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Posts posted by sqidd

  1. 14 hours ago, Big s said:

    I didn’t realize it was already the last episode of the season. That show took a simple concept and went so far off the rails with crazy subplots that I have to agree that I’d be surprised if season 3 happens 

    I'd like to attempt the creation of a new term:

    Plot line salad.



  2. 3 hours ago, no3Ljm said:

    Understood. But what I'm just pointing out is that for the VF-1, he did a simple cel-shade approach. Not all surfaces have it. Whereas with Legioss, the cel-shade effect is busier.


    There are less facets on the VF-1 too which makes it look far less busy.

  3. I get that you may not be warm and fuzzy about the 0D. You like what you like. But, as you can tell that one is well liked and I would argue may be borderline "grail" status.

    If you decide to sell the 0D and get an 0S I can't see how you won't come out at least even. If not ahead.

    The 0S despite the potential leg problem (I have three and none of them have it) is one very, very, very fine unit too. Especially the PF. 

  4. 8 hours ago, derex3592 said:

    While I appreciate LEKs talent which I think we can all agree is incredible, I just don't think the Mospeada planes lend themselves well to his skillset. Macross Valks and especially TF'ers seem to my eye to look the best. That being said....I wonder what the old 1/10 Toynami/Beagle Cyclones would look like if he did a pair of those???

    I agree 100%. Where I gush over the VF-1's. The Legioss are doing it for me. Certainly not for what they cost!

    I think the 1/10 Ride Armors would look absolutely incredible! If I could get some nice "pajamas' for mine (yeah, I know they can be "fixed") I would even consider having LEK do one.

    VF-1 incredible. Legioss........meh.



  5. 2 hours ago, Mommar said:

    It was a special online deal and very few were ever produced.  The last couple that were up on auction were bought long ago.  Like nine years ago.

    Hopefully someone will sell one some day.

    The 1/2000 SDF-1 is one of those things I can't believe that Arcadia doesn't do a re-print of. They could pre-sell all of them (very little risk). It seems like items like that are perfect money makers for them (as well as a TV SDF-1). Bandai is not going to take business away from them. They need to embrace their boutique nature and lean into it. 


  6. 4 hours ago, Big s said:

    I really like The Suicide Squad, but I had a tough time getting into this show. It felt like they barely had a budget most of the time and had a lot of episodes that really dragged. It kinda feels like a generic Deadpool or something. I did finally finish it and I just wasn’t super into it. Some of the jokes were funny and at least they finally confirmed what everyone already knew about Aquaman. Overall, it’s not bad just not all that good. More like filler until The Boys come back.

    You'e clearly not a person who appreciates the art of dancing.









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