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Posts posted by sqidd

  1. 6 hours ago, Podtastic said:

    I haven't seen the expanse yet. Is this ship particularly formidable?


    2 hours ago, Dobber said:

    No it’s a racing ship. Meant to break speed records. Like a racing yacht. A civilian vessel and favorite “play thing” of a rich girl.


    Like Dobber said, not a combat ship. A racing yacht.

    It factors in the show and is around quite a bit in the show though. And part of one of the best "space battles" of the series. I also think it looks cool.:good:

  2. 4 hours ago, 505thAirborne said:

    If I wasn't so backlogged with work I would have binged it in one day too! :D

    While Julia doesn't look 100% like Anna, she looks damn close and that accent is almost spot on, she deserves an award. 

    I think I was half way through the first episode before I figured out who it was. She transformed pretty good for the role.

    What's funny is my wife HATES her in Ozark. So annoyed she won't watch the show. No issue as Anna though.

  3. 11 hours ago, Sanity is Optional said:

    IIRC you need a unique (japanese) phone number for each P-Bandai account, which also requires ID.

    Who knows how advanced some of these scalpers are. I suppose it wouldn't be too hard to have a bunch of burners or even more than one number per phone.

  4. Jeez. Seems like a lot of effort for lottery winners to be limited to one set and still find it's worth getting one to scalp. What are they making? $50?  I'd wager if they clocked the exact amount of time it took them to enter the lottery. Follow up on it. Receive the package. List the item. Deal with the sale. Ship the item.  And most importantly incur the risk of it getting damaged in shipping and having to deal with that.. They would have made more money going to work for the same amount of time.

    If they had 8+ sets you amortize your effort/risk and it makes more sense.

    Time is money.

  5. The Jada Toys 1:18 just showed up. Pretty cool! I like the new Batmobile even more now.

    From the perspective of someone who has been building custom cars for 30yrs this thing is pretty neat and depending on what is in the "Frunk" (front trunk) it looks like a real car that could be built by a handy car builder (not Wayne Enterprises) and doesn't have anything going on that you would have to suspend belief to get. I could build this car.

    It looks like it's based on a 70' Dodge Charger (man, didn't they destroy enough of them for the Dukes of Hazard?:lol:). It's got a Chevy LS series motor in the back with twin turbo's. That's a combo that is easily capable of 1400hp. The exhaust/turbo piping routing is a little goofy and over done from a technical standpoint. But it looks cool. And you could absolutely do it that way. I'm not sure what they are going for with the "jet engine Batmobile" thing on the back of the motor. I can't think how that would be functional at all aside from bypassing the turbo's. But, we're talking about the Batmobike after all. It's going to have movie stuff. I personally would have mounted the turbo's behind the motor (having two "jet engines) and using the dump circuit as the flame makers. I'm looking at it from a hot rodders perspective though. Not a Hollywood car builders. 

    The one thing I don't understand is what is under the Frunk. I hope they explain it in the movie. It has its own exhaust (the lit up part behind the front wheels). It would be bonkers crazy if that was a second motor up there and it was all wheel drive! If that's the case, holy crap. Hot rod nirvana! Oh, ya know. It could be an electric motor up front driving the front wheels too. The "exhaust" being routing for the heat exchangers???? That's more of a stretch than a internal combustion engine though.

    Anyway, I think it's super cool.:good:Almost Mad Max Interceptor cool. And maybe the only reason it's not is that car is so iconic. From a technical standpoint the Batmobile is arguably cooler.

    I want one.:lol:


  6. 3 hours ago, jenius said:

    Shouldn't a catalytic converter make it impossible to shoot flames out of exhaust. 

    What happens is that it's running lean when revving like that (not enough fuel to be ignited, but some). You pump unburnt fuel into the exhaust until there is enough for ignition and then it ignites. Most of the time you see it on deceleration. The lingo for it is "Lean Popping". 

    The EPA's emissions test loop/parameters don't test for it or take it into account. Actually there are a ton of situations where cars don't "pass emissions" that occur under normal driving conditions because they simply are not accounted for in testing. If there weren't there would be no such thing as supercars/big horsepower muscle cars/etc that make nearly the power they do able to pass emissions. The power out of modern high zoot cars is quite extraordinary.

    3 hours ago, jenius said:

    I wonder how the EPA feels about Tesla wanting to put solid rocket boosters on their cars?

    Well, Elon does like to poke Biden pretty hard on Twitter. He'll probably get Swatted soon. I mean, it's not as egregious as being a journalist and having a copy his daughter diary.........................but certainly skirting the threshold for getting your doors kicked in.:rolleyes:

    3 hours ago, jenius said:

    On a serious note, the lighting would look spectacular on a street rod... it is a bit silly for someone who is trying to lay low but I suspect on the suspension of disbelief scale, it's going to be a minor thing. 

    Well, if we can suspend it for the Tumbler. I think we can suspend it for this.:D

  7. 1 hour ago, Thom said:

    An internal combustion that's ramped up so much that it's close to becoming an external combustion engine!

    Some not comic book cars blow flames out of the exhaust. This Lambo isn't even a turbo (which I think the new Batmobile is suggesting it is. I have to get a better look at it)). Turbo cars blow even more flames!:ohmy: Motorcycles blow all sorts of flames too.


  8. 3 hours ago, nightmareB4macross said:

    Not trying to cause a stir or ruffle feathers, but I see your many valid points with exception to one. I honestly don’t think the VF-31A CF Kairos was THEE best for Bandai. I think the hype of not being able to own one is what created the mythos behind it. 

    Hopefully Bandai will improve on this design and we hopefully we see it on the Mirage.

    Agreed. I wasn't very impressed with mine. Certainly not as much as its mythical status would lead you to believe.

    And no one seems to talk about it's terrible paint chipping problem.

  9. 8 hours ago, Chronocidal said:

    I know its probably just to look "cool".. but what's with all the glowing parts of this car?  Not saying it's not possible but generally "internal combustion" engines are just that: internal.  Unless this is some new hyper-efficient external combustion engine? :lol: 

    Don't mind the style, it does look like a modified muscle car, but I am really curious about all the light-up bits.

    There is only one light on the engine. It's the exhaust. Which flames can come out of.

  10. 43 minutes ago, Dynaman said:

     No normal human, or even the strongest bodybuilder, could carry those horns if they were anything like normal weight for the size.

    A Moose rack is only 40lb. Even at 4x the size most 200lb men could carry that. Not forever of course. But carry it without issue.

    A big powerlifter/strongman would laugh at that much weight. I've got a powerlifter buddy who runs stairs with 120lb log on his shoulders.

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