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About Stormrider

  • Birthday 07/26/1972

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    Anime, Sci-Fi

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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. I'm not sure about VF-1 vs. X-wing, unless you're in atmosphere. VF-1 pulls, what, 10 Gs? In space, the X-wing does 3,700 (according to EGVV) The X-Wing has shields, which the Valk doesn't, and presumably heavier lasers. Plus the X-wing has acceleration compensators, which would allow it to pull more Gs in a turn than the Valk can. Best chance a (FAST-Pack equipped) Valk would have against an X-wing would be to let it get in behind him, then pop off a couple of aft-facing SRMs. That would be a tough fight. As I understand it, all Gundams generate Minovsky particles, which blind both IR and Radar detection, leaving it a visual fight, and rendering most missile systems useless (and I don't think Valks carry laser-guided). Just what type of Gundam are we talking about here?
  2. That's a toughie, considering the Veritech has a form of BCS (or so I understood). I think it would come down to the pilot. Anyway, back to topic. Has anybody taken those measurements yet?
  3. 1. I have an Xbox already. 2. X-Wing for the win. Shields, heavier lasers, and much more acceleration. Plus the astromech to watch your six for you. 3. Larson raider or Moore raider?
  4. I know the -19 can't tuck its wings the way a -1 can. In the picture I posted, the wings and wing roots are folded as in Battroid. This actually makes it a little wider along the fuselage, but compared to wings-extended... As for the -1, I recognize you'd have to have it moving pretty quick to keep it in the air with body lift alone, but I thought I'd pointed that out already. As for the Supergate, in that case might just as well send the Macross through. And the episode I mentioned was several years before the Ori and Supergates.
  5. In a fight, I'm not sure. In a race, SW FTW. SW vessels have Trek vessels faded both sublight and FTL I get these odd ideas at times. I'm still wondering if a Strike Valk could have made a difference on Hoth...
  6. So, I'm sitting here, thinking about that one SG-1 episode where Teal'c flew a Goa'uld Death Glider through the Stargate, and wondering, "Can you do it with a Valk?" Working from a picture of the 'Gate I got from Wikipedia, the aperture on the Gate is roughly 15.184 feet across (call it 15 ft 2 in). I need the help of MW'ers with 1/48 -1s and 1/60 -19s who have some form of measuring equipment. The major dimension is going to be width (not even going to bother working out how hard it would be to hit the 'Gate cleanly when you're tucking all your control surfaces away), so I'd like to know the width of the -1 and the -19 at their widest point, with their wings tucked. With the -1 it's easy, but I have a picture of what I mean for the -19. Anyone wanting to submit VF-0, -11, or -21 data as well are welcome, but I mainly care about the -1 and -19. Thanks.
  7. Stormrider


    Pictures of the YF-19
  8. I'm in kinda the same boat there. I've gone through at least 4 replacement BP-8s in the last 3 years (Gravity is not your VF-1's friend), but I have no drill and no skillz. Also, I can't handle the $20 lower limit, because I'm unbelievably cash-strapped. Is anyone else recasting these? (I asked Rohby, who used to do these, and he sent me a message back in Feb, but this is the first chance I've had the money).
  9. 336734[/snapback] Mechanically, the body of the 1S/J/A are identical; any of which can be converted to the 1D. The conversions cannot be done partially however. ALL the conversion components must be used, or the transformation sequence will not function/fit correctly. 336885[/snapback] So the conversion he spoke of (-1D with a -1S head) can't be done? That was the whole reason I wanted the -1D kit.
  10. Email Sent. (Geez, there are going to be a lot of these messages, aren't there?)
  11. Well, I'm still waiting for one. I'll still be looking for experts to merge the upgrade kit with the parts I've already purchased (I'm looking to convert my -A to a 2-seat -S, with an all-black paint job). Edit: Given what I want it for, non-pigmented would probably be best.
  12. I might commission you, how much would it cost for this?
  13. Do please put me down for one. Also, as soon as they come out, I'll be seeking quotes for installation and customization (See my previous posts for details).
  14. You have a PM.
  15. Well, a 1/48 TH is almost enough to make me want a second 1/48 (My current Hikaru -1A is going to be converted to either an -S or an S/D hybrid if the -1D conversion works out). Yes, xstoys and KidK should finish their armor projects! So should irspiff (that was his name on the old board, I think it's just spiff now).
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