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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. A couple quick pics on behalf of all the lurkers.[
  2. Stupid double post!
  3. I had a `95 CBR 600F3 and traded it for an `02 YZF R6. About three years ago had an "incident" with a deer which totalled it. Recently I`ve been looking to get an R1.
  4. I`m afraid to see how much this will cost..... Like it matters, I`m definitely getting one of these.
  5. You the man! Thanks Save
  6. The repaints of the YF-19a Excalibur and VF-11B Thunderbolt are up for preorder at HLJ.
  7. There is a company in Maryland that has a product called Chameleon paint stripper. You can get it in either a gel or liquid from 8 ounces up to a gallon. After letting it set on a Yamato 1/48 for about 20 minutes an old toothbrush took the paint off pretty easily. Hope this helps. http://chameleonproductsonline.com
  8. GBP
  9. Al Bundy

    The Big Escape

    The small logo on the hat is just cut out from yellow fabric and and is held on by some "sticky" fabric material. The jacket pocket was made the same way with the yellow stuck to the black pocket. I`ll have to ask what it`s called.
  10. Al Bundy

    The Big Escape

    Glad to be here . I was talking to Mother Bundy and if anyone knows someone who could mass produce these she could make a pattern and help out with any questions you would have. I know it`s not much but just trying to give a little back .
  11. Al Bundy

    The Big Escape

    Please don`t mention shoes, i even see feet in my dreams.
  12. Al Bundy

    The Big Escape

    Thanks for the comments . To answer some of your questions; other than a static pose there`s not much else you can do with it because of the extensions coming off of the back of the forearm. Unfortunately mass producing probably isn`t likely because Mother Bundy actually made it from scratch by watching the DVD (slowly trying to convert yet another to Macrossworld ) and just winging it and while making it said I quote " I hate making things this small". As for the TV Max I`ve already contacted someone here about doing one. If you look at the Gerwalk pic you can see I`ve already started stripping off the accent colors from the inner leg.
  13. I love the fact that South Park used that fight sequence for the fight between Timmy and Jimmy. http://youtube.com/watch?v=fHgcfpgJP3U
  14. Al Bundy

    The Big Escape

    Yes it can.
  15. Al Bundy

    The Big Escape

    Like the title says here`s a 1/48 incognito. Let me know what you think.
  16. Sorry if this isn`t the right thread for it but thought you G.I. Joe fans might like to see Sideshow Collectibles 12 inch Snake Eyes. http://www.sideshowtoy.com/?page_id=4489&sku=2610
  17. Al Bundy

    2 seater 1/48s

    Oh waiter..........I`ll take two of each please!
  18. Actually it`s an airsoft gun that I bought from Airsoftextreme.com. They still have the Thompson in stock but the Pulse Rifle conversion kit is sold out. I had them assemble it since it really wasn`t much more for them to do it. That and the fact it was my first airsoft and I didn`t want to screw it up .
  19. I know Graham has stated that the 2-seater 1/48`s won`t happen, but Yamato PLEASE RECONSIDER! I`d buy 3 of each variant. Destroids and some more enemy mecha would be nice. Thanks Graham
  20. Yes it is life size, 3 Ft. long! There are some much better pics of it at sideshowtoy.com (I only have a crappy web cam at the moment). Even those pics don`t quite do it justice. It`s much darker in person and the detail is as you said superb.
  21. Got this yesterday but since it wasn`t Macross related I wasn`t going to post any pics until the mail man dropped off my Max 1J this morning! I needed something for scale .
  22. Don`t take this the wrong way sqidd, but I hate you . How much cash will it take to make up the difference if I trade you my car for the Cobra R?
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