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Everything posted by sqidd

  1. Just saw it. Wow. I really like this feel for Batman. Loved the feel of the movie. Just loved it. The OG Keatn Batman will always be its own thing. Nolan's Batman will always hold a place in my heart. But this new one is something else all together.
  2. Is that a non AmazonJP seller? The "scary" thing is that by the time these ship shipping could be a LOT more expensive. Not only has shipping been going up quite a bit in the past two years (30% on average). Now energy prices are going through the roof and the global economy is taking a hit. The fuel costs are the big one. Have you seen airline ticket prices lately? It's getting bonkers. I'm not suggesting that BBTS is the best route. I'd go straight out of JP. Just that the savings could be very minimal when everything shakes out.
  3. Aside from paying for it and moving I would love a new house! I'd really like to have a space that could double as a toy room/theater. Or just a bigger toy room would work too. I'm at my space limit and then some. Enjoy the new digs!
  4. Maaaayyyybe? With fuel prices going up so is shipping. The only shipping price I have seen is from AmazonJP and what as that? $75?
  5. Anyone have any info in the Destriod scale? I'd guess 1/72???
  6. I saw this auction yesterday for the entire set at $1979.56. It had 5min left when I saw it. I didn't have time to think about it and look into if I could still get the Strike Parts so I didn't bid. Kind of wish I did. https://buyee.jp/item/yahoo/auction/w1047337193?conversionType=browsing_history No idea where I would put it. But I want one!
  7. But @borgified whyyyyyyy diiiiid yooooou deeeeeellllaaaayyy ittttt!!!!! -Karen
  8. Screw you and your 600' boat Bezo's!!! The first two episodes were great............and now we het to wait. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I was really enjoying this. And then the last couple minutes of the second episode blew it wide open into "Oh man, this is going to get weird!". I can't wait for more.
  9. sqidd

    1/55's revisited

    Is that the "Rolling Surrender" mode?
  10. Is this Max cannon?
  11. Yeah. I'm trying to find something to buy!
  12. This latest episode was weak. I actually fell asleep. And I'm not digging the "side quest". I don't care about the little kid and his friend even a little. Seems like a complete waste of time.
  13. Right! How am I supposed to screw around for a whole day binge watching TV when they come out one per week. I'm not going to wait for all of them to air!
  14. I need to get my crap together. Mine is still in the box.
  15. Booooooooooo Amazon did that thing where they release two episodes then you have to wait a week for each one after.
  16. Wait what? They're coming back? Wooohoooo!!! One of my faves!
  17. Just watched it. Great video! Thanks for the link. I'll be playing this when I unbox mine from BBTS. As far as the oil goes that's probably release agent and or assembly oil. They probably have people assembling them without much attention to detail. At the end of the day the oil is no big deal. Just wipe it off and enjoy. I could insert a joke about how that is actually lube and Blitzway put it in there because you just got $#@!&% by their QC issues. But that would be childish and crass.
  18. Actually, I called it way back when this thing was released that I was worried about QC issues because of the other Blitzway stuff I have (and posted about it in this thread). Unfortunately I was right. I really want this figure though. I guess I'll play the BBTS lottery. If the copy I get is good, fantastic. If it's junk I'll ask for a replacement. If they can't give me a replacement and I can live with the QC problems (I only display my stuff once so I can tolerate quite a bit) I'll ask them for a partial refund which they have done for me in the past. What a bummer. I was really looking forward to this. Now it's one more thing to worry about.
  19. You're going to love this. They're 1.0mm. Did you find a supplier that has generic water slide stripes? I want a custom Bandai DX GBP in the Focker colors they showed. But yellow strips would have to be generated.
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