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Everything posted by sqidd

  1. The most important question of them all. Do you feel that the size, quality, heft, presence, etc justify the price tag?
  2. But he died in Godzilla. How is this possible? (referencing Bill Burr bit from paper Tiger)
  3. If you can't find a set I have an extra.
  4. sqidd

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Is there any reason that the Armor Parts can't be put on a VF-31J Kai? Aside from it driving a few people OCD crazy? I have the Kai sitting in a box/up for sale. I figure I may as well use that since 98% is covered by the armor parts anyway. Thanks
  5. The amount of yellowing a MISB example has will depend on how it was stored. It could be minty white. Or it could be "bad teeth" yellow. I wouldn't buy one without the seller popping it out and taking some very detailed well lit pics. I went through the same thing recently with a VF171. It took me five tries to get a new one MISB that wasn't yellowed to one degree or another.
  6. If it doesn't he probably has another 57 movies in the works. Gotta pay for those castles and boats.
  7. Metal Structure hanging out with some Perfect Grade's
  8. Great, more "reviews" that aren't reviews. I'd really like to see a REVIEW in English.
  9. Is it Complex? I can't remember and I want to order something. Thanks
  10. What am I looking at here? These aren't Robot Spirits? If not, what are they? How big are they? How much do they cost? When will they be released? Thanks!
  11. You are correct sir.
  12. I should have put "shelf warmer" in quotes. The modern Bandai "shelf warmer" is of course not the same as lets say a Yamato shelf warmer because in theory Bandai makes them to order. The Bandai "shelf warmer" is because scalpers went in heavy.......and got stuck with a ton of inventory. As far as DX's go I don't remember any that were as "shelf warmer" as these are. There are a TON of them on eBay. A lot of them ae being sold for what the scalpers have into them (cost). Does Bandai care and are they going to make future decisions based on it? No idea. Most of what Bandai does doesn't make sense. If I had to wager I'd say they are at least aware and if the choice comes up to release a hero Valk or a VE (for example), they will go with the more likely sure thing. I'll be surprised with the current supply chain issues (which are getting worse, not better) and rampant inflation that will most likely have an impact for 6-10yrs that we will be seeing things like VT's, VE's VF1S DYRL Max's, TV Kakai's, etc. It's not like Bandai has a good track record or releasing a whole set of anything in the first place.
  13. A lot of people will argue it's one of the best shows ever made.
  14. Yeah, this one has reached shelf warmer status fast. I hope it doesn't make Bandai reluctant to release more "risky" stuff. Like the VT or VE.
  15. My solution is to have five pairs. I use the same logic for utility knives, tape measures, Sharpies and flashlights.
  16. 1. You should never assume. 2. He's not "traveling around the world" making movies. He's going to a location and working. 3. You say you wouldn't mind having this lifestyle. I'm guessing you're not 69, you haven't spent a lifetime traveling for work and you don't have a good gauge for how much work/ time on set you spend making a movie. I don't know what his life is like. But I do have an inkling. I was a professional superbike racer for a little over a decade. I absolutely loved it. From the outside it looks like the dream, But what most people don't know about or factor is is all the work that goes into it. It's a LOT. And I'll bet it's less hours per day than shooting a movie. And the "travel" suuuuucccckkkkeeeddddd. Yeah, I have been all over on other people's dime. If you look at the list of all the places I have been you would think I was an accomplished world traveler. the thing is I didn't see anything in those places aside from the race track and maybe the town/city nearby a tiny bit. You're not on vacation. You're working. I wouldn't trade my time racing for anything in the world. And I would still love to ride. But, even at 50yrs old you couldn't pay me enough to do it again. And I don't have a bank full of money like LN does.
  17. I can't understand why actors aren't retired by his age. I mean seriously. Movie shoots are not easy. I wouldn't want to do a movie shoot at 50, let alone 69. I would of course do one for a couple mil. I'm assuming he has money though. Why are these actors still churning out these garbage movies? -Are they broke? Did they really manage their money that badly? -Are they so devoid of imagination that they can't think of something else to do? Assuming they have even some money left there are a ZILLION other interesting things that life has to offer. Go experience some of them. I like what I do for a living. That said, the second I can retire, I'm out! I have a ton of other things that I would rather be doing with my time.
  18. What's crazy is that's about $25,000 of PF SDF-1's in that pic! At today's prices
  19. Have you seen The Wire? You should.
  20. Watched ep 2. I'm not that impressed. I'll watch the whole series. But it's nowhere near high quality Sci Fi.
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