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Everything posted by SpacePirateNeko

  1. You know it's really stupid, i have 300 models sitting in my closet and i tell myself things like "one day i wont be unemployed, i'll have the job i want, i'll be living where i want and i'll have my own house and then i'll be able to to finally build all these". What a dumb way to think. You just have to keep doing everything you want, the rest will fall into place. So i decided to just start working on one of my hasegawas finally while i do everything else. So here is the first of many models to come, my first completed Hasegawa. It's not perfect but its the first model i completed that i used an airbrush on. it won't be the last.
  2. Noyhauser i think we are working on teh same exact model. and on the Macross side of things, almost doe with this one
  3. Not only does this make me jealous at how nice and ready everything is to build, but the paper you have it on makes me wanna back to Japan again..this time one way.
  4. Thanks i was feeling nostalgic for how i was into anime in the 80s and sadly how downhill it has gotten. Ah well
  5. MY HERO! Thanks a million
  6. Does anyone remember a video made specifically for an anime convention , early 80s, that featured a bunny girl riding through space and was a collage mish mash of things mixed together. I cant seem to find a link anywhere and no combination of searches are turning anything up. All i remember was that the animation was excellent.
  7. Thats funny, when i finally find a way to move there ( stayed there a little bit with a friend for a month and ive been back 5 times, love the place), I will literally have to do the same thing though possibly on a much larger scale. All the trips i took to Japan i always brought two empty suitcases, atm i would have to get over 150 unbuilt kits shipped back over.
  8. So the apt i live in has a clubhouse room we could hold this in. It doesnt get reserved its kinda first come first serve, but if we set up stuff early or late at night, the room would basically be ours.The only time anyone ever uses it is to watch sports games or the occasional kids birthday party. Its big but more small scale con size. Slightly bigger the the room at Jerrys place during the first con, good for 25 to 30 people. The only thing is, atm its being redesigned so wont reopen until mid August, when it does it will have a full entertainement system including 4 widescreened plasmas put together as one big display, full surround sound stereo, internet etc, its looking really nice atm. Also i live in Marina Del Rey, across the street from the Harbor which is a 2 minute walk, which opens up other possibilities.
  9. I never read the books so this is a different viewpoint but i really enjoyed it. Its very hard to find darker ( non earth) fantasy movies. The look was very dark and lived in and the story was was intriquing. It made me look forward to the next episode. Only areas i wasnt fond of was the scenes of over the sea, they were a bit plasticky, especially the look of the dragon eggs. Other then that....it was pretty brutal from the get go...children ripped into pieces in the early scenes, decapitations, and nudity and sex every other scene. A midget has a 4some with prostitutes, thats all i needed to make it good.
  10. I loved it , easily my favorite CoD yet. I hated MW2 for its terrible rushed and plot hole filled story and this game has a great story and great characters. Before this game WaW was my favorite CoD, this game improves on it in every way. My favorite change in kill streaks was not just not counting kill streak deaths, but putting the way overpowered dogs from WaW at the very end of the line. I cant speak on spawning problems in multiplayer since i hate TDM in games and never play since i find it boring but i play all the other goal oriented multiplayer games and never have issues. The maps go from tiny to large and all have great flavor and feel to them reminiscent of cold war nostalgia. Another thing few people seem to mention about the game is that the maps feel more "alive" then previous CoD's with the rocket taking off in Launch, maps with moving trains in the background and a detonated nuke.( Also if you blow off all the heads of the mannequins in Nuketown, Sympathy for the Devil starts playing on the loudspeakers). My favorite part of Multi is the wager matches which offer really tense fun modes of play. On top of all that you have 2 zombie maps, a 2d arcade game, and tons of customization options and theater mode. Bottom line if you like CoD , this is the best one made, if you don't, i cant see this turning you around. Also keep in mind i play on a PC ( where fps is meant to be played) and may be a bit bias when it comes to the game, but if you're a pc player and its your platform of choice they do allow dedicated servers unlike the disaster that was MW2, and mod tools are coming down the line in a month or two.
  11. Completely disappointing on the way this series is turning out, i was a big fan of the source material and this is missing all the points of it and the buildup for terrible cliches and stereotypes. Im sure itll still be a pretty good show, but after episode 1 it automatically started to derail. This finale was a train wreck where the cars are undamaged but the tracks are ruined.
  12. TAKE ME WITH YOU!!!! heh have a safe trip man
  13. Tommy is a great guy who always brings nothing but his laptop, artistic knowledge and a smile. I knew most of what he was teaching in his demo but it was still great to watch and made me wanna go home and hit the sketchpad.
  14. The cake was nice but we had nothing to cut it with ...fortunately someone had a sword with them...yes, a sword
  15. Had a great time, sorry for being shy again. I go every year and barely say a word, i dont think anyone even remembers me from previous years but Shawn and Egan because im always so quiet. Someone post the group photo from today.
  16. Wasnt feeling well, i had to leave early right after Booby Trap. Ill be back tomorrow.
  17. New Pictures , nice and big Macross Trial Frontier
  18. per usual ill be there ...but this time after years of promising it i will have an actual completed macross model to display. I actually busted open a Hasegawa the other day and got the sucker primed and ready!
  19. The next Call of Duty has been revealed and its the history of secret operations. seems to be some kinda information they are trying to get out of a soldier and possible flashbacks. The game spans cold war operations, Vietnam, South America, Cuba. Looks pretty badass and i love the look of the new Character. http://kotaku.com/5528598/your-first-look-...-duty-black-ops
  20. I just ran into this great article here, wonderful and interesting about one of the greatest machines ever built. Makes me wish i could suit up and jump into one. I figured alot of you guys would love this. http://gizmodo.com/5511236/the-thrill-of-f...sr+71-blackbird
  21. only have 200 dollars to my name..which i need for the train back to Narita and food for the next five days and i keep walking into Family Marts and seeing the special limited addition orange and white vf-25 being sold. Cry for me oh the temptation ...who cares if i'm stranded in Japan, i've been here four times and adore it. time to play devil /angel on shoulder...go to buy or not to buy!
  22. thanks wolf ill check it out. I agree Horo has to be one of my favorite female anime characters. I love the way her and lawrence tease and play off eachother and ignore the obvious. The landscapes and colors are wonderfully done and im always jumping on the first download i can get each week.
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