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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Sweet just got shipping information for mine from HLJ Armored FTW.
  2. Ep. 21-23 are up on THORAnime IRC server.
  3. Yep I never liked IRC but that was fast way to get episodes
  4. Rankafan What server on you on irc to get thoranime NM found it irc.Rizon.net.
  5. Tom, Dick, and Hairy
  6. I was looking for ideas where to order MacrossF DVD/BD If anyone has links of sites that they ude and can provide feedback. Thanks in advance.
  7. Thanks that picture is my new background...
  8. I was wondering do anyone have a good screen capture of the Macross25(Battle 25) and Macross Quarter from the new open in a nice resolution? Also after tons of looking I have a noob question what does "Deculture" mean?
  9. Do you have the link where to Buy Macross from on Blue Ray?
  10. I think the death of the one Pixie Girls was like when Tasha Yar died in ST:NG. Just boom your dead.
  11. Well not working means no seeder then yes But there are 639 Leechers There was one seeder.
  12. Torrent Search Raw [shinsen-Raws] Macross Frontier - 07 (x264 AAC 1280x720).​mp4 Details Size: 410.63MiB | Date: Fri May 16 2008 00:30 GMT 134861 Type is macross in search bar.
  13. Well Zero-RAWS has same link to shinsen-raws version. SO lets hope it is real.
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