality/build stand point.  I think the version you already have is superior. 

    I'm pleased with the Icarus. It's no SOC, but it's good. I was just curious which one yours was.:good:

  2. 14 minutes ago, Grey728 said:

    @pengbuzzHey, you're entitled to your opinion as am I. :) No need to defend yourself and I'm sorry I made you feel that way. I did not take any offence in your post and I did read your posts and what you feel bothers you. I'm just not really seeing what your seeing as a negative so each their own.

    And now that's I'm focused on the pelvis region, I think it's a little weird how the legs on the SoC stick out a little. I hadn't noticed that before nor did I care. I also prefer the lines down the thighs on the SoC version detail whereas the Blitzway is just a solid mass. I like the black around the star in the belt of the Blitzway just because of the added contrast of it. The proportions of the head and body 'feel' better to me on the Blitzway than the SoC version. On top of that the SoC version is squinting for some reason like he's having trouble seeing something or just smoked a blunt whereas the Blitzway looks like he just had a cup of coffee and is ready to kick some ass.

    The SoC version is still the best RELEASED version of Voltron to date and goes very well with Vehicle Voltron and Evil Voltron. That being said, I think this Blitzway Voltron will be perfect standing next to my Voltes V DX and Combattler V DX.


    Which evil Voltron is that?

  3. Looks watchable. I only ever played the first game through to the end (and was pretty much done gaming after that) so I don't really care how it matches up with the games.

    I'm not expecting much from Paramount+ though.

    These are the goofballs that built the Warthog for the show (I think). 1000hp and it's actually functional. This shop is owned by The Honnigan himself. If you don't know who the Hoonigan is you should be ashamed of yourself.:p Here is one of the best of the 10 Best Video's.


  4. 32 minutes ago, pengbuzz said:

    No dude! If you like the Blitzway, then get it!

    I apologize; I was just stating my opinion; I didn't mean to rain out your enjoyment on you. :(

    I had rebuilt my Trendmasters Voltron more towards the SOC standard a few years back, so admittedly, that might influence my opinion. But if the Blitzway looks to you how Voltron should look, then keep that pre-order!

    I absolutely want and entertain all opinions. Sometimes people see things that don't sit as high on my radar, but are still important to me.

    I have my PO at BBTS. I have a LOOOONNNGGGGG time to decide if I'm going to get the Blitzway. I probably will. I'm a child.:p

  5. 17 minutes ago, pengbuzz said:

    If you look at the pics you just posted, the hips on Blitzway Voltron don't stick out from the pelvis sideways, while on the SOC, they protrude a bit. And the torso (particularly the black area) is longer vertically from abdomen to head on the Blitzway than then SOC.


    They look funny here as well (yes, the official art looks bad).

    I agree that the Blitzway is a little goofy looking compared to the SOC. Darn. Am IO going to cancel my PO?:(

  6. 1 hour ago, leeboo1211 said:

    They teased it late last year when the released some more photos of the MS Sazabi. But again, with all of Bandai's teases, who knows for sure. It's likely that it'll be hard to get your hands on it either way. The first time the MS Nu was released for PO people were skeptical of the price point and it was a bit lukewarm at first. Then the reviews came out and suddenly folks wanted one...it's proven that the market is there. They didn't even put a timeline on a reprint, so... I'd go with a surer thing honestly, who knows how long you'd be waiting. 

    Yeah, I wouldn't say that display from Bandai (I've seen that) was a tease they were going to do a re-print. It's Bandai......

    1 hour ago, pengbuzz said:

    Lucky you! lol

    I've got a big.....












  7. 1 hour ago, pengbuzz said:

    Yeah, but the SOC has them at least out a little bit from the pelvis. Blitzway's look squished into the pelvis on either side, and the waist looks a bit long too.

    I see what you're saying. I find that the SOC's chest width is more attractive too. That said, The Blitzway looks more toon accurate. I guess it comes down to what is more important to the buy. Toon accuracy or imaginary aesthetics.

    I'm actually leaning toward the SOC having better proportions. Especially with the aftermarket thighs.




  8. 36 minutes ago, pengbuzz said:

    That's not the Chief's voice, Cortana's supposed to be blue, and the whole "upgradeable and controllable" thing doesn't sit quite right with me.

    Also, since when did the Covenant have Humans in it?

    He sounds like Mando.:rofl:

  9. 6 hours ago, leeboo1211 said:

    I don't think that's the issue here, but the Metal Structure Nu does not come with the fin funnels. So it's more a matter of if you can find the funnel set, two if you want symmetrical look. They are going for up to 3 times the original $200 MSRP at this point. 

    Hopefully with the teased reprint of the MS Nu they will make more, and I can get a second set at reasonable price. 

    I'm looking at a MISB unit for sale that also has the fin/funnels.

    There was a teased re-print of the NU? I haven't seen a thing. I'll wait it out if there is going to be one.......even though my wife said she would get the one available now for my birthday.:D

  10. 13 hours ago, Rock said:

    That is the Nu Gundam featured in the movie Char's Counterattack. The movie is streamavle on Netflix and the gundam.info YouTube page. The funnel count is 6 shown mounted unsymetricl on the unit's left side. A popular variation not shown un the movie add 6 additional funnels the the other side. The wiki should get you up to speed.



    The Hi-Nu gundam the above poster mentioned is a variation/different take of the original design featured in the novel/manga that the movie draws some of it's plot from. It is the white and purple/blue metal build design shown a few posts ahead of yours.


    2 hours ago, Scyla said:

    @sqidd my understanding is that the asymmetric version with the six Fin Funnels in the shape of an „A“ over the left shoulder is the „correct“ look.

    However the piece is expensive so I would go with the look you prefer. I prefer the asymmetric look so I would go with that one.

    [edit:] Also the Sazabi and the Hi-Nu both have six Funnels each. So six seems to be the magic number.

    Thanks guys.:good:

  11. 2 hours ago, no3Ljm said:

    Hey @sqidd. Which MS specifically? If it’s Nu-Gundam, in the anime movie, it carries 6 Fin Funnels. Hi-Nu on the other hand, different color scheme, was featured in the first Gunpla Builders series. It also carries 6 Fin Funnels. 

    There is more than one MS?

    By six do you mean six individual ones or sex sets?

    This would be what I'm getting:


  12. 1 hour ago, 505thAirborne said:

    I just finished watching this one last night, my opinions are you will either like or dislike this show. Really slow build up, not until the end of episode 6 do things start coming together. Even with a season 2 in the works I most like won't watch it. 

    The show its self has an intriguing story, acting is pretty good but also has many issues that needed fixed before shooting began... Especially with the dialogue, if you were to play a drinking game and take a shot every time someone says the F-ck or F--king, you might succumb to alcohol poisoning, I have no issues with swear words but it is excessive in this show and at least for me it became annoying after a while, I'm not a fan of lazy writing. 

    Now I can start with OZARK tonight. 

    I started this. It's not doing a whole lot for me.

    Ozark is pretty good. I don't know if it's me but the pacing seemed different than previous seasons. I was also surprised to find out that season 4 is broken into two parts and we don't get the second half until later in the year.

  13. 23 minutes ago, Digitalfiend said:

    Money isn't the issue, it's more the WAF (wife-acceptance-factor) and getting three more "toys".  She's pretty cool with my hobbies but sleeping in the shed would be awfully cold at this time of the year... 🥶 



    (and yes that is a joke 😁)


    I don't see how her deciding to go sleep in the shed is a factor.

    See what I did there?:D

  14. 18 minutes ago, Dobber said:

    Great review! Stoked to get this!  Hopefully, BBTS won’t take too long after release to get theirs to send out.


    5-6 months I'm guessing. That's the sea shipping/freight out of China transit time right now.

    I just had to have some stuff I get produced in China air freighted because I couldn't wait. Shipping ended up costing more than than the items.😲

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