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Posts posted by sqidd

  1. 27 minutes ago, Anasazi37 said:

    A small part of me is kinda okay with the Sheryl and Ranka microphone releases in June because it does give our wallets a break (seriously...who wants those?), but only a small part. I want more DX valks as soon as possible. And more HM-R releases like the remaining Destroids and enemy mecha.

    I'd like the release schedule to be double what it is now. It will still be forever before we get the main VF-1's. 

  2. 43 minutes ago, VF-Zero said:

    When i first watched the anime tv show at 2003, i was 19 so Rei Ayanami kind of felt attractive to me. Asuka was an annoying bully and Misato was too old.  When i read the manga at 2017, at the age of 32, Misato at her late 20s was so irresistible... A  real Woman.

    Ahhhhhh, to be 19 again. Or even 32.:rofl:

  3. 2 hours ago, DYRL VF-1S said:

    Again, despite how we might interpret the art, Anno admits to having deeper meaning and that the Christian terminology was more intentional than they originally admitted to. Direct quotes addressing it in this article from 2015. https://www.animemaru.com/hideaki-anno-admits-some-of-evangelions-religious-symbolism-may-have-deeper-meaning/

    But like @sqidd said, I don’t think you have to understand the religion to enjoy Evangelion.

    Actually his quote is it "may have deeper meaning".

    I think Anno gets off on trolling the audience a bit (can't blame him). I also think he wants Evangelion to be different things to different people. A Christian will view it differently than an Atheist or a Muslim. I think he wants different interpretations to spark conversation too. His comment when viewed through the lens of "trolling" adds right up.

    I think the biggest "means different things to different people" is the difference in how it is viewed by optimists compared to nihilists. A lot of optimists see Neon as a little depressing where nihilists see it as uplifting (specifically Shinji and his choice).

  4. 1 hour ago, VF-Zero said:

    Squidd doesn't say enjoy. He used the word ''understand'' he said  to understand Evangelion, you don't need to know any christianity. There is a big difference between understand and enjoy words... Ofcourse even a 4 year old can enjoy some mecha vs kaiju fights. But to understand Evangelion properly, i believe, you must know christianty and i think you must know especially the evangelist christianty and even some buddisim.

    I don't claim to understand Evangelion properly. There are  somethings, i see in the symbolism, but there also big gaps to tie them all together for me because of lack of knowledge.

    I don't know Christianity any more than I know any other religion. I understood and enjoyed Evangelion a lot. Granted, it took multiple viewings and some EvaWiki reading to understand everything.

  5. 22 minutes ago, Big s said:

    There seems to be a lot of delays lately with all kinds of products for one reason or another because when you shut the world economy down for 1+yrs for no reason that is what happens. I wouldn’t be too alarmed at this point

    Fixed it for you.;)

  6. 1 hour ago, VF-Zero said:

    I finally finished the manga of the famous anime tv series Evangelion and i must say i liked the manga alot better because of the different ending. It's a deeper series than your avarage manga. It was a series that heavy on the christian mythology, especially symbolic use of christian mythology. There were probably parts that i didn't understand because i don't know christianty very well as a guy who was raised as a muslim but the human side of the story was very good, that's what really impresed me. All of the subject touched in the manga aside what they tried to achive with the story was make Shinji who was the main character want to live, he was a 14 years old angsty boy who the creative team saw as their audiance lol (i'm not Shinji, damn it ! lol) so by making Shinji want to live in the end, they hope that their audiance who are 14 years old (in spirit) sulky otakus will want to live... lol well, we all hope so. lol

    It was a mecha manga and the main mecha Eva 01's design was so good, i really loved that design. The other Evas' designs which were variations of Eva 01's design were good too since the original source is very good.

    Misato was such a lovely character, waifu metarial desu. :D

    You don't need to understand anything about Christianity to understand Evangelion. Anno used a lot of Christian "words/names" but nothing in the story relies on knowing anything about their meaning or context. And not all of the religious words/names were Christian. 

    The only religious "tie in" is that maybe you could argue that The First Ancestral Race is what humans perceived as "God".

  7. 1 hour ago, Grey728 said:

    They are the same scale. It’s just that the Gundam Nu is such a large Mobile Suit. It’s supposed to tower over the other 1/60 PG kits. 


    9 minutes ago, no3Ljm said:

    At PG 1/60 scale, Nu is still going to tower Strike based on their official specs. ;) 

    MS NU is 15.25". With the Funnels 24".

    PG PS is 12.75" to the top of the head. With all the weapons stowed on the pack it's 19".

    I won't be using the NU's docking platform.

  8. 20 minutes ago, Bobby said:

    You may reconsider 😎  once you start messing with it, not only does it look cool...


    The catwalks and (clear) railing compliment the cockpit so well...



    (a little gif action)


    Plus, although the thing is so heavy the telescoping deck stand can still support it so you can do flying poses...



    (and then after a little photoshopping)...


    (and some more gif action)...


    It all just kinda screams come to papa...


    I agree it looks cool. It doesn't match my display style though. And I don't want to suck that much vertical display up in one of my cases. But, if it's the same height or shorter than my PG Perfect Strike I'll put it next to that. It's quite tall with all of the weapons.

  9. 1 hour ago, Digitalfiend said:

    Though I joke about it, my wife is cool for the most part.  These are still just expensive plastic toys though, so I understand the funny looks.  With that said, it is still much cheaper than my old hobby of racing cars or my daughter's club-level go karting. :)

    Oh, I don't mind her thinking I'm goofy because I buy toys (she doesn't though). If she gave me flack about the money front..........buh bye!;)

    And yeah, compared to my decade of roadracing motorcycles toys are NOTHING in comparison. A racing season was $150K+. Even if you include my new hobby of riding supper Gucci mountain bikes........still not close!:rofl:

  10. 19 hours ago, Lolicon said:

    Just like their DX VF-1, Bandai's 21 appears to favor battroid. 

    I'll buy Bandai's version for that, but for fighter mode I'd prefer it if Arcadia designed a new 21, because Bandai clearly makes fighter mode an "afterthought." 

    I hope no one makes one. I've got four 21's. If someone brings something out I'm going to have to decide if I'm going to replace them. I don't even want to think about that!:rofl:

  11. 52 minutes ago, leeboo1211 said:

    From this post specifically. If you read the kanji on the left, it says (paraphrased) "Origin point, Again (or Return)" and on the right where the Sazabi is it says "Katai, continued". A lot of the Japanese comments below are about a reissue. Actually more are commenting about the Nu Gundam than the Sazabi, lol. 


    Again, there's room for interpretation and it's Bandai so who the F knows. 



    If my wife wasn't getting the NU for my B Day I would be tearing my hair out deciding to wait or not.

    If I do have my wife get me one now....................................it's guaranteed that there will be a re-print. You guys can thank me then.:p

  12. 1 hour ago, Grey728 said:

    LOL yeah, me too. It would be smart to purchase from a retailer like BBTS. They have an excellent customer service with a great return policy. I'm not sure how Brandon Wong  from Supreme Collectibles would handle this should I need help.

    I ordered mine from BBTS  for this exact reason. An that they take so long to get in that I will be able to get 4-5mo worth of reviews before I lose the opportunity to cancel.

    Those pics are looking pretty horrible......YIKES

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