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Everything posted by SpacePirateNeko

  1. The animation area inside is amazing. Yes yoru not supposed to take pictures but i snuck some and some movies of the animated ferris wheel..ill have to upload it when i can. Miytaka is a really nice area and when i move to japan i think its where i would one day love to live. The day i went it was raining an a rabbit came up and sat next to me in the park outside ( literally a foot away) and didnt seem to care that i took pictures of him. Oh and what was also cool was the fact that tickets come with a frame from one of the movies. The short i got to see was about a little kid who planted tiny solar systems that grew in his house.
  2. Vanguard isnt an soe product , it was made completely by sigil. Soe publishes it ie takes care of the station account and some promotion. They dont have any financial backing in the game at all and sigil is pretty adamant about that . They also have no control in any shape or way in the design or direction of the game. Clearly it shows...just from the risk vs reward thats already in game. So sure they get to flash their little brandtag on it and make a small money from the station account but it frees sigil up from having to throw lots of money into promotion and ip and instead of using it on the game. They were previously being published by microsoft who wanted to put too much of their hands into the direction of the game which is why they switched to soe. Either way the game is tons of fun and im having alot of fun between school semesters ...and thats all that matters really. I wish with Lotro before the game changed hands...they had kept the original idea...which was a huge morallity system which would have given you the ability to side with saurons forces or do things which would benefit the fellowship ....but in a non intrusive way concerning canon.
  3. Booooooooooooooring..... I tried out the beta just because i was invited....it offers nothing new innovative or deep. I mean if theres nothing wrong with the game, the mechanics are fine the graphics are decent and the gameplay is standard. However if you play EQ2 or WoW you already own this game. Its one catch is that it takes place in "their" vision of middle earth. Ive been playing Vanguard since beta 2 and im completely hooked. The mechanics are very deep and the game is just abundant with choices on whatever you feel like doing. Diplomacy is a pleasent suprise.
  4. My friend just called me up and said a mini coop with vf-1a license plate just passed her car , thinking it was just a coincidence or meant something else she drove by and noticed a macross sticker on it. Now seeing as this is LA and so many of us MW'ers live in LA i was wonder if it belonged to one of you guys , cus thats a cool plate.
  5. I like the single and the video ( it sounds oldschool because its more or less "wish") The video wasnt supposed to be mind blowingly artistic, it was just supposed to be 1984ish scene and i really love it. It has great flow and and a really good ending. As for the "campaign" as some call it .....well trent said it best himself "This is not viral marketing this is part of the art of the album" There will be a follow up album next year that continues the story of this album. Trent has also stated there might be a small movie. I dont see what the big fuss is really , im loving it, i think people have this pretentious view that if music goes beyond just the music then it somehow trivializes music itself. Thats a joke, some of the best music over the last 40 years has had a cinematic appeal to it , not suprisingly since alot of musicians are into art in general. speaking as an artist and musician myself. What i can say is that as a long time nin fan , trent has already stated many times that he has thrown in teh towel when it comes to mtv and top 40 radio and that he basically does what appeals to him nowadays. I cant tell you how many times in the last ten years hes talked about the importance of including a nice package and art along with the disc and i feel thjis is just an extension of that. This really appeals to my sensibilities , i still love opening albums and putting em in and listening to entire albums as a whole. to me they are like wonderful short books...hell i still collect vinyl. The disposable mp3 age just doesnt do it for me ....sans b sides , live rareities etc. I just see this whole thing as an extension of what bowie or marc bolan were doing in teh 70s, i dont think trent has any preconcieved notions that suddenly people are gonna run out and buy the album who werent fans before , he knows he has his fans . I mean to release almost half the album so far....5 songs released so far , wouldnt be too good a move for "marketing" I wouldnt be suprised if the whole thing gets release before its "release" Just the way i see things i guess..
  6. Flexi LED This is gonna be great for modelers
  7. nm i just took the ross ortho and played around with it in photoshop ..extending the legs a bit to make him a bit more imposing and so i can fit him into the batman amano design its all for a character modeling class
  8. Im looking for Batman orthographics but have looked all over the web for em and cant find anything. I know the alex ross site has a few but they appear to be the older kingdom come batman and im looking for regular ones. If anyone has em in an artbook they can scan or knows a website it would be much appreciated
  9. Do what i do, take your two carry ons ...in your carry on suitcase pack your weeks worth of clothes. If your a good packer you can make it happen. In yoru second carry on ( a small bookbag or whatever) carry all your travel items and your dontgetboredashellona10hourflight items. Then check in two huge ass suitcases EMPTY. Most airlines allow two check ins up to 70 pounds combined free. You can pick up a huge ass suitcase at Big Lots for cheap ( 20-30 bucks or so ) or a store like it. You can even make things easier by placing smaller in larger bag for departure check in. PS if yoru traveling with someone and they arent brining check in luggage or just one make sure to utilize that also. Last time i went i traveled with a friend who only brought one check in on so i used used his secondary bag slot for my own muahaha. With all that said i still ran out of room quickly , and if yoru like me and do not like to toss out packaging etc...you will too. Especially after you start winning at the UFO machines and amass multitudes of stuffed characters , i will post a picture later. Yes there was once a Mandarake in Torrance california when i first moved here i would visit it weekly. It was small compared to the ones in nakano and shibuya. It was however just as cool..there would be random piles of stuff scattered all around and thousands of cells from obsure shows for a buck a pop. It was like an ancient treasure trove of j-pop culture goodness. Sadly they tried to relocate to Santa Monica to a smaller place and quickly ran out of business because only the modern anime nerd set started going and it wasnt enough to keep sales. Torrance is a very japanese area in cali and it was located in the Mitsuwa there , they did great business and it just a very bad move to relocate from there. Even though i prefer the Nakano area and broadway , i still recomend at least taking a trip to the shibuya one. Its not as extensive but its 4-5 stories underground and its like a freaking dank cave , pretty awesome i think. I also fell in love with mitaka after visiting Ghibli , it was a nice rainy day and i loved the wooded area all around it, ill post some pictures of that later too. damn you guys have me pining now...maybe ill go again this spring. I want to visit ireland too...so many places to go so little time and money.
  10. Wolfx thats my favorite place in the world..i want to live in nakano i think its a nice suburb ..either that or mitaka. I always stay in Ikebukuro, i dont like to "go as a tourist" when i go anywhere and thats a pretty good place to stay. As for picture taking , sorry guys i have never ever had a problem. Sure i was politely asked to not take a picture at an arcade once and i complied, i understand they are just following rules. I love when i went to mandarake and one of the guys who used to work in mandarake LA ( sadly went out of business 4 years ago) remembered me and was blown away i was there. My last trip in may 06 i also ran into a friend from highschool, turned out he lived and worked there as an engineer. We went to a bar and watched a football game , italy vs checks i think in the world cup. It was fun to watch him get all the nihonjin in the bar to yell out ZAKANAYO CHECK REPUBLIC. heres some of my favorite places in Tokyo some street musicians i met in ikebukuro station mandarake pre opening This one is huge from my last trip with my new camera so ill link it instead , Arcades alive and well in Japan
  11. can you do it in a maya file also please
  12. Nice, black celebration is the best DM album ever. Still releasing great stuff though , last one was terrific
  13. if someone can find me an ortho of a vf pilot in full gear with helmet on ill see if i can make a pilot actually an ortho of any pilot in uniform is fine and i can just model a helmet seperately and use it as his head
  14. this movie will suck purely for the number of times it made me late to work for its highway scene
  15. sooo has anyone added me yet? i added everyone but i know it needs to be mutual or you can have mii's mingle. Mine is still empty neko 3428 2033 1498 2833
  16. neko 3428 2033 1498 2833
  17. HAHA i know who danny choo is and all ...but thats still the first thing that caught my attention when looking at this video
  18. i went there at 730 am. I walked , i live in walking distance of 3 gamestops. Two of em are in the mall so i didnt even bother with that . I went to one on a sidestreet. I was 5th to arrive...first guy said hed been there since 6 am. The store opens up at 10 but at 9 they came out of the store and gave us all reserve slips that werre numbered..took our names and numbers and told us we can go do whatever and to just be back before 1030 or we lose our spot. When that happened there were ten people in line. I walked home then came back at ten and there were about 12 people waiting. Finally after we all preordered and i was walking around the store looking for some mega cheapo used games to screw around with...some guy walks in asking if he could preorder. He talked about his miserable experience at the two ebs in teh mall and how they basically cut the line in half at the very last moment and told the rest of the people they might as well go home...what a bunch of assnuggets. Anyway they told him at the gamestop they had one more preorder if one of the employees didnt show up in the next ten minutes or it would go the employee He didnt show up in time and the guy lucked out ..i was happy for him. I plan on getting a ps3 but like many i have no problem waiting 6 months for the price to slim out and the library to increase...though there are many current titles id love to play they will be half the price in 6 months. I really wanted to own a wii this year and im glad i went and preordered...especially since ive had zelda preordered for over a year now. There are a bunch of games coming down the pieline im gonna love though and frankly its a system id love to develop for. I dont really like playing first person shooters on consoles...i have a pc that handles and plays it better with mouse and keys but i think the wii might change all that. I really cant wait to see what interesting and active stuff comes out for the system.
  19. preordered....5th in line
  20. I wonder how this will play on the Wii if it used the wii controller and not the cubes Heatseeker
  21. I picked up an original for 40 bucks about 3 years ago....ive been afraid to touch it ever since Maybe one day ill learn how to recast so i can paint the recasted ones
  22. Optimus prime and megatron revealed
  23. i ran into milkmanx too
  24. I know sorry about that
  25. heres some pics from comic con Huge ass Millenium Falcon Upcoming toy called "Vadars starfighter" Some more upcoming stuff A very nice statue from weta A bunch more from weta they were 12 inches very nicely detailed and only about 50 each Ok i pre ordered this jabba the hutt and his throne with all its extras such as salacious crumb the hookah etc.....jabba was 120 and the throne and rest was 199 If you saw this thing in person the price would blow you away...this thing is absolutely immense...its in scale to the 12 inch figures around it
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