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Everything posted by sqidd

  1. Fewture is the benchmark if you're not going for anime accuracy. IMO you already have the best.
  2. Sentinel
  3. I got the NU with the Fin/Funnels all in one purchase. $3000. Which is actually pretty far below market value. And I didn't pay.....my wife got it for my birthday.
  4. Ok my Metal Structure peeps........where are the batteries on/in this thing (I swear the directions don't show)? I want to make sure they're not in there (I don't like leaving batteries in).
  5. I was diggin what you were plantin. Disney has been a cereal "box checker". I don't think even with a female led series that they could help themselves and would check as many boxes as they could before their #2 pencil wore out. I.E., shameless and transparent pandering that ruins the content because it's so obvious. They kill everything organic.
  6. My Metal Structure NU with Fin/Funnels gets delivered in the next few hours. From what I have heard the Fin/Funnels are pretty fiddly. I just looked for a YouTube video with a how too ...... and didn't come up with anything good. Does anyone have a go to? I want to be armed as well as I can be. Thanks!
  7. No question. Ex Gokin. It's not a great toy. But it's by far the best looking.
  8. Jeez. The AX is the gift that keeps on giving.........I'm glad I got two.......and PO'd Mirage.
  9. If the green was teal it would be a winner.
  10. I'm not going to PO one but when it's released if it comes up on AmazonJP for reasonable pricing I'll snap one up.
  11. sqidd

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Thread for it here:
  12. Yeah, I'm not sure if I'm feeling this one........
  13. sqidd

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Not the most flattering colors.
  14. sqidd

    Arcadia VF-5000G

    For later use. You're welcome
  15. I used a ton of drugs in my teen years and all three of my personalities turned out fine.
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