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Everything posted by sqidd

  1. Just finished Sqidd Game (see what I did there?). Not what I thought it was going to be and really liked it.
  2. Yeah, they're officially unobtanium now.
  3. Ya know, I liked the 31AX when I got it. But, I'm REALLY liking it with the Supers.
  4. sqidd

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Mirage rockin out some speakers.
  5. This sucker takes up some space in Gerwalk!
  6. Below is a video of what QC issues to check for. It seems to be hit or miss. I have one on PO from BBTS too. I figure that I'll take delivery of it and if the QC issues with the unit I get are worse than I can live with I'll return or exchange it. BBTS is really good about that kind of thing. The main reason I get stuff like this through BBTS.
  7. IMO the orange and blue works a lot better than the last one.
  8. I can never tell with these things. Is it a web exclusive?
  9. Considering what you're working with and what I'm guessing you want to end up with this sounds like the best approach.
  10. On a serious not. How do you find someone to act alongside Phoenix? The bar is high.
  11. At the end of the first movie the first thing I said was the sequel should be a musical.
  12. It's a Disney movie. They will destroy it like everything else they touch.
  13. Ever seen a Pitch Meting? Since when does making sense have anything to do with movie making?
  14. Who are you to judge? See what I did there?
  15. Also Batman v Superman.....and Godzilla vs Kong. I don't see them not having her team up with the Predator vs the colonizers. All sorts of message points there.
  16. She's not going to beat the Predator. She's going to team up with it.
  17. I think Ragnarok is one of the best MCU movies period. But I only really liked Iron Man 1, Capt America 1 and Infinity War. The rest didn't do much for me at all. And the newer stuff is
  18. I wonder if the WWM deal has some sort of flat rate minimum markup for US retailers? That would explain why as a percentage the Hi Metal R has more markup than a DX. I can think of a lot of reasons why it would be negotiated this way. And a lot why it wouldn't.
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