I've been thinking of one, but I have neither the financial nor artistic wherewithal to pull it off.
It starts with a VF-1D (probably 1/60). Swap the head for a VF-1S. Add FAST packs (Super rather than Strike, unless it's a Dual Strike: I'm just into symmetry like that). Of course, a repaint is in order, something like the Blue Roses scheme.
Now, I will be the first to admit that I have no modding skillz. Models requiring glue are beyond my capability, and I doubt I have better paint skills. So even if something like this were to be built, it wouldn't be by me.
Second, this would require at least 2 donor valks: either a -1S Strike for the arm packs, head, and RMS-1s, plus a Super -1J for the backpack units (either could donate the leg packs); or a -1S regular plus a Max or Milia -1J. This in addition to the VF-1D to put all this onto.
Since I currently have neither the money nor the artistic "slick" to pull this off, this will probably continue to just be a pipe-dream for me...