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Everything posted by sqidd

  1. No idea.
  2. CCS Toys Getter Review Part Dux I just spent some time designing/ 3D printing an adapter so I could get this guy on a YetiStand (I don’t like colored stands). Anyhoo, I spent some more time with the figure and I want to amend my previous review. I still think it’s a great figure and worth the money. But……..I’m pretty disappointed with the paint apps and/or the lack of them. Some of it (too much) seems like raw plastic. And the main color choices are just too muted. If the red was actually red, preferably with some metallic in it (just a little) and was glossy it would pop a whole lot better. And the white is kinda semi gloss where it should be at least gloss. Or even better, pearl. The figure just doesn’t pop like the previous CCS releases and I feel a little let down. I love the sculpt. It’s the perfect size. The frame is a brick. And it comes with tons of stuff. It just doesn’t jump out at you when you put it among a lot of other toys. Would I buy it again? Sure. Would I have paid $10 more for better paint apps? Sure would. Your mileage may vary
  3. I'm wondering what engine is up front. The one in the back is a twin turbo Chevy LS motor with some sort of goofy piping to make that "rocket" thing happen. My guess is that it's some sort of dump valve (off the turbo's) situation with spark plugs in there somewhere to light off an artificially rich condition created by the ECU. They may have gone as far as to plumb a couple of fuel injectors too add more flame too. The rear jet/flame thing has zero function other than looking cool.
  4. That's odd. Most people look to spend as much as possible.
  5. -Ink Master (even if you aren't into tattoo's the art is great). And I HATE reality shows. It says something I like this one. -Yellowstone -Evil -The Stand. It wasn't great. But I'm glad I watched it.
  6. When I saw Evangelion for the first time I thought right away that it must have been what inspired Pacific Rim. I hadn't seen Pacific Rim for quite some time. My wife picked Pacific Rim for the movie tonight. She has seen all of the Rebuild movies. I told her to watch for how much it has in common with Evangelion (in a dumbed down American way). The opening monologue/ exposition dump/ montage hit all of the "surface" Evangelion high points. Even some of the visuals. Clearly PR is a very dumbed down version that has zero depth to it. But, it's still fun to watch.
  7. Was there a second motor up front? If so, what kind? Internal combustion?
  8. When you watch it keep in mind she is using a fake voice the entire time. It makes it soooooooo much better!
  9. My problem with Batfflek was that Afflek is just too famous for being him and not much of an actor. It's hard to suspend your disbelief when you can't separate the character and Matt Damon's BFF/ JaLo's boyfriend.. I think he did a good job. I just couldn't see him as anything but himself. If he was a top shelf actor he could have pulled it off in my eyes. I've never seen the Twilight movies so this new one won't have that issue for me.
  10. I just got mine out of the box. In a vacuum I don't mind the colors. But, I agree. It's a little too orange. I think mine looks a little more red than yours. That of course could just be down to the pictures being different. My pic is in a room with soft light. My displays have warm 3000K LED's which makes it look even a little more red. You look like you're rocking maybe 5000K of bright white/blue light there?
  11. Cliffs Notes from what I can tell is he liked it.
  12. What age demographic do you see them being able to tap into?
  13. Seen em. Loved them. No idea why I like them so much. Check out the HBO doc on what's her face that had the scam blood testing machine startup. Very similar to Fyre and Inventing Anna.................. but $9B
  14. I agree. I don't see Bandai doing a 1/60 any time soon.
  15. New case counts only means something to politicians. It's an irrelevant number when assessing the danger of a pandemic. There are a zillion factors to consider aside from total number of cases. Am I the only person on the planet that had 7th grade science classes?
  16. I'd wager that the US collectors are already pretty close to maxed out. Pulling in millennials and genz'rs I don't see happening. And little kids are not going to be getting $200 toys. After the gen X'rs are done collecting/die off this hobby will die with it. It relies on our nostalgia and disposable income. Something younger generations have a lot less of.
  17. Hopefully they're taking the extra time to fix the problems with the last AX.
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