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Everything posted by Stormrider

  1. Oh, heck. So, how much are we talking here? I've ordered one of Rohby's heads (and a BP8, which I sorely need--Rohby, you da man!), so I might as well get it all spiffy at once...
  2. I'd get the -1D conversion, the Thunder Hammer GBP, and the Stampeed conversion (although adding the Thunder Hammer to a -1D doesn't sound easy, and I only have the one Valk). Of course, I could just get the -1D and the Stampeed for a dual-seat Stampeed (or a dual-seat Dual Strike, which I already have the other parts for).
  3. Yeah, yeah, I'm way behind on my reading... Good choice; 95 round magazine and 30mm grenade launcher. Kinda hard to carry, don't ya think? I dunno, those things couldn't hit the broad side of a barn... I remember an old joke about who would win a battle between Imp Stormtroopers and ST:TOS redshirts, given that Stormtroopers can't shoot straight and redshirts die if you look at them funny... My Favorites: Real: Barrett M82A1 (why shoot them from 200 meters when you can do it from 1500?) H&K G3 Glock 17 (as close to indestructible as I've heard about) Sci-Fi: Lightsaber (I don't remember who, but a few posts back someone said 'If you don't say that, you're lying.' I agree!) M-41 Pulse Rifle Goa'uld Staff Weapon (High firepower, light weight, and can be used as a blunt instrument if needed--what's not to like?)
  4. Latitude 41-35-10 North Longitude 93-40-17 West
  5. I've been thinking of one, but I have neither the financial nor artistic wherewithal to pull it off. It starts with a VF-1D (probably 1/60). Swap the head for a VF-1S. Add FAST packs (Super rather than Strike, unless it's a Dual Strike: I'm just into symmetry like that). Of course, a repaint is in order, something like the Blue Roses scheme. Now, I will be the first to admit that I have no modding skillz. Models requiring glue are beyond my capability, and I doubt I have better paint skills. So even if something like this were to be built, it wouldn't be by me. Second, this would require at least 2 donor valks: either a -1S Strike for the arm packs, head, and RMS-1s, plus a Super -1J for the backpack units (either could donate the leg packs); or a -1S regular plus a Max or Milia -1J. This in addition to the VF-1D to put all this onto. Since I currently have neither the money nor the artistic "slick" to pull this off, this will probably continue to just be a pipe-dream for me...
  6. I liked my 1/60. Shortly after getting my 1/48 Hikaru -1A, I arranged to trade my -1J head for a Hikaru -1A head, with the eventual goal of making my 1/48 and 1/60 twins (once I had gotten good enough at painting to make the rest of my Super -1J match the whiter -1A head). Alas, that project is over now. The other day my 1/60 took a header onto a concrete floor. Now the left arm and backpack are broken off, and I'm not sure I could fix them. Oh, well.
  7. I got 2 from Valkyrie Exchange (All hail Kevin!) and 1 from a Macross World member (Thanks, David!).
  8. Let's try this! Disclaimer: Hasegawas not mine. All belong to MW's master modeler, WM_Cheng.
  9. Maybe.... I would prefer a YF19... but I guess I could settle for a VF1. I'd rather have a -19 myself, complete with the Monster-slaying External Weapons Module! B) I mean, who wouldn't?
  10. Well, here's mine... 1/72--1 1/60--1 (now broken) 1/48--1 (now with Dual Strike FAST Packs--Thanks, Fulcy!) Future plans--1 1/72 (guess)
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