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Everything posted by sqidd

  1. In this case the rich will get richer.....and the poors will get poorer. A few unicorn poors will figure out how to "game" the new reality. But it will be only a very small few.
  2. It's crazy that Master Chief is a dock worker from Baltimore.
  3. Low
  4. It's unprecedented times. The world supply chain is shattered and all of the secondary effects from that is playing havoc with manufacturing. And it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. And things are going to get a lot more expensive. Welcome to the new normal.
  5. Thank you sir. You are a scholar and a gentleman
  6. I appreciate the reply's and advice. I was just looking at their site. Did you use the yellow and hot pink? Am I assuming correctly that the 2.3ml vial was enough of each color? Thanks again
  7. I don't think Bandai produces more than they have orders for. Or at least not by many. Starting with the Roy release it seems like the scalpers are still buying as many as they can.......but the secondary market is just not there like it used to be pre COVID. And now inflation. The Roy stayed at about $300 shipped on feeBay for almost a year after release. That is darn near cost to the scalper. They aren't making any money at that price point after shipping and fees (good). Only after the scalpers catch up and realize the market has changed will secondary markets return to normal. Not that normal was good. I prefer the new lack of/slow price increase after release.
  8. Let's hope it's held up while they fix the AX problems.
  9. Thank you kind sir. Is there a thread on this board with these posts? Can you link me? Thanks!
  10. I tried getting into Wayward Pines a few times. Like really tied. It didn't hook me. Too bad, I heard good things. Aside from being trapped in the town From is nothing like Wayward Pines as far as I can tell. If I was going to compare it to something I would say it has more of a soft Lost feel (before it jumped the shark). Then add actual monsters and gore.
  11. Going through the decals and it looks like it's missing the squiggly red stripes for the main guns. Here are the decal sheets I have (I did get glowey paint to replace the glowey decals). Thanks!! Did any of you get these squiggly line decals? This is what I got with the kit:
  12. I forgot about the workshop. Thanks for the heads up.
  13. I just unpacked the Assembly Kit. I see it has glow in the dark stickers so it looks like the PF. But the PF looks like it has glow in the dark paint. I can't imagine the stickers will come off as well as the PF does???? Anyone have any experience with this? Maybe use glow in the dark paint instead? Thanks
  14. It was tight.
  15. The premise looked great. Add a nice heaping layer of "The Message".....and it's crap. Hollyweird does this thing where undeniable basic human nature is ignored. In this case you have a high stress high danger situation that is effectively lawless and everyone from every race, religion, social ideology, etc is hanging out together. That just doesn't happen in real life. For better or worse people sort themselves. And in a lot of cases are antagonistic to each other. One, it's just plain unrealistic and makes it all but impossible to suspend reality and enjoy the show. Two, I'm sick to my back teeth of this heavy handed messaging. Aliens showing up would be more realistic than the social interactions they portray on the show.
  16. Do we own our toys? Or do they own us?
  17. I'd like to attempt the creation of a new term: Plot line salad.
  18. 10min
  19. It was worse. Sexual harassment. I heard that the black lion was of Russian decent. So it will have to be canceled.
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