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Posts posted by sqidd

  1. This would only be my second 29.

    I'm not doing PO madness. If the next morning it's still available out of JP (I bet it will be) I'll get one out of JP. Hopefully AmazonJP. My favorite source.

    If I can't get it out of JP I will think long and hard about getting one at all out of the US. It's going to depend on what the "landed on my doorstep" cost is going to be. BBTS does have it's advantages with some stuff. But so far Macross stuff doesn't seem like it falls in the "well, that's a good price" category. 

  2. I'm not what you would consider a "Halo Fan". I played the first game all the way through when it was released and that is all I know about the universe. So effectively nothing. Which of course leaves me with a different perspective because I have zero story-line and nostalgia to work from. 

    I don't like the show. And I don't dislike the show. I'm going to say it's a 5 out of 10 for me. Enough to watch right before I go to bed or something. But nothing I would go out of my way for. Aside from having to grind my teeth through the side quest malarkey I'm having a real hard time with the tactics (complete lack of them) and "realism". They're incredibly unrealistic and the Spartans come off as complete goofballs. Not super duper troopers. And as an example of 100 small things that drives me crazy is how do the show runners not come up with something Master Chief can do with his helmet when he takes it off? One, he takes it off every 3 seconds. Tactically, stupid. Once it's off he just stands there with it in his hand. Again, tactically stupid. Now only doesn't he have his helmet off, which shorts him a whole lot of data. But his head is completely exposed. With it in his hand he has now shorted himself 25-50% of his combat capacity (depending on if you include his legs or not). Dumb. The show runners could have simply made it so his helmet clipped to his armor when off to at least make it so he doesn't look like a idiot standing there with it in his hand.

    Long story short the Spartans in no way shape or form make me think "baddest super soldiers in the universe". Which is a massive percentage of their identity. 

  3. 4 hours ago, Lolicon said:

    I'm with you on that. Freaking idiotic on Bandai's part to not give us that and a second Hikaru pilot figure. My 1D cockpit is empty because Hikaru is in the fan racer and of course no sitting Minmay.

    So no one has seen a "Shapeways" Hikaru with no helmet but with goggles for the Fan racer?

    And no sitting Minmay?


  4. 7 hours ago, Slave IV said:

    Considering your eyesight, does it even matter? Sounds like you’d need to look in the cockpit from 3 inches away to even tell. 😆

    There is a difference between seeing and knowing.:D

  5. I'd like to see a DX TV Kaki just so the Vermilion Squad can be closed out. Come on Bandai, you never close anything out. Can we at least get this one done?

    And the missing HMR Destroids (especially the Tomahawk). It would be really nice to close those out too.

    After that I don't care that much. Some more DYRL VF-1's would be nice. Or TV M&M's.

  6. So, "Shapeways" 1/48 DX figures.............

    I can't find the link to Hikaru in his TV space helmet get up so I can have the correct pilot for the DX Roy with Super Parts on it. Got a link? I think @Anasazi37 dug it up at some point.


    Has anyone seen a Hikaru with no helmet but with goggles that works with the 1/48 DX Fan Racer? Got a link?


  7. 4 hours ago, Lolicon said:

    That earlier phone pic was most unsatisfactory to me, so I dug out my real camera.


    One of the nice things about getting old and your eyesight starting to go is I can't tell the difference anymore.:D

    Why I bought such a nice TV I don't know............:lol:

  8. 2 hours ago, Podtastic said:

    I didn't ask, I just assumed it was Co-Vid related.  

    Is there any reason why they wouldn't after the takeover? In any case their site doesn't allow it, and they informed me that their "Post Office has suspended all mailing services to your countries".

    Apparently that's going to be "when the Officer's Pod and Destroids are ready for pre-order".

    Logically this means the Destroids and Officer's Pod must be coming up for pre-order this year.

    How much does BBTS charge you to ship from the US?

  9. 23 minutes ago, no3Ljm said:

    I know that. I'm just under the impression that the item will ship from Hong Kong and not from China. Even if Hong Kong is "in" China now, I'm not 100% sure if they're following the same shipping rules.

    Anyways, if BBTS is the best route for you, @Podtastic. Might as well wait until they list the item. ;) 


    Yeah, I have no idea. I was wondering if someone else did.

    I do know shipping in general out of China is an absolute disaster right now. I get stuff manufactured in China at a plant that is well away from Shanghai (which is locked down hard and also their biggest shipping hub) and it's still screwing with shipping times. My latest shipment is coming UPS Freight (by air) and it looks like it's still going to take  45 days to get here. It of course has to be trucked to the airport then trucked from a hub near me to me, but that's still quite a while. Last time I shipped UPS out of there it took 11 days.

  10. 2 hours ago, Lolicon said:

    All this because Bandai won't do something simple that Yamato/Arcadia has been doing for 20+ years.


    Out of 25ish VF-1's I have on display the only one that is gear down is an Arcadia. Go figure.:D

  11. 4 hours ago, onnasake said:

    Rrraraahahaghaghagh I broke it I broke it.......my gorgeous amazing Sentinal 1/12 Stick ride armor........ughghhghghg.

    UGH.  I feel like puking.  This toy was expensive as hell when it came out and now it's like two or three times the price.  I made sure to be extra careful with it at all times....I babied that thing....and now this.

    I'm sorry to "pile on". That sucks man. I feel for you. I broke one of mine too at one point..................................and that is why I got rid of all of my Sentinel Ride armors. Let's face it folks. They're not "amazing". They look good, but not incredible (they're not cannon). They're overpriced for their size. And I don't think anyone will argue that they're fragile as all get out. A lot of people have broken theirs or have stress cracks that are about to break.

    I decided for myself that I would rather have a couple Beagle's even though I don't get all the variants and sold all of the Sentinel Ride Armor's (aside from the one that is just about to ship).

    I stay away from Sentinel as much as I can as a rule now. It's not just their Ride Armor's that are a problem. Their Super robots are small, over priced and fragile too.

  12. 1 hour ago, TangledThorns said:

    If I had the time, lol. We're gonna give 1883 on Paramount+ a go tonight. If we don't like it we'll try His Dark Materials on HBO Max next. I think we can add Flight Attendant to our list tho.

    We both liked His Dark Materials season 1. Haven't seen season 2 yet.

    1 hour ago, TangledThorns said:

    My wife can watch that on her own time! 😅


    No kidding!:rofl:

  13. 5 minutes ago, TangledThorns said:

    Started watching THE WIRE on HBO Max for the first time but my wife didn't like it, ugh. So now I gotta find a new series for us to watch.



    Try The Flight Attendant on HBO with her. My wife also liked From. And Resident Alien. 

    And watch The Wire on your own time.:good:

  14. 1 hour ago, pablumatic said:

    Saw the movie yesterday and I'm not that fond of it. Pacing was a big issue, IMO. It could have been done in two hours. Especially if they lopped off some of that ending.

      Reveal hidden contents

    Batman seems largely impotent in thwarting the Riddler. Only partially stopping his final scheme with his minions. Had the Riddler not purposefully given up his position when shooting John Turturro his plan would have entirely succeeded as they wouldn't have found his hideout with his final plan. Batman keeps figuring out the Riddler's riddles and cyphers, but that doesn't affect anything until the very end and it should have more effect. Even then Batman didn't figure out a riddle to stop the minions. He ripped out a carpet which revealed a password.

    Regarding that ending. I thought the Riddler only wanted to stop the criminal and corrupt officials of the city. Suddenly he wants to kill everyone? To me it was inconsistent as even Batman noted that the Riddler didn't try to kill Gordon earlier because he wasn't a crook.


    I'm not suggesting you're wrong. It's  matter of taste I suppose. I like not being beat over the head with fast pacing and action sequence after action sequence. Alien, which I'm sure everyone can agree is one of the greats, had very slow pacing as an example of how tat can be a positive.

    I think that's why there days I like high end "TV" shows more than movies. I'd rather have the story and characters fleshed out over 8-12 1hr episodes opposed to cramming them into 1.5-3.0hrs of movie. 



  15. 29 minutes ago, vladykins said:

    Except no Spartan yet (or Monster) so you'll still be incomplete. ;)

    I was thinking worse case I could mix the 1/100's and 1/72's. It may not be THAT bad. IDK.

    The HMR Spartan is just under 6" at the antennae.

    The HMR Defender is 5.375".

    A HMR VF-1 in Battroid is 6.375" at the antennae. 

    A HMR Regult is 7.75"

    The HMR Monster is about 8" tall (I don't want to pull my display apart to get an exact measurement). And it's loooooooong and wide.

    I'm guessing the KC's will be in the 6.25"-6.5" range. That may not be too bad as far as scaling goes considering Destroids don't conflict visually in size with VF-1's and the Destroids are all over the place as far as size goes.

    Fingers crossed. I've pretty much given up on HMR Destroids.

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